
1. Most Egyptians lived in ..
Northern Egypt
Southern Egypt
Eastern Egypt
Western Egypt
2. This person was the pharaoh’s “right hand man”
The priest
The scribes
The vizer
The queen
3. This French scholar translated the Rosetta Stone into Greek?
Howard Carter
Jean Champollion
Charles Darwin
Napolean Bonaparte
4. The Egyptians referred to the Nile River as the
life brother
life giver
5. Why were scribes respected in Egypt?
they were low level gods
they were related to Ramses 11
they were generals in the army
they could read and write
6) It took 70 days to prepare an Egyptian mummy.
a) True
b) False
7) The brain of the pharaoh was preserved during mummification.
a) True
b) False
8) The annual flooding of the Nile River left rich silt behind allowing Egyptians to farm.
a) True
b) False
Column A
Column B
The feather of truth _B___
A. the longest river in the world
The Nile A
B. a heart was weighed against this.
Tombs or Pyramids __E_
C. Egyptian writing
Papyrus ___J
D. 200 spells that was buried with the mummy
The book of the Dead _D__
E. a place where Pharaohs were buried
Natron __H_
F. has hieroglyphics, pictographs and Greek on it
Hieroglyphics __C_
G. Egyptian god who was the guide to the afterlife
Polytheist _I__
H. a type of salt used to dry out a body
Triangle ___
I. believing in more than one god
Rosetta Stone __F_
J. a reed Egyptians used to make a type of paper
Complete the social pyramid of Egyptian society.
Priests & Scribes
Peasant farmers
Describe the position held by the pharaoh in Egyptian times, at least 3 facts. Answer
using complete sentences. The Pharaoh was the direct link to the gods He was the high
priest of all gods. Owner lands and citizens. Leader of all armies. Bestower (appoints) all
positions in the land.
List three responsibilities of the priests and scribes in Egyptian society. Collected taxes,
kept records, educated the young and wrote reports,
1) Ancient Egyptians believed that each person had two souls the ba and the ka.
Explain the meaning of each and why these terms were so important to an
Egyptian’s beliefs. Answer in paragraph form. Ba is their physical body and the
Ka is their soul. Important as the Egyptians were the first ones to believe in the
2) The Shaduf was very important in Egyptian times. In a paragraph describe what
it was used for, what it looked like and how it worked. Also, indicate how it
impacted farmers. Draw it. It was a lever with a bucket at one end and a counter
weight at another. It saved the farmer much work as it allowed them to move
water from the irrigation ditches to the farm land.
3) Explain why the Greeks called ancient Egypt “the Gift of the Nile.” The Nile
provided many things for the Egyptians. Fertile soil after the flood, papyrus,
water, mode of transportation.
4) What would you take with you to the Egyptian afterlife? Explain why you would
take these things. Opinionated question. Something important to you as long as
you explain it.
5) Considering all the information discussed in class and the documentaries watched
in class, which Egyptian contributions/inventions in your opinion have impacted
our world the most. Elaborate on at least 2 contributions or inventions in your
response and answer in a proper paragraph. Architecture, writing (hieroglyphics),
laws,(Rosetta Stone) women’s rights, Shaduf (irrigation tools)
6) In a paragraph explain why Lower Egypt was better suited for civilization than
Upper Egypt. Use at least 3 reasons from your notes. Better farming, closer to
the Mediterranean Sea which allowed for transportation, trade and cultural
exchange. The delta was isolated and protected by desert on the East and West.
Many types of water fowl. (food)
7) In a paragraph answer the following questions. What was the Rosetta Stone used for?
Where did they find it? What were 2 different scripts inscribed on it? Who deciphered
the hieroglyphics using the stone? It was used to understand ancient writings. Found in
the City of Rosetta. It had pictographs, hieroglyphics and Greek writing on it. Jean
Champollion took 10 years to decipher it.
Using a chart compare and contrast the way women were treated in Mesopotamia and
Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, if a man asked a woman to marry him, she could
say no. Women were not equal with men, but they had considerably more rights
than women did in other ancient civilizations.
One of their rights was the right to decide if they wished to marry or not. A woman in
ancient Egypt could not be forced into marriage. Along with raising the children and
running the household, women were free to get a paid job outside the home, if they
wanted one. They could run a business. They could own, buy, and sell property.
They could make a will and leave their personal goods to whomever they chose,
including their daughters. If they broke the law, they had go to court and defend
themselves from the charge, just like everyone else.
One of the biggest rights a woman had was the right of divorce. If a woman was
unhappy with her marriage, she could get a divorce, and then remarry someone else
or remain single. To be granted a divorce, a woman needed to present a good reason
in a court of law. If her divorce was granted, she gained custody of the children,
along with all of her original dowry if one was brought to the marriage - or its
equivalent worth - plus one-third of her husband's wealth. This was done so that she
could raise her children comfortably. She also took with her any property she
personally owned, including property that had been willed to her during her
Men could also get a divorce, but, if granted, women still gained custody of her
children, her original dowry, and a big chunk of his wealth.
2) Why was the process of mummification so important to Ancient Egyptians? They
were the first to believe in the afterlife so the elaborate ritual became of great