Reception Class - Reydon Primary School

Reception Class
Autumn Term 1 2015
Dear Parents,
We hope you all had an excellent summer and that the children are all rested and ready to go. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank you for attending the ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ and the ‘Welcome to Reception’
General class reminders
Curriculum outline
Phonics work –Key sounds will be sent home that
relate to our daily phonics lessons and it is
important that the children practise these at home.
The first topic we will be looking at within this half term will be ‘All about me’.
We will aim to explore our bodies, hands, listening, looking, health and faces.
During the first half term pupils will be learning the routines of the class and
how to access and use the bases within provision time. All of the prime and
specific areas of learning will be covered, although special attention will be
given to Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development,
Communication and Language, Literacy and Mathematics. Below is an
overview of some of the things that will be covered within adult-led and
learning-base time.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – The children will begin to learn
the rules of the classroom and the routines. They will be encouraged to
demonstrate friendly behaviour and form good relationships with their peers
and familiar adults and show confidence in asking adults for help.
Physical Development – Lots of emphasis will be put onto developing gross
motor and then fine motor control of equipment and pencils and other mark
making tools. During PE sessions children will be encouraged to dress
independently and begin to develop their knowledge of healthy eating.
Communication and Language – The children will begin to learn how to focus
and maintain their attention during carpet time sessions and provision base
time. They will also develop their understanding and speaking through a range
of activities.
Mathematics – To be able to recognise some numerals of personal significance
and recognise numerals from 1 to 5. Children will gain experience of counting
up to three or four objects by saying one number name for each item.
Children will also gain knowledge of and explore mathematical names and
terms for 3D and 2D shapes.
Literacy – The children will carry on their journey with phonics and will explore
phase 2 letter sounds that include s, a, t, p, i, n. They will learn to hear and say
the initial sounds in words and develop their ability to look at books
independently and show an interest in illustrations. The children will also be
encouraged and taught to give meaning to the marks they make as they draw,
write and paint.
Reading at Home – The pupils will start to have
reading books within this half term and should be
encouraged to read at least twice a week to
encourage the children to practise the phonic
knowledge they will be developing and encourage a
love and interest of books.
Homework – Will be sent each week and will
involve a task related to Maths or English learning.
Weather – The weather is still usually warm this
time of year and all reception children should have
a sun hat, sun cream and water bottle with them
each day. Staff are unable to apply sun cream to
the children but we can make sure they have
applied it themselves. Equally, welly boots and rain
coats should be brought in on wet or cold days.
This will allow all the reception children to access
the outside area during learning time to encourage
the children to maximise their learning potential.
Junk modelling – All recyclables such as: plastic
bottles, cardboard boxes (of any size), cardboard
rolls, plastic containers, Pringles tubes, milk bottle
tops etc would be gratefully received to replenish
the junk modelling area.
PE days – Will now be on Tuesday afternoons
Meet the teacher session – Monday 21st
September 3:30 – 4:00. An informal chat in the
reception classroom.
Guest speakers
As mentioned above our topic this half term is ‘All about me‘. I am eager for the children to listen to and to learn about their
bodies, hands, eyes, ears and general health. If you would be interested in coming into the class during school time and talking to
the children about any of these areas please talk to myself, Miss Goldsmith or Mrs Doy. Your job may relate to one of these areas
or you may have a hobby, such as sports, that relate to general health and fitness.
Thank you for your co-operation. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak to me after school.
Mr Hedges