Agenda - ATD Sacramento Chapter

Sacramento ASTD Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
This meeting will be conducted via conference call
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (or hopefully shorter)
Dial your telephone conference line: 1-719-785-4469 or 1-888-450-4821
Cell phone users dial: 1-719-785-4469
Enter your passcode: 669470
Participant Conference Feature
*6 - Mute/unmute your line
Board Members: Tom Moore, President, Tina Shaw, Past-President, Bruce Winner,
Communications & Marketing, Michele Mariscal, Membership, Judy Isaman, Finance, Alex Read, CoPrograms Director – President Elect, Sherry Walck, Co-Programs Director, Scott Nipper, Special
Events Director, Alona Jennings, Special Events Associate Emma Jane Santa, Communications
Absent: Todd Greider, Marketing Associate
Tina Shaw
Welcome, Call to order / Opening Remarks
1) State of the Chapter
2) Election Date?????
3) Support staff report – September – Janet 49 hours +
Art 11.02 hours - spreadsheet details available on
4) ALC General Session report out
5)Website Update
6) Regional ASTD Chapter Call Update
Janet: Support staff report – September – Janet 49 hours + Art 11.02 hours
Bruce: ALC General Session report out. Thanks to everyone for their support. Group
effort, very well recd. High point of my ALC experience.
Tom: Lot of work went into that. Thank you, Bruce, for all the hard work.
Website Update: Bruce – Emma has updated the website. Working within the confines
of WA, made it look very special.
Emma: Kind of challenge. WA – Following the ATD chapter branding website. Shoot
me an email if you see any pages that still have blue or green colors. Some things I
have missed or haven’t seen yet.
Tom: Second the fact that it looks so awesome.
Regional Chapter Call: Tom can forward his notes to everyone. Only thing I thought
might be of interest: webcast on Thursday on Onboarding.
Tonight’s meeting is mainly to discuss our ALC action items. Everyone have a
print out?
Everyone states their 3 Actionable Items for 2015.
Tom read his goals to the group.
Alex: Michele and I had a phone call last week and talking about how we
could collaborate on membership goals.
Michele: Lots of great ideas for recruiting and retaining members, especially
with TF new members.
Jennifer: We both attended “On the Road Again” at ALC. Trying to think of an
org that is unique and HQ in Sac. Research to target ppl in those orgs and
comm. Value to participants. Facility tour. Explore what has been done and
new ways to target ppl in a more strategic way.
Bruce: Level of feedback was exemplary. Serve in an advisory role.
Sherry: Kind of hard to follow Bruce. You have gotten in the way and have
been phenomenal, Bruce. I had a great time at ALC and to see the art of the
possible. Want to continue our tradition of excellent programs. Icebreaker
events, breakfast events. Travel to and from workday middle of day can be an
impediment. Try breakfast meetings. Webinars and another Road Show.
Collaborating with other BM to add value and add growth and retention. Alex
and I brainstorming ideas as listed. Been really remiss in posting on LI Group.
If we want to be a leadership group, we could be that energizing presence if
we make more of an effort to be involved online.
Judy: Opening session I really loved the creativity with the Throwdown
presentation. Loved App on a Stick: Clothespin and happy face. Increasing
Board’s transparency. Want to look at and help with the Board Metrics. Would
like to see us better utilize Parliamentary procedures. Format we recd in one
of the workshops. FD role has changed now that we have a VA. Job
description needs updating to reflect changes. Study CARE Toolkit. Perception
is reality: Recommendation on finance reporting to govt agencies. Create Job
Aid to help for new FD. Accurate financial report with new Chart. Get our
forecasting done before January. Sent out a draft Forecast. Did I capture all
of the categories? Hopefully easier to implement and get all of the forecasting
info. Looked into a new 2016 FD.
Bruce: January meeting in December. Can we meet in person on Saturday,
12/6 at Los Rios instead of our in person meeting in January? 8:30 - 1
November Board Meeting: 12/6
December Board Meeting:
Tom, Sherry, Alex, Bruce, Judy, Janet, Emma, Jennifer, Scott and Alana.
Michele: Not sure and Tina: Maybe.
Todd: No.
Sherry and Alex
Program Review
ALC actionable items report
Alex: Emailed evaluation Report for Sept and Oct event.
Sept Conf – 32 Evaluations. 7 Questions. Lowest score 4.2. All in mid 4’s.
Oct Conf –
Alex: I was a little uncomfortable, as it was a little pitchy. Surprised by how Steve
approached the topic. Eval came back extremely positive. Highest we have had all
year. Lowest 4.6.
Sherry: Do we need a vetting process before they speak in front of our group?
Tom: If you see their website and videos, I thought he did exactly what I thought he
would do.
Jennifer: Anecdotally, my people thought it was too pitchy.
Judy: I have a checklist from NSA that I would be happy to share with you, Sherry.
Scott Nipper/Alona
Special Events
Special Events – any updates?
Scott: I want to thank everyone for their work on the conference. All of the sessions
were well attended. Got the impression that everyone got a lot out of the day. The
volunteers helped keep everything organized and running smoothly.
Re: eSIG – Maybe going to every other month instead of every month? More time to
create content and make it more exciting. I need to find a new location. ALTA CA Reg
Center has been great but time to fine new meeting place.
SIG are free for other chapters. I am not sure we
Tina: If free, a member benefit and non-members have to pay.
Judy: I think it is a great item to discuss. Let’s talk about at our December
event. Think about it and vote on that as a Board.
Michelle: I would like if we could put that on the agenda for Dec. ALC: CPLP
Study Group with another chapter, used it as a place draw more income for
non-members. Core group was free. ALE CPLP 10 Expertise. Learning
Bruce: Tremendous event, overall ppl very positive. Generated revenue $15k and
$700 Field Guides as raffle items. Successful experiment with paying more $ to
speakers and smaller sessions.
Deep Dive Net of $4-6K. Comes down to filling that event. Really need to push to
everyone we know. Might be able to sell out.
Michele Mariscal
Membership activities report
ALC actionable items report
Bruce Winner
Communication activities report
ALC actionable items report
Bruce Winner
Marketing activities report
Judy Isaman
State of the Coffer
ALC actionable items report
Tina Shaw
Past President
Special Projects
Sharon Bowman update…
Tina: I have the book from Ma Barker to get to Janet.
Question about ALC: Leadership Toolkit that have been available in the past. They
used to be available
ASTD Board
Open discussion/wrap up and close
2014 ASTD Sacramento Board Meetings (schedule subject to change)
November 25, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
December – No board meeting. Shark Tank Holiday Dinner Program.