9TH GRADE ENGLISH ORIENTATION NEWSLETTER August 2014 English 9 Staff Mrs. Lancaster plancaster@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Mrs. Shaw dshaw@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Mrs. Swinson rcswinson@wsfcs.k12.nc.us Mrs. York layork@wsfcs.k12.nc.us East Forsyth High School 2500 West Mountain Street Kernersville, NC 27284 336-703-6735 MATERIALS NEEDED FOR CLASS 1 two-inch, loose-leaf notebook divided into five sections blue or black pens #2 pencils with erasers highlighter post-it-notes index cards Welcome to the home of the Fighting Eagles! For success in English 1, students will need to master several areas of the English 1 curriculum. They will be immersed in an extensive study of literature and writing. Emphasis will be placed on learning about the major genres of literature and the necessary terminology to discuss these works knowledgeably. Daily grammar study, weekly vocabulary instruction, including Greek and Latin root vocabulary work, and frequent writing assignments will be used. A Common Core Test will be given at the end of the course as the final exam. It is a timed assessment and contains multiple-choice questions and constructed written responses. There are three levels of English 1: Regular, Honors, and Seminar. ENGLISH 1 (REGULAR and HONORS) These courses explore the ways that audience, purpose, and context shape oral communication, written communication, and media and technology. While emphasis is placed on communication for personal expression, students also engage in meaningful communication for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. Development of research and presentation skills is also emphasized. ENGLISH 1 (SEMINAR) This is a fast paced course that requires students to work independently and in small groups both inside and outside of the classroom. Students who are highly motivated; able to multi-task; willing to read outside of class and keep up with a rigorous work load will do well in this demanding course. Students will be expected to complete projects, presentations and writing assignments while being prepared for frequent student run discussions. Students who are interested in taking A.P. English in the 11th grade are encouraged to take this course; however, it is not required. Students who take seminar receive the same credit as Honors English 1 students. GRADES MATTER! FIRST TIME to COUNT on TRANSCRIPT GRADING POLICIES STATED Class work each quarter will be graded with the following percentages in mind: Tests/projects=45% Quizzes=30% Classwork/homework=25% The Common Core Exam will count as 20% of the final course grade. This is the first year that your grades will be recorded on an official transcript that colleges and universities request for college entrance requirements. It is imperative that you do your best. Attend class every day. Absences impede your academic progress. Make up any work missed promptly. Students have two days for each absence to make up work. Any work not made up within the time allowed will receive a grade of ZERO. EXPECTATIONS: Diligent Effort Required Daily! TUTORING is offered each week. See your teacher for details and times. You will be expected to be on time every day, prepared to work. Check anything other than a positive attitude at the door. All school policies will be followed and enforced. Students will be required to do homework regularly. Outside reading and writing tasks are assigned frequently. Assignments will be due on the assigned date. Late work will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances as determined by the teacher. ABSENCES! If you are ill and cannot come to school for an extended period of time, please call the guidance department. Your guidance counselor will have all of your teachers send your assignments to the guidance department. Your parent can then pick up the assignments any time during the following school day so you will not be so far behind. Parental involvement is encouraged through participation in parent-teacher conferences, East PTSA membership, and monitoring your student’s grades online. We look forward to helping you succeed!