Integrated Math 1 Instructors: Ms. Thanh-Thuy Cao Room: 217 Contact info: Website: Course Description: The fundamental purpose of the Mathematics I course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. This course includes standards from the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The scope of Mathematics I is limited to linear and exponential expressions and functions as well as some work with absolute value, step, and functions that are piecewise-defined (from California Common Core State Standards Mathematics). For more information, please visit the website at (go to page 93). Textbook: CME Project Development Team, Integrated CME Project Mathematics 1, Pearson, 2009 Suggested Materials: ink pen, pencil, line paper, graph paper, calculator, 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder to hold class work, one single subject notebook Grading Policy: A B C D F Scholarship 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% Below 60% Homework Classwork Quizzes Exams 15% 15% 20% 50% Citizenship Citizenship grades are based on participation, promptness to class, attendance, classroom behavior, and following directions. Absence Policy: 1) Makeup work will be accepted with FULL credit only for excused absences. 2) It is the student’s responsibility to turn in assignments not submitted due to an excused absence the following day after a student returns to class. 3) It is the student’s responsibility to determine the assignments missed during an absence by asking a classmate and the teacher, and looking in the class filing cabinet and on the website. 4) It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared to make up missed Quizzes/Unit Tests on the day the student returns to school. 5) Missed assignments due to an unexcused absence or truancy will not receive FULL credit. Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of each class. Late work will be accepted for partial credit until the unit test is given. Homework is to be done neatly in pencil and all steps and procedures must be shown. Integrated Math 1 Daily assignments will be scored based on completion: o Full credit (5 points) o Half credit (3.5) * I rarely accept work that is not fully completed o “L”- Late (3) o “/”- Missing/Incomplete. This is equivalent to a 0 also. But you have a chance to turn it in. o “abs” –no homework received due to absence o 0 –homework not attempted/ or copying involved Weekly Quizzes: Quizzes will be based on materials covered in class discussions, workbooks, readings, and class handouts during the preceding week of class. Students will be allowed to use notes, per the instructor’s discretion. Quizzes may not be re-taken for a higher grade; however, you may drop a lowest quiz score two weeks prior to the end of a semester grade. Exams: Exams will be based on the materials that are being covered in the Unit Chapter. Exam may be retaken one time for a higher grade if the student does not have more than 5 missing assignments. Re-take tests must be taken on student’s own time. Re-take tests must be completed within the given time frame. Students cannot re-take the test two weeks before a semester grade is due. Assistance: I will generally be available for tutoring after school Monday, Tuesday and Thursday before 4pm. Classroom Procedure: 1) Each day, students should be prepared with the following materials: completed schoolwork on the desk, pencil, 1 ½ inch binder, 1 subject notebook, line paper, eraser) 2) Students are expected to be in their assigned seat with materials out when the bell stops ringing. Pencils should be sharpened prior to the start of class. Students that are unprepared or not in their assigned seats when class begins will be marked tardy. 3) At the beginning of class, students will, on their own, start the “Warm-up” listed on the whiteboard. 4) Do not bring gum, drinks (water is OK), candy, food, toys, hats or any electronic devices to class. Cell phones should not be seen nor heard in the classroom. 5) Plan accordingly by using restroom before and after class. 6) During teacher instruction, students are expected to pay attention and neither to disrupt nor distract others. Classroom Expectations: At all times, classroom participants will1) Follow school rules 2) Maintain a safe, productive, and efficient learning environment 3) Respect yourself, others, and the property of others. 4) Respectful language Positive Outcomes: Pride in a job well-done Improved citizenship grade In-class recognition Positive notes and calls home Consequences: Counseled by teacher Lowered citizenship grade detention Phone call or note home Referral for repeat or severe offense Integrated Math 1 Tardy Policy (page 4 of Student Handbook): These are the administrative procedures, additional consequences to be determined by the classroom teacher: o 1st tardy in a class Warning and counsel student o 2nd tardy in a class Warning and parent contact At teacher’s discretion, he/she may assign a detention to be served with the teacher o 3rd tardy in a class Placed on a “loss of privileges “ list. Students can be removed from the “loss of privileges “ list by attending a Saturday School. o On the 10th cumulative tardy (in all classes) during a grading period, a student will be placed on a “loss of privileges” list. The citizenship grade on the 4th tardy in a class during a grading period would be no higher than an “N. “ Any additional tardies in the grading period would result in a “U. “ Excessive tardiness may result in other consequences and disciplinary actions. Academic Honesty Policy (page 15 of Student Handbook): Academic honesty and responsibility are expected of all Serra students. Cheating at any level is irresponsible and unacceptable. Offenses of academic honest are defined as, but not limited to: o Copying some else’s homework o Plagiarism o Copying from another printed or electronic resource without giving credit to the author o Giving and/or receiving answers o Sharing answers (electronically [Facebook, Twitter, etc…] or physically) o Using “cheat sheets” or other such devices. o Utilizing on-line websites to obtain answers, not honest research o Photography of quizzes, tests or assignments Consequences: o First Violation: Teacher will write a referral to the vice-principal Teacher will issue own consequences including but not limited to…. U in citizenship Zero on the test/assignment Teacher phones parent Counselor and vice principal meet with student for counseling session regarding academic honesty. o Second Violation: Same as above, including the vice principal issues consequences which could include suspension, Saturday school, etc… o Third Violation: Same as above including principal meeting with students and parent. Student will be placed on the Loss of Privilege List (LOP list). Student must utilize the student appeal process to be removed from the LOP list. The teacher reserves the right to change the policies and the students will receive the changes in writing if this occurs. Integrated Math 1 Student name: ___________________________________ Period: _________ Grade: _______ Note to parents: Welcome to Serra High School. I'm looking forward to an exciting semester and working with you to ensure your student's success! To help you to more easily track your student's progress, all assignments will be kept in your student's Math Binder. Assessments will be given based on the student’s homework assignments. Please check your student's binder on a regular basis, monitor their progress, and check their homework. Please support your child by ensuring that they are prepared for all assessments. Students must be on time and be prepared with materials and Math Binder. Please visit my website to get more information on classwork and homework. I have read and understand the entire course expectations and policies and plan to follow them for the entire school year. _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________ Date Guardians’ Personal contact information: Relationship to the student Email Home phone Cell phone Relationship to the student Email Home phone Cell phone Additional information that I need to know about your child: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________