August 27, 2013, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm



Sacramento ASTD Board Meeting

August 27, 2013, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

This meeting will be conducted via conference call

> Dial your telephone conference line: 719-785-4469 or (888) 450-4821

> Cell phone users dial: 719-785-4469

> Enter your passcode: 197954

Attendees: Tina Shaw, Bruce Winner, Tom Moore, Dennis Wade, Larry Hiner, Tyler Wade, Janet


Absent: Judy Isaman, Lawrence Hiner IV, Art Cruz

Speaker/Person Topic

Tina Shaw






Welcome, Call to order / Opening Remarks

1) Approve June minutes

2) Support staff report –Janet: hours for June-July

Spreadsheet details available on request

3) Fundamentals Overhaul

4) Volunteers and Board Election

5) Newsletter discussion

6) SAHRA Partnership and Conference Booth – results and next steps


45 minutes

NOTES: Tina forwarded June Minutes to Board via email.

Support Hours

: June- 34.5 and July-29.75

Fundamentals Overhaul


Presenters and some participants have had some struggles with the current

Fundamentals materials. Tina and Bruce discussed options and decided it would be best to have one person take on the rewrite and facilitation of Fundamentals going forward. Katrina Kennedy specializes in Train the Trainer and has agreed to take on the overhaul of the program and be the facilitator for two sessions per year. We have agreed to pay a stipend for development and a fee per head, though the actual amounts are still to be determined. Katrina sees this as a win-win for the Chapter and for her business and is not expecting her “usual” rate.

One of our goals is to continue to use TF profits to send Board Members to ALC. The price point currently is too low to pay for a presenter so with the overhaul will come a price increase. We will not be able to set a final price until after we talk to Katrina and come to agreement on the fee per head, but we are looking at a member rate around

$150-200, and the non-member rate being $60 more with membership included.


Volunteers and Board Election


Received nominations from July retreat, via email, and at SAHRA networking event.

Discussed interest, qualifications, and potential fit of the interested parties.

Nominating Committee: Tyler, Tina, Bruce and Dennis. Selecting nominees and putting ballot together. Committee is meeting later this week to discuss next steps.

Tom Moore is running for President. Judy Isaman is running for Finance. Alex Read and Laura Perez are interested in being Programs Co-Directors. Michele Mariscal expressed interest in Membership or Programs, but more likely Membership. We have a list of others who have expressed interest in positions, some more than one position.

The committee will reach out to these people to determine where they might best fit.

Larry: Would Joseph be a good fit for comm. Associate? His LinkedIn ASTD Sac group activity is appealing. Would be nice to have the support. Groom for potential replacement. (Recommended ACTION for Larry: Contact Joseph to gauge his interest and availability.)

Newsletter Discussion:

Tina and Larry had a conversation recently re: concerned whether we’re fulfilling true meaning of CORE requirements without communication piece (newsletter) that talks about National and topics of interest to members. Tina asked, “Is a newsletter something we want to put our time and effort into?” After some discussion the Board agreed we should revive the electronic newsletter and make it a monthly with links to our website, articles, National information, etc.

ACTION: Larry will take the lead on this project and look at other Chapter newsletters for formatting and content ideas. Expected launch of first issue is October.



SAHRA was pleased with our contribution to the joint mixer event. Our participation was about building a partnership and creating a long-term presence with the SAHRA audience. We don’t necessarily expect to sell memberships at the event, but to build awareness of what we offer and encourage people to attend one of our programs.

We are working on a partnership of reciprocation with SAHRA. We have invited them to be a sponsor at our conference in September, and we want to continue partnering with them in the future.

Judy Isaman



State of the Coffer 5

Tom Moore and

Bruce Winner



Program Review and Conference Update 15

Bruce: Have conference call tomorrow with Sac State representatives and Janet. Have


50+ attendees signed up. Great group of speakers. Conference call is to get CCE to finish final planning. Really strong list of speakers. Have 6 simultaneous tracks with 4 speakers each throughout the entire day. Tom found a dynamic keynote speaker. My only Board request is to tell your network about it. Encourage people to come and help us sell seats. Only disappointment is sponsors. Haven’t gotten last year sponsors on board. Not sure why not. Working on potential new sponsors.

Tina: I would like to acknowledge Bruce, Tom and Janet for all of your hard work on this conference. Without a Special Projects Director, you guys are going above and beyond with all these other programs. You always pull through. Thank you.

Bruce: Extra Note on Agenda re: ALC

Special Events


Vacancy 0

Dennis Wade



Membership activities report

ACTION: Dennis: Don’t have current membership numbers. Will email to Board

5 later.

I have a volunteer to welcome people, but lost volunteer to follow up. Dennis will reach out to others on the volunteer list to find a replacement.

Tina: In Wild Apricot, we currently have 252 active members.

Larry: LinkedIn group of 470 would be great to mine for new members.

JI: We have 11 new members alone from Conference- 9 registrations bundled with membership and 2 non-member presenters signed up as members.

Dr. Larry Hiner


Communication activities report 5


Larry: Communication plan. Do some of the stuff virtually. Lawrence has stated his willingness to work on website audit. Maybe get together with Janet and get back to the Board with recommendations.

Tina: Audit is good place to start. Check content, links, see if everything is working.

Worth exploring what Wild Apricot would charge to design a site for us?

ACTION: Larry: Lawrence, Janet, Jeanette Monahan and I can talk so we are clear on specifications to send to WA.

Lawrence Hiner IV and Art Cruz


Marketing activities report 5



Emailed Notes:

Art and company have the story on Vignette. Thank you for taking the lead on that.

Great work!

Sac Biz Journal is still interested in sponsoring one of our regular sessions as soon as

October. I will be in touch with Theresa about that option in the weeks to come.

As the year comes to a close, I would like to conduct a website audit to ensure accuracy and functionality of I will take any help offered and intend to partner with whomever has access to the site for corrections/updates. Any recommendations for style, function, or organization changes will come to the board for approval.

Tyler Wade

Special Projects


ASTD Board


Open discussion/wrap up and close 5


ALC Discussion

This is the biggest investment we make and in order to keep costs down we need to start booking now. Typically, the top priority is the incoming

President going to ALC, followed by Programs and new people to the Board.

Others may go if budget allows. Board agreed with this priority list.

This year Tom is incoming President and Bruce will be presenting with Tom at

ALC, so both are going. New Program Co-Directors Alex and Laura are next on the list. Judy has committed to 2 nd year and has indicated interest in going.

We will check with other incoming Board to see who would be available to go and then decide what we can afford.

More Election Discussion:

Dennis, Bruce, Tyler, Tina: getting election project going. Tyler is ON the line.

Larry: If you have anyone who looks promising in the communication area, I’d be happy to have a conversation with them to discern possibility.

2013 ASTD Sacramento Board Meetings (schedule subject to change)

August 27, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual

September 24, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual

October 22, 5:30-7:00 pm, Los Rios CCD

November 19, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual

