Welcome to Miss Smyers*s 9th Grade English Class

English 9
Ms. Smyers
Email: smyersk@fairfield.k12.pa.us
School phone (High School Office): (717) 642-2004
Room: 241 A
Website: www.smyersk.wikispaces.com - use this! It is full of resources and information!
Course Description
Welcome to Freshmen year! This semester, we will explore various genres of literature including short stories,
fiction and the structure of plot, poetry, non-fiction, and drama. A variety of types of writing will also be
explored such as descriptive, narrative, expository, informative, and persuasive, as well as research. Students
will be assessed though various assignments, including tests, quizzes, writing assignments, and projects. You
are expected to put your best work forth each class period, and to be an active participant in class.
Class Rules/Expectations
1. Be on time for class (in the room BEFORE the bell rings). Disciplinary action will be as follows: first
offense = warning; second offense = parent notification; third offense = office referral
2. Respect others and yourself in the classroom. This will make class enjoyable and comfortable for
everyone. Disrespect (teasing, taunting, threatening, etc.) will not be tolerated and may result in
disciplinary action.
3. Participate effectively and enthusiastically in discussions and group work. Both are necessary
components of this course.
4. Students must present a valid pass or signed agenda to enter the classroom late or leave the room for
any reason. I will only sign a completed Passport space in YOUR agenda if you wish to leave the room
for any reason. Also please sign out on the sign out sheet and sign in when you return (located on the
5. All school rules as stated in the Handbook apply in my classroom.
6. Students wishing to use the restroom, request to get a drink, etc. should do so during the first or last 5
minutes of class as appropriate, and you must have your agenda to be permitted to leave the
7. Cell phone use is prohibited in my classroom. Disciplinary action will be as follows: first offense =
warning/put cell phone away; second offense = teacher takes cell phone for the block; third offense =
cell phone is taken to the high school office with a referral.
8. Please remain in your seat until you are dismissed by the teacher. This means no lining up at the
door. The teacher, NOT the bell, will dismiss you.
Required Class Materials - Daily
 3-ring binder/notebook – be sure to keep
all class materials throughout the
Pen and/or pencil
Textbook (Prentice Hall – red)
Copy of any novel being read
Grading Policy
In English 9, students are graded using a weighted percentage system. Every assignment that students
complete will be placed into one of these categories when entered into the electronic grade book, which
you and your student can check at any time. Please contact me with any questions you may have about
this policy or your student’s grade. The weighting in English 9 is as follows:
Projects – 15%
Writing Assignments – 20 %
Homework/In-class assignments – 20%
Tests – 25 %
Quizzes – 20%
Late Assignment Policy
Students are expected to complete long-term assignments in a timely manner according their due dates
(which are posted well in advance). Such assignments are subject to the Late Assignment Policy which
permits students to hand these assignments in late but for diminished credit. The policy is as follows:
One day late = 25% deduction in points earned
Two days late = 50 % deduction in points earned
Three days late = the assignment becomes a ZERO
 Any student missing such an assignment will be given a late assignment form to complete for the
assignment, and I will take off appropriate points. This will then be kept in the student’s file.
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Dishonesty
Plagiarism, cheating, and dishonesty are NOT acceptable or tolerated in my classroom. Anyone caught
plagiarizing or cheating on any assignment will be subject to disciplinary action by the principal, as well as
a ZERO on the assignment.
When you are absent from class, YOU are responsible for what we did in class the day of your absence.
You should check with Ms. Smyers to get any missed work; you can also consult the Wikispace. Major
assignments will be subject to the late assignment policy as outlined previously. If you are absent on the
day an assignment is due or the day of a test/quiz, be prepared to hand in the assignment or take the
test/quiz the day you return.
Substitute Teachers
It is important that substitute teachers should be treated with the same respect as the regular classroom
teacher. Any students treating substitutes in a disrespectful manner will be subject to disciplinary action.
Student Handbook
Students should be familiar with all school rules and procedures in addition to classroom rules. Refer to
the student handbook in your agenda for clarification of school-wide rules. These rules apply in Ms.
Smyers’s room as well.
Student Name:______________________________________________
Please remove this page from your Expectations Sheet, complete it as directed, and return to Ms. Smyers by the
date assigned.
**I understand by signing below that I am agreeing to the expectations as outlined on the Expectations
Sheet. I understand that there will be consequences if the above rules are broken and expectations are
not met. **
Student’s Signature
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Primary Contact person:_______________________________________________
o Relationship to student:__________________________________________
o Preferred Phone Number:_________________________________________
o Alternate Phone Number:_________________________________________
o Email Address:__________________________________________________
Secondary Contact person:_____________________________________________
o Relationship to student:__________________________________________
o Preferred Phone Number:_________________________________________
o Alternate Phone Number:_________________________________________
o Email Address:__________________________________________________