Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter (Autumn term 16th October 2015) Greetings from Year 6 in France By the time you are reading this newsletter Year 6 will be travelling back to school. I know that the children are all looking forward to coming home and sharing their stories with you all. Diary Dates Please do look at the school calendar on our website/school app, this is under our ‘School Life’ section. Here you will find dates for class assemblies, school-wide events, meetings, CHaT meetings, INSET days and class trips across the year. This calendar will of course be up dated as the school year progresses. More details about each event will be given through the newsletter nearer the given date. Year 6 Residential Trip to France The Year 6 children and teachers have had a fantastic week in France. They have had an opportunity to practise their French and visit key sites from WW1. We are sure the French Disco was a highlight too! Do visit the school website to see a selection of photos from the Year 6 Residential Trip to France. These photos can be viewed under the ‘gallery’ section. Year 4’s Visit to the Verulamium Museum Year 4 went back in time this week when they visited the Roman town of Verulamium which is part of present day Saint Albans. The children dressed in Roman costume and took part in interactive activities. They also looked at mosaics in the museum and explored the park which is now above the remains of the Roman town. “I really enjoyed learning about the Roman market.” Dylan “I found out that the Romans loved oysters and they didn’t have sugar.” Rosie Harvest Festival donations for the Redbridge Refugee Centre Thank you to all of our families who supported our Harvest Festival donation of dry foodstuffs to the Redbridge Refugee Centre. As a Rights and Respecting UNICEF school, the children are aware of Article 22: Children in War need to be especially cared for. Thank you to our School Rights and Respecting Ambassadors, along with Mrs Daniel, who helped co-ordinate this collection within school. Science Week Last week each year group investigated a different 'accidental discovery' during our science week. The children learnt how to carry out investigations using scientific techniques and looked at scientists and the accidental discoveries they made. A sample of these investigations included Year 1, who after they found out chocolate chips were discovered by accident, enjoyed melting chocolate for chocolate chip cookies and Year 3 looked at how Teflon was accidently discovered and the many ways it is used today. For more exciting experiments, why don't you visit one of these websites below to try an experiment at home? Maybe you will discover something by accident! Here are some experiments to try: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/experiments.html http://www.sciencebob.com/experiments/ http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/homeexpts/homeexpts.html http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/activities/funscience/ Reception Parent Meeting There is a meeting for parents of Reception pupils next Thursday 22nd October at 6pm. At this meeting the teachers will show parents the way the children in reception are taught to read, write and use numbers, along with some tips on other subjects too. Ideas will be given on how to support your child at home. Reception Parents are invited to sample the school dinner Parents and carers are welcome to join us for dinner on Monday 19th October or Tuesday 20th October. Please let the reception staff know which day you plan to join them, either by email or letter. This is an opportunity to experience what the children are eating – the cost for this is £2.26 without dessert or £2.85 with dessert. Please be at the front reception at 11:45am on the day you are joining us. You are welcome to stay in the dining hall with your child up to 12:30pm. Have a great week-end. Edward Cottle