Curriculum Support Center (CSC) Syllabus Instructor: Ms. Katie Swaney Room: 5115 th th 5 hour lunch, 6 hour prep Contact information: (preferred method of contact) 480.984.8947 ext. 6092 (voicemail only) Hello, I am Ms. Swaney, and I will be your Curriculum Support Center instructor. I am looking forward to getting to know you all. You will hopefully find this course to be both helpful yet fun as the year progresses. That being said, I believe every one of you has the capability to be successful in this course as long as you are committed to learn. Course Description: This course is supplemental to the general education curriculum. The specialized labs will utilize research based curriculum to support identified needs of students, in addition to providing structured reteaching of the general education curriculum. Rules and Expectations: 1. Respect: Respect Everyone’s Stuff, Personality, Emotional well-being, Culture, and Thoughts 2. Be prepared for class, have all materials, turn in assignments, and sit in your designated seat. 3. Follow all school rules and policies. 4. You are responsible for your educational experience. 5. Give yourself permission to succeed! Consequences If you do not follow the rules and/or disrupt the learning of others, any combination of the following negative consequences will take place depending on the severity: 1. Verbal warnings 2. Student-teacher meeting 3. Parent contact Serious one-time or repeated offenses will be referred to an administrator Materials: Students who are successful bring their materials EVERY DAY 1. Binders and notes from general education math course with a section just for this course 2. Pencils/pens/erasers/highlighters Side note: Scientific or graphing calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 or 84 plus) may be used periodically. It is recommended to purchase one since you will use it for the remainder of high school math. You may rent a graphing calculator from the school for $35 for the year. Grading: Grading scale: A= 100.0-90.0% B= 89.9-80.0% C= 79.9-70.0% D= 69.9-60.0% F= Below 60% Grading Categories: 50% Classwork/Notebooks 15% Quizzes 15% Participation 20% Final Exam (will be included at semester’s end) Assignments will be given and completed in class daily. It is important for your success in this class that you make an earnest attempt to complete all assignments. Students should become proficient with the concepts assigned for practice and get in the habit of showing all work. That being said, if homework is assigned while a student is absent, their assignment is due for the same number of days that were missed in class if it was excused. If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments and obtain the corresponding notes and assignments. Quizzes will be announced. You will have quizzes throughout the year. Point values will vary depending on the amount of information being tested. Make-up for quizzes is mandatory if you had an excused absence and it is your responsibility to schedule. Binders must be kept organized. Binder checks will occur at the end of every unit (or more frequently if the unit is lengthy). Binder checks will grade you on organization and handouts. The points will vary depending on the length of the unit. Class participation will be essential in this course. Students who complete their assigned work, demonstrate good behavior, and participate in class activities will receive all participation points for the day. Important to note, Desert Ridge High School offers tutoring during lunch hours in room 5114 (this is also the ideal time to complete make-up quizzes). Saturday tutoring will be available starting in September from 9am - 12pm on a drop-in basis. Due to the availability of our classroom, students who have questions or concerns will need to schedule an appointment with me. Academic honesty is expected of all students. I will have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating, and I will involve administration if I feel it is necessary to do so. Communication: Grades are updated weekly on Infinite Campus. You are responsible for checking your grades and resolving any problems by communicating concerns with me Things to keep in mind Expect the challenge to come. Understanding takes work, but it will come in time. Take responsibility for your learning. You’re the only one who can make you succeed. Listen and take notes in class. Ask questions and write down the examples. Review your notes and do the assignments, even if you’re not totally comfortable yet. Abandon negative messages. Give yourself positive messages and make them come true. If you’re lost, don’t wait. Come right in and get help before you get far behind. Give yourself permission to succeed! Note: This syllabus is subject to change. Curriculum Support Center (CSC) Print Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________ My student and I have read and understand the rules, policies, and expectations as they apply to this math course. By signing this we agree to abide by and uphold the rules set forth. _________________________________________________________ ___________________ Student Signature Date _________________________________________________________ ___________________ Parent Signature Date Contact information (Please print legibly): Student Name: _________________________________________ Student ID#: _______________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________Cell Phone #: _______________________________ E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Additional contact if desired. Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone #: _______________________________ E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ This class will use internet resources occasionally. Students who don’t have access to internet at home will be expected to visit the school or community library for long-term work. Please indicate if you have access to the internet at home ________ Yes, we do have access to the internet at home. ________ No, we do NOT have access to the internet at home. (If you have any questions or comments, please utilize the back of this paper) Questions or Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________