Welcome to Ulrich Intermediate. Below are the campus grading

Dear Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to Ulrich Intermediate. Below are the campus grading guidelines for the 20142015 school year. Please note that each subject area has their own percentage breakdown
regarding how much weight a Test, Quiz or Homework assignment is worth. This
information can be obtained by the individual teachers.
Extra Credit:
All extra credit assignments will be determined by each PLC team as to when they are given and for what assignments.
As a campus we have agreed that the maximum number of points that can be given for assignments are as follows:
Homework = 10 points (maximum of twice each six weeks)
Daily Work = 10 points (maximum of twice each six weeks)
Quizzes = 5 points (only once each six weeks)
Tests/Major Assignments = 5 points (For each major grade/test given)
A PLC team is not required to give extra credit for any assignment. The guidelines above are for regulating the use of
extra credit if a PLC decides to go that route.
Homework assignments are completion grades that are expected to be turned in by all students. The Bulldog
intervention period will be used to make sure student assignments are received in a timely manner.
1st day late = 10 points off
2nd day late = 20 points off
3rd day late = 30 points off
Over 3 days late the highest grade a student will receive is a score of a 50.
Students will not be allowed to turn in incomplete assignments. Students are expected to make an attempt on every
question and work to the best of their ability.
Daily Work:
For Daily assignments the following procedures will follow:
1st day late = 10 points off
2nd day late = 20 points off
3rd day late = 30 points off
Over 3 days late the highest grade a student will receive is a score of a 50.
Students will not be allowed to turn in incomplete assignments. Students are expected to make an attempt on every
question and work to the best of their ability.
Tests/Major Assignments/Projects:
1st day late = 10 points off
2nd day late = 20 points off
3rd day late = 30 points off
Over 3 days late the highest grade a student will receive is a score of a 50.
Students will not be allowed to turn in incomplete assignments. Students are expected to make an attempt on every
question and work to the best of their ability.
Grade Repair:
Grade Repair is only offered in the four core areas (Math, English, Science & Social Studies)
Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction to recover six weeks grades. When a student enrolls in the
Grade Repair program, the students will receive quality instruction. The curriculum will recapture any skills they are
lacking so that they are prepared to receive credit and also be prepared for the STAAR in the spring. This intervention
plan may include students attending after school Grade Repair. The highest grade a student can earn is a 70. This
grade will replace the previous six weeks grade for that particular course. Students enrolled in on-level courses will
need to complete 70% of the grade repair course. Students enrolled in Pre-AP courses may enroll in grade repair and
receive Pre-AP credit but will need to complete 100% of the course.
Re-Test Policy:
Timetable for retaking tests will be one week unless there is extenuating circumstances brought forth by teacher,
student or guardian. Students are required to re-take tests that they fail with a maximum grade of a 70. If the re-take
score is lower than original test the higher of the two scores will be counted.
Requirements students must meet prior to retaking a test are as follows:
Tutoring if indicated by teacher
Self Assessment sheet that indicates areas of strength and weakness
Practice work in area of need
Students are required to re-take any test that falls below passing.
Daily assignments and projects/major grades other than tests will be determined by each individual PLC on campus
based on need. This information will be made available to all students and parents through in class discussions, parent
contact and information posted on teacher websites.