Rogers High School Tennis Team Rules Spring 2007

Villa Walsh Academy Girls Tennis 2014
Dear VWA Tennis Players,
The first day of practice is Monday, August 18th, 2014. During tryouts we will
be meeting on the tennis courts from 9am-12pm. It is vital you are at every
practice the first two weeks. You are required by the state to have 6 practices
before the first match.
Before the season starts, you need to take care of a few important items.
1. Get cleared though the nurse & complete necessary athletics
forms. This requires a physical examination by a doctor and completion
of paperwork. Please go to and follow the prompts to
the athletic sports forms, complete the necessary forms and drop off or
send them in attention to the school nurse, Mrs. Figa.
2. The school physician will be available on July 23rd, from 10-12am
to complete physicals and all physical forms needed. This service is free
of charge and performed on a first come first served basis
3. Sign the Tennis Rules Form. Bring the signed form with you to the first
day of practice.
4. Check your calendar with the tennis schedule. You are going to be
part of a team. Check now for any conflicts that may arise.
5. Visit the conference web site ( for schedules and to
sign up for alerts via text and/or email for the 2014-15 school year. These
alerts will consist of practice and match date and time changes.
Coach McDonald & Coach Harlan
Villa Walsh Academy Tennis Team Rules
Fall 2014
Head Varsity Coach: Alex McDonald,
Contact Policy- I will be accessible via email throughout the season. Please use email as the form of
communication over the course of the year or to speak to me at practice.
Head Junior Varsity Coach: Bruce Harlan,
Varsity Captains
Katie Mulcahy
Katie Kelley
Varsity Expectations
Demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship
Demonstrate a strong work ethic
Approach each practice/match with a positive attitude
Come prepared to each and every tennis function
Display commitment to yourself and teammates
Represent Villa Walsh with pride
Team Rules (In addition to the VW handbook)
Come prepared from start to finish for each practice/match.
Bring all racquets strung gripped, etc…ready for play each day.
Be on time or early to all practices, matches, and team functions.
Maintain high quality sportsmanship and citizenship at all
Abide by the decisions of the coach.
Demonstrate respect to all teammates, players, managers,
opponents and coaches.
Leave Villa Walsh with the team and return with the team on
provided bus for all away matches. You must have signed out
to leave and away match with a parent/guardian. A note from
a parent must be provided in order to leave an away match
with another parent.
Arrive at school no later than 10:30 am on the day of a
match/practice and participate in Physical Education, in order to
Be at all scheduled practices and matches unless cleared by
the athletic office. An unexcused absence from practice the
day before a match will result in a one-match suspension.
All athletes seen by a doctor must have a note handed to the trainer
prior to returning to practice or play.
Always bring a positive attitude.
Set a strong example for your teammates both on and off the courts
Have fun and enjoy the season!
Tryout Information
Tryouts will take place over the course of a two-week period. Players will
participate in skill specific drills and match play while coaches make player
assessments. At the end of the first week players will be informed whether
they are being considered for a JV or Varsity playing spot. Coach McDonald
will meet with ALL players individually to discuss their position in the
After players are assigned to their respective teams, challenge matches
will begin. On Varsity, players #1-#3 on the ladder will play singles. ALL
other players on the ladder are eligible for a doubles position. The two
strongest pairings will play #1 and #2 doubles. At the coach’s discretion
challenge matches may continue through out the season. If any player
loses two challenge matches to the same person, they may not challenge
them again for the remainder of the season.
Playing Time
There are no substitutions allowed in high school tennis. Because of this
rule, whoever starts a match must finish the match or it shall be defaulted.
Playing time cannot be guaranteed to all players. Prior to the NJ State
Tournament deadlines the “starting” Varsity players will play the majority
of matches. Coaches will make every effort to ensure that reserve players
see meaningful action throughout the season.
Junior Varsity
Matches played at the JV level are doubles only. There will not be a
singles ladder associated with the JV team. JV players will participate in
challenge matches to set the initial line up for the season. As the season
progresses ALL players will have the opportunity to participate in match
play. In some instances players may be called upon to participate in a
Varsity match. Players will be given as much advance notice as possible in
these situations.
Important Dates and Off-Season Information
Tryouts Begin: Monday August 18th, 9:00 AM
Tryouts: Week #1 (August 18th-22) Week #2 August 25th-29th)
Off Season Training
Fitness is an integral part of tennis. It is suggested that you come to tryouts
already in tennis form to ensure that we can hit the ground running!
Failure to comply with any of the above may result in probation, suspension, or removal from the team.
Please sign below and retain a copy for your records
I, ___________________________________________, agree to support and follow the rules for Villa
Walsh Tennis.
Athlete Signature
Parent Signature
Parent Email
Parent Phone #
*please return to Coach McDonald on the first day of try-outs