Union County Try-out Policy/Procedure for 2013 UCHS 2013

Union County Try-out Policy/Procedure for 2013
UCHS 2013 Volleyball tryouts will be conducted on July 15 from 5:00-7:00pm in the UCHS Main Gym. At
this time, it is our plan to communicate our team selections at the end of the session. This will be to
decide the initial Varsity, Junior Varsity, and freshmen rosters. There will be other opportunities (first
week of school) for new freshmen or other new players to be added at a later time if needed or warranted.
Policy: Selecting our team is a difficult task-the most difficult in all aspects of our coaching, we feel, to
make the decision to keep some and to let others go. We always try to make our decision unbiased and
based on fact. Be assured, whether you make the team or not, our main consideration is whether you can
someday be a contributor to the varsity program. This is difficult to measure and is something over which
we agonize. We do not want to waste your time or have you sit on the bench and feel as if you are not
helping the program. Our team is made up of several different positions that we must fill in order to be
competitive. We can only justify keeping so many players in each of the positions.
Our first priority is to field complete Varsity and JV teams keeping in mind that there may be some
overlap. Some players may play JV and also be counted on to contribute at the Varsity level. Freshmen
will also be considered for JV and even Varsity positions. Middle school students may be allowed to try
out during our initial tryouts this season if they are invited by our coaching staff.
Bottom Line:
Seniors: Must be able to contribute to the varsity team. YOU WILL NOT PLAY DOWN!!!
Juniors: Must be at least a heavy contributor on JV team and show potential to contribute
at the varsity level.
Sophomores: Must be able to at least contribute to the JV team and show future varsity
Freshmen/Middle School: Must at least be able to contribute to the freshmen team.
The following are some of the attributes we look for above the ability to perform the basic skills:
Quickness, speed, and reflexes
Vertical Jump
Core body strength
Muscle Endurance
Height (helps)
Good character
Ability to handle mistakes
We will be evaluating most of these areas during this day of tryouts using both objective and subjective
methods. Keep in mind that we would also like to have a couple team managers this season, so if there is
any potential interest in that position; please let us know. Please do not hesitate to contact Coach Adkins
or Coach ??? if you have any questions or concerns.
Best of Luck to all the players!!
Current State of the Volleyball Bravettes (as of 5/16/13)
As we prepare to begin this year's adventure, I feel it is important to reflect a little on our past and present
as we set our goals for this year. We are ready to step out into the sunlight and become a 2nd region
Our goal this year is simple – BEAT HENDERSON COUNTY!!! Not an easy goal, considering
Henderson County has been at the top of the region for several years, but I'm telling you we have the
potential - we just need everybody to buy into everything and work their hardest to achieve that TEAM
goal. Even if we fall a little short, if we all put in the required effort and attitude needed to achieve a goal
like that - I guarantee that all of us will be the better for the experience. That sounds a lot better to me
than to just go thru the motions and be content with just being okay, but not be a team on a real mission
to be great. I hope all of you agree and will be willing to buy into this attitude and put the team above
yourself so we have a fighting chance to achieve this high goal. Trust me, we will still have a lot of fun
along the way, but if we work harder and smarter at the same time - the feeling you will have at the end of
this season will be with you forever.
As a coach, we must make some tough decisions this season regarding the future of this program and,
especially for those players and their parents that do not make the team, it is not easy. There is little
doubt that this year we will have players not make this team and it will not be because they have such
poor skills. Several will be pretty good skilled players. However, we will decide who will be best for the
team, both short-term and long-term. Also, we will be looking for girls to fill various positions on the floor.
That is just the way this sport works - we can only take so many players at the different positions. You
can't have a real good team with all hitters or all defensive specialists. I know this will not comfort any of
those players that might not make it, but as they say, this is life and there are bumps along the way and
you just grow from each experience and move on. The sun always comes up the next day. As one door
may close, several more do open up.
I hope we all understand the effort and dedication it will take to maintain and hopefully improve on our
current level with regard to being one of the top teams in the state. I hope that all those that end up
making our team this year will put in the required effort and have the necessary attitude for this team and
their teammates. I can tell you there is nothing more frustrating than to look back at a season after it is
completed and play the "what if" game. Let's do our best to have no regrets and that starts with our
attitude and effort each time we take the court from now until the end of the season.