Reception newsletter 19th June 2015

Friday 19th June 2015
Fast 5 words only
Caterpillar update!
We have been watching our
caterpillars carefully for some
time now. After a while crawling
around and spinning webs, they
finally began to build cocoons for
themselves – hanging from the top
of the tub! Eventually they began
to shake and wriggle and started
to break free. At first they were
sticky and delicate and sat quietly,
drying their wings until they were strong enough to fly. Once ready –
we set them free into our outdoor area. Hopefully they will stay near
because of all the beautiful wild flowers that are now growing
around the school.
Reception Swimming
You should have received a text informing you
that next week – Friday 26th June, Reception
class will start their first session of swimming
over at Stanley school. ( 26th June – 17th July,
each Friday). Your child will need to bring in
swimming trunks/costume and a towel in a bag
please (all labelled) on those days. They will be taught by our
excellent coaches who have vast experience working with adults and
children of all age groups and abilities. I cannot stress how
important it is that all our children take part. It may be a good idea
to practice with your child at home, drying themselves after they
get out of the shower/bath and putting on their trunks/costumes
independently. The faster the children get dressed – the longer they
have in the pool. They may only wear goggles if they can put them on
Daily Mile
The children in Reception have been taking part in the school’s ‘Daily
Mile’ challenge. Some of the classes
throughout the school have begun to walk
or jog up to a mile each day in order to
boost fitness and concentration levels in
our pupils. The children work hard to beat
their times and it has been very popular so far. In Reception we have
been walking or jogging around half a mile and they seem very
enthusiastic. At first many children found it very challenging – but
they have not given up and all the children have improved. Well done!
Friday 3rd July – Race for Life (children to come to school
wearing sporty gear suitable for jogging – sponsorship forms have
already been sent out).
Monday 6th July – MacMillan Dress Up and Dance.
Nursery/wraparound/Reception please wear 80’s style clothing
for the event.
Thank you
Miss Grant, Mrs Jones,
Miss Bennett and Mrs Peter