St. Mary's Christian Service Commission Minutes
October 27, 2015
Members present: Jennifer St. Bernard, Lorie Bronson, Fred Fedorowicz, Stephanie Sconochia,
Barb Griffith, Ann Fraser, Glenda Gentner and Connie Janus.
Linda Black Guest :
I. Opening Prayer:
Jennifer opened our meeting and led the members in reciting the Opening Prayer.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes were approved as written.
III. Welcome
Jennifer welcomed Linda Black as a guest.
I. Review of Hospice presentation
Hospice: Dispelling the Myths was presented on Wed., June 24, 2015
Lorie reported that the event was well attended with about 50 people present.
As this is a much needed program, plans are being made for another similar presentation.
II. Health Ministry
Lorie stated that the last blood drive did not make their goal.
Do to unforeseen circumstances, lunch was not provided to the workers.
The next blood drive will be held on Dec. 12, from 8
– 2, in the school gym.
Sr. Mary’s will be in charge of calling & scheduling.
III. Habitat for Humanity
Fred informed us that he made several phone calls to the workers from last year.
However, only 7-8 workers participated.
Fred suggested that people need to know not all workers need to be carpenters, painters, etc. There are many needs such as landscaping, cleaning, etc. Volunteers can also work at the Re-Built store rather than the actual house build.
Planning for next year: Fred will pick an earlier date in the summer when the weather is cooler and students are still in school and advertise the different kind of jobs.
I. St. Vincent de Paul
Jennifer reported that they need to build up their treasury. She talked about plans for a future fundraiser involving various artists of different means. Artists would rent booth space to sell their wares. A complimentary wine or beer will be given with a purchase of a ticket for the art show.
II. Giving Tree
Linda Black reported that the Giving Tree Ministry would run the same as last year.
Names for the tree are acquired through Salvation Army or our own church.
We usually have about 100 tags requesting various items.
The tree will go up on the first Sunday of Advent (Nov. 29)
Gift are delivered on Dec. 19
The ministry continues to run smoothly each year.
III. Prayer Shawl Ministry
Glenda shared that there are about six ladies in the group. However, a few of the ladies are out due to health reasons.
They meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month, from 11-1, in the social hall
Glenda will bring the finished shawls to be blessed at the 4:30 Healing Mass on Nov.7.
Those being anointed will receive a shawl.
IV. Christian Women
Barb shared that the Soup Luncheons are held on the first Wednesday of the month.
Proceeds from the Lenten lunches go to our St. Vincent de Paul group. The proceeds from other luncheons support the Christian Women’s projects.
There was low attendance at the last luncheon. Hopefully, this will improve.
The women are also having a Gift Card Raffle.
V. Mrs. Claus
Stephanie said Mrs. Claus is gearing up to provide for about 30 or more families.
Funds are available for this year’s ministry,
All three elementary schools are adopting families
8 th graders are making fleece blankets and will be blessed at Mass.
Stephanie discussed replacing the bible given to repeat families with something different. She and Lorie ae working together to find an alternative book, cross, etc.
VI. Parish Outreach to the Homebound
Members decided to deliver a card and a Christmas cactus to St. Mary homebound members.
Approximately 50 people
Action Items ________ _______ _____ Person Responsible
Sign 50 Thanksgiving cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connie
Call for flower process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorie & Fred
Pick up flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie
Coordinate EM’s to deliver to homebound . . . . . . . . . . . Lorie
VII. God Works!
Fred told the members the freezer is repaired and is full with meat.
Lorie said the response to the article in the bulletin was very good. People have volunteered to replace the outgoing point people.
VIII. Health Ministry
Lorie reported:
The recent program on Hospice was very well received.
The three Monroe churches are discussing a partnership for the Health Ministry.
Plans are in the making to have a program on
“Grieving Through the Holidays”. o Kaye Lani Wilson will be the speaker. Plans are to have the program on a
Saturday afternoon ending with attending the 4:30 Mass.
New parishioners are needed to increase membership in this ministry.
IX. Peace & Justice
50 people attended the ‘Francis Effect’ program held at St. Mary’s.
The same program was held at
St. Joseph’s in Erie with similar attendance.
Lorie stated beds storage is being built for the ‘In the Spirit of Giving’ ministry.
X. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Trainings will be held throughout the year.
Lorie would like to build up this ministry to have more people serving at the hospital.
Commitments can be just one time a month.
XI. Future meeting format:
Meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at 4:30 in Lorie’s office.
Next meeting being held on Jan. 26, 2016.
Open Forum:
I. Lorie ’s Report
Informed members that several people from the nursing home attended the 9:30 mass and will return again on Nov. 15.
There will not be a Christmas Concert this year.
Caroling to different homes will take place again this year.
Dec. 7, at 6:00 pm will be the church cleaning day. Pizza will be provided for the volunteers.
Feb. 6, 2016 will be the appreciation dinner for all volunteers. It will be a dinner with a
Mardi Gras theme.
March 4 – 6, 2016 will be a Women’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Church.
Next Meeting:
January 26 at 4:30 pm in Lorie’s office.
Minutes submitted by: Connie Janus