Pupil Premium Supporting Documentation Hackney

Pakeman Primary School
Pupil Premium
Supporting Documentation
Useful Websites / Documents
NOTE: IF links don’t work, copy URL into google search box and the document should appear in the list
below. Otherwise search by title and they should come up.
Pupil Premium: Making it work in your school
The Pupil Premium: how schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement
In autumn 2012, Her Majesty’s Inspectors visited 68 primary and secondary schools to see how effectively
they were spending their Pupil Premium funding to maximise achievement. This report draws together
some of the effective practice that inspectors saw. It is accompanied by a set of documents to help schools
to analyse gaps in achievement and plan their actions effectively.
Evaluation of pupil premium
Research report looking at how schools spent pupil premium funds and what they plan to do with funding in
future years.
How Schools are Using the Pupil Premium: OfSTED
The aim of this survey was to identify how schools were using this money to raise achievement and
improve outcomes for these pupils.
The Pupil Premium: Analysis and challenge tools for schools
This booklet accompanies Ofsted’s Pupil Premium report (January 2013). It contains a series of tools that
schools can use to help them to analyse where there are gaps in achievement between pupils who are
eligible for the Pupil Premium and those who are not, and to plan the action they need to take
Pupil Premium Calculator: Education Endowment Foundation
This calculator shows your school's Pupil Premium allocation for 2012-13 (when the Premium was worth
£623 for each eligible child) and provides an estimate for 2013-14, when the value of the Premium will rise
to £900.
Pupil Premium: What You Need to Know – DfE
Useful Information and some frequently asked questions
Key to Success Website
Use this to download up to date FSM children into school management system
Sutton Trust Teaching and Learning Toolkit
The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit is an accessible summary of educational research
which provides guidance for teachers and schools on how to use theirresources to improve the attainment
of disadvantaged pupils.
Best Evidence Research Encyclopaedia
- presents reliable, unbiased reviews of research-proven educational programmes for primary and
secondary education.
General characteristics of a well-spent Pupil Premium
General characteristics of a poorly-spent Pupil Premium
Proper analysis of where pupils are underachieving and
A lack of clarity about intended impact.
Indiscriminate spending on teaching assistants.
Good use of research evidence, including the Sutton
Trust’s Toolkit, when choosing activities.
Focus on high quality teaching, rather than relying on
interventions to compensate. The best teachers lead
English/maths intervention groups.
No monitoring of quality/impact of interventions.
An unclear audit trail.
Focus solely on pupils attaining the Level 4 benchmarks
(and not any higher).
Frequent use of achievement data to check
effectiveness of interventions. School adjust techniques
constantly, rather than waiting until after the intervention.
Pupil Premium is spent in isolation and is not part of
school development plan.
Systematic focus on clear pupil feedback and advice for
improving their work.
Designated senior leader has clear overview of the
funding allocation.
All teachers are aware of their Premium children so they
can take responsibility for progress.
Strategies are available for improving attendance,
behaviour or family links if these are an issue.
School compares performance to local, not national,
Pastoral work is not focused on the desired outcomes for
Schools cannot present evidence to show whether work
had been effective.
Governors are not involved in taking decisions.
Performance management of staff includes discussions
about Premium children.
See more at: http://www.sec-ed.co.uk/best-practice/secrets-to-success-how-to-spend-the-pupil-premium#sthash.D6WhH4Uw.dpuf
Questions for Governors
Do governors know how pupil premium children are performing in your school?
Is there a gap? In which areas? If there are gaps, are pupil premium children progressing at a
faster than normal rate?
Is there a culture of high expectations - a “no excuses” culture? Can you be sure there is no
stigma attached to being FSM / to receiving interventions? How are FSM parents targeted
without there being a stigma?
Do governors know how much money is allocated to the school for the Pupil Premium? Is
this money identified in the school’s budget planning?
Does the school have a pupil premium policy which is clearly understood by all and includes
a clear rationale for how PP money is spent?
Is there a key member of staff (SLT) to lead PP? Is there a link governor for PP?
Does the SIP include issues in performance related to PP?
Is money being used to introduce new initiatives OR extend existing interventions? On what
Have leaders / governors considered research and reports about what works to inform their
decisions about how to spend the Pupil Premium?
Do governors know whether actions are working and are of suitable quality? How do
governors track how the pupil premium is allocated and the impact it is having on
standards? Are progress and outcomes of eligible children identified and analysed by
tracking systems
What does half termly / termly data show with regard to impact?
Are interventions adapted or changed if they are not working?
Are there links made between attendance / punctuality / behaviour and attainment? Are
there case studies / evidence showing impact of pastoral interventions - attitudes to
learning, attendance, behaviour
Do governors know how the school spends this money? What improvements has the
allocation brought about? How is this measured and reported to governors and parents via
the school’s website?
If this funding is combined with other resources, can governors isolate and check on the
impact of the funding and ascertain the difference it is making?