December 2014 Minutes - Hinckley Public Library District

Hinckley Public Library
Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes
8 December 2014
At 7:30, Board President Karen Yaggie called the meeting to order. Arlen Carls, Amie
Carey, Jack Haines, Greg Finch, Trish Prellberg, Maureen Witte and Rylie Roubal
were present.
Minutes of the 10 November meeting were approved as presented.
Comments from the Public
No comments.
Secretary’s Report
No correspondence.
Treasurer’s Report
The Board discussed highlights of the report.
Approval and Payment of Bills
A motion was made by Maureen and seconded by Amie to approve reports
and pay the necessary bills: passed unanimously via roll-call vote.
Director’s Report
Lorie won November’s Staff Choice Contest with a total of six checkouts out
of a total of twenty-five. Many patrons would like to see Staff Choice become
an ongoing display.
Marc from Progressive Restoration repaired the west wall of the children’s
room and followed up with a temporary fix on a minor foundation leak. He
will discuss a permanent fix with the CBB and, at their request, trench the
rest of the building’s exterior this spring.
The server’s battery backup failed during the recent power outages and will
be replaced tomorrow. The outages also caused problems with the copier,
which have been taken care of.
Turnout was low for the HBA’s annual holiday meeting. Rylie was reelected
to the board and the Association gained two new board members. HBA is
considering joining the Waterman/Shabbona Business Association.
The Giving Tree is almost empty, and South Moon BBQ will hold a fundraiser
Wednesday for it.
The Library has sold nearly all holiday craft items donated by Leila Jones,
making a profit of $61.00. The Library also made $85.00 from selling note
cards as gifts.
The staff holiday lunch will be at the Hillside Restaurant this Saturday at
Library patrons have checked out 92 items from OverDrive versus 2 from
eRead Illinois in the past month.
Youth Services Report
November Story Time averaged between 20-25 attendees. Lorie has been
incorporating literacy activities into story time and will continue when it
resumes in January. Stories about the first Thanksgiving led to discussion of
food groups and a collage of favorites.
Using the Target grant, Lorie has purchased music and movement activity
props to enhance Story Time. She looks forward to planning for next
summer’s reading theme.
Friends of the Library
Friends met on November 18th and made Giving Tree info tags. Friends
currently has $2,626.83 in its treasury.
Friends decided to donate $500.00 to the Hinckley Update, $700-800.00 to
2015 Library programs, and will continue to pay the $429.00 per year to
fund eRead Illinois.
They will volunteer to fold the Update one month and are planning to print a
new banner for the group. They also plan to promote note cards as Christmas
Sharon Hagerty will coordinate cookies, and Nancy Millington of Redbud
Farms will put up signs for the upcoming Garden Walk. Friends is undecided
on how to spend the proceeds.
The next Friends meeting will be in January.
Unfinished Business
The Board discussed the upcoming elections, including due dates for paper
work and possible replacements for those not running for reelection.
The Board also discussed the audit and were pleased with the result.
The Policy Committee was unable to meet; discussion of updating the bylaws
was postponed until next month.
New Business
The Board discussed and tabled a Collection Development Policy revision.
Other Business
Staff members unable to attend the luncheon will receive $20.00 gift cards.
The Board will donate a book in memory of Shirley’s mother who recently
passed away.
At 8:17, Board president Karen Yaggie adjourned the meeting.