Algebra 1A– Mr. Pugh Mrs. Trubiano Somerville High School 2015 – 2016 Room 116 School Phone: 218-4108 Email: , TEXT AND SUPPLIES Algebra I Text Three-ring binder or a notebook and folder only for algebra 1. GRADING Tests Quizzes Homework/Classwork 45% of your final grade 45% of your final grade 10% of your final grade **Other Projects will be graded as I deem necessary If you have a question or concern about your grade, you must make an appointment with me after class, during lunch, or before or after school. DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT YOUR GRADE DURING CLASS TIME. ASSIGNMENTS All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. Work must be completed, done in pencil, and have work clearly shown to receive full credit. Heading of each assignment MUST contain the following: Name, Date, Assignment page and numbers. If you have further questions or concerns, make an appointment to see me before or after school or send an e-mail and I will return it as soon as possible. ABSENCES Students who are absent have until the end of the quarter to complete homework assignments missed due to absence. If the work is not complete and shown to me then you will receive a 0 on the assignment. PLAGIARISM / ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author(s) credit for any source material used. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration. EXPECTATIONS AND RULES I have very high expectations for this class. If you perform to the best of your ability, you will succeed. I look forward to helping you in any way during the school year and will be available if you need extra help. The following are specific rules of the classroom: o Be present and on time. o Be prepared with materials and assignments. o Give your best each and every day. o Respect your fellow classmates and yourself. o Ask questions and participate! Routines o Arrive at class before the bell with all materials needed for class. o Students are encouraged to work together on assignments but should acknowledge those with whom they work. o If you are working together, please be sure to share methods and ideas, not just answers. o If you must leave the room, you are to receive a hall pass from the teacher. One student may be out of the room at a time. o Raise your hand if you wish to participate. o Feel free at any time to raise your hand if you have a question or believe that you see an error in our work. o Be attentive. o If a student misses a test, they will be given the amount of days days missed plus one with which to make it up. o Cheating is not tolerated. If a student is caught cheating, they will receive a zero for the assignment. o Students are held accountable for the rules in the student handbook. DISCIPLINE POLICY FOR RULE VIOLATION 1st Offense: Verbal warning 2nd Offense: Teacher/student conference 3rd Offense: Phone call home 4th Offense: Detention before school, after school, or during lunch 5th Offense: Referral -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return to Mr. Pugh by _____________________________. I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mr. Pugh and Mrs. Trubiano ‘s Algebra 1A class and have shared them with my parents. Student’s name: ____________________________________ Period: _____________ Student’s signature: _____________________________________________________ Parent’s signature: _______________________________________________________ Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child this year! Please feel free to contact me at any time.