Welcome to Team Vision 7-1 The teachers of Team Vision are looking forward to the year ahead with each of you! In order to make this year the best it can be, we believe sharing the following information and team expectations will be a helpful start! Contact Information: Mrs. Kissel Math (Team Leader) ekissel@ccs.k12.in.us Mr. Dux Social Studies jdux@ccs.k12.in.us Mrs. Harter Language Arts rharter@ccs.k12.in.us Mr. Bullock Science jbulloc1@ccs.k12.in.us Mr. Shideler Wellness bshidele@ccs.k12.in.us Miss Rebholz Special Education krebholz@ccs.k12.in.us Expectations, Rules, and Policies: In order to provide all students with the opportunities, environments, and resources to successfully perform to the best of their abilities, all team teachers share many common rules and policies, including those explained in the Cougar Caper. The following expectations are designed to provide the best learning for all students. Assignment Notebook (Cougar Caper): Each student is required to bring his/her assignment notebook to every class every day. Students are required to record assignments written on the board in their assignment notebooks. A written pass in the back of the assignment notebook is required for permission to leave the classroom. Make-Up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete work after an absence. Students can keep up with most assignments simply by accessing the homework section of the team website. These homework sites are meant to be aids—please understand that information may be changed each day. If a student is absent for three or more days, a parent may contact the team leader to make arrangements to pick-up assignments from the school. Once a student has received make-up work, he/she must complete it prior to the following class. Therefore, a student has one white/blue rotation (2 days) for each day’s absence in which to submit required make-up work. Late Work: Late Work o First Occurrence: Student is required to turn in the late work during the next class. There will be no academic penalty for the first occurrence. Teachers will note NHI (Not Handed In) in the gradebook as a communication tool and will replace with an appropriate score after the student turns in the assignment. o Second Occurrence: Student is required to turn in the late work during the next class with a written explanation by the student of why. Assignment is accepted with no academic penalty. Teachers will note NHI in the gradebook as a communication tool and will replace with an appropriate score after the student turns in the assignment. o Third Occurrence: This occurrence will result in the same consequences as the second occurrence. However, the teacher will also contact the student’s parent/guardian about the reoccurring issue. o Students will fill out a Missing Assignment notification to their individual teachers when they have not completed an assignment. o After the third occurrence, the student will receive a zero. Retake Policy: o As a team, we have a test retake form. Individual teachers will communicate whether or not students can retake quizzes, depending on how significantly such assessments affect overall grades. Classroom Procedures: Students are held accountable for being in class, in their seat, and on time. If students are not in or on the way to their seats when the bell rings, they will be counted tardy. All materials (text, paper, pens/pencils, binders, folders, Cougar Caper, etc.) are to be brought to every class. Students must respect the rights and property of others. Inappropriate language and/or behavior will not be tolerated. Teachers will verbally dismiss students from each class—the bell does not dismiss students. Students who stay after school for help, detention, or make-up must have parental permission. Each class period is for assignments in that subject only. Students working inappropriately on materials/assignments outside that subject will lose those materials and receive no credit. Students are expected to sign and abide by a technology team contract, as well as school polices regarding cell phones and other electronic devices in order for use to be appropriate and productive. Unless otherwise designated by the teacher, devices should not be used during class and should either remain in the student’s pocket or be docked face down on the student’s desk. MyCCS: MyCCS allows parents and students to access student grades online. Please be aware of the following considerations when monitoring your child’s progress: MyCCS is updated each night from individual teachers’ computer records. However, most teachers do not enter grades each and every day. The best method may be to monitor the grades once each week. MyCCS is intended to convey information about grades earned—not assignments due. Check the team website or individual teachers’ websites for homework assignments. N/A means the grade is not yet available—it does not indicate a missing assignment. Teachers assign a zero to assignments not handed in. This is marked by an NHI (Not Handed In). However, sometimes this is used as a communication tool to indicate that an assignment is not yet turned in (see Late Work above). If MyCCS indicates a zero or a missing assignment, your first step should be to ask your student about the assignment. If your student did the assignment, then he/she should be able to show you the graded assignment. If your student cannot produce the assignment, then there is a high probability that your child did not submit the assignment. If your student feels he/she did the assignment and the grade in MyCCS is an error, then the student should follow up with his/her teacher during class the following day. A small yellow icon in the corner of a grade indicates that the teacher has provided additional feedback for you regarding that grade. To view the comment, simply hover over the icon. Comments may not be available on mobile devices. Core + For one period on blue days, students have Core + team time. This time is designed to allow for a variety of lessons, such as: Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) Assessment retakes/make-ups Overdue assignments Lessons to aid students in the development of better study habits Lessons to aid school-wide reading/writing/math across the curriculum Test-taking skills and/or ISTEP preparation Content area enrichment or remediation activities Team-building activities Students are directly accountable for their performance during this time. Each assignment given during Core + may be graded, with the points earned becoming part of the regular grade in one of the five core subjects. There will not be a separate grade for Core +. Homework Page: In order to access homework assignments online, go to: http://teamvision71.weebly.com/ Your Team Vision teachers hope this information is of help to you!