AGM 2015

Beautiful Plains Teachers’ Association
Annual General Meeting
June 9, 2015
Brookdale, Manitoba
Attendance: Quorum was reached – 45 people in attendance
1. Call to order: Meeting called to order at 4:35 p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda:
Moved by Bryce Koscielny and seconded by Ron Nordstrom that the
agenda be approved as presented.
3. 2014 AGM Minutes:
Moved by Heather Brister and seconded by Dale Swanton that the
minutes be adopted.
4. Business Arising from Minutes: No business arising from the minutes.
5. New Business: No new business
6. Treasurer’s Report – Robyn Forsman
a. Financial statements and a budget for the 2015-2016 school year, was
i. Motion: Moved by Robyn Forsman seconded by Kim Chapman
that the financial statements for 2014-15 be approved and the
budget for 2015-2016 be approved.
ii. Fees will be $ 120.00 for next year.
7. President’s Report – see attached
8. Special Committees
a. Vice President: see attached
b. Professional Development: see attached
c. Public Relations: see attached
d. Collective Bargaining: see attached
e. Equity and Social Justice: see attached
f. Liaison: see attached
g. Workplace Health and Safety: see attached
h. Employee Benefits: see attached
i. Education Finance: see attached
9. 2014-2015 Executive:
a. President – Michelle McMillan
b. Vice-President – Dale Swanton
c. Secretary – Loretta Keller
d. Treasurer – Robyn Forsman
e. Public Relations – Claudette Christison
f. Professional Development – Val Parayeski & Trish James
g. Collective Bargaining – Heather Brister
h. Equality Issues – Alicia Gawaziuk
i. Liaison – Dale Swanton
j. Workplace Health and Safety – Kerry Turner
k. Employee Benefits – Sheena Taylor
l. Education Finance – Heather Brister
m. Small School Representative – Kathie Roe
10. Election of new officers:
a. President – Dale Swanton
b. Vice-President – Heather Brister
c. Secretary – Sheena Taylor
d. Treasurer – Robyn Forsman
e. Public Relations – Claudette Christison
f. Professional Development – Val Parayeski and Trish James
g. Collective Bargaining – Heather Brister
h. Equality Issues – Alicia Gawaziuk
i. Liaison – Lisa Whyte
j. Workplace Health and Safety – Kerry Turner
k. Employee Benefits – Gary Salmon
l. Education Finance –
m. Small School Representative – Kathie Roe
Executive with signing authority will be the President, the Vice-President, and
the Treasurer.
11. Motion: Moved by Jackie Sallows and seconded by Murray Karlicki that the slate
of officers for 2015-2016 be accepted as presented above.
12. Draw for prizes. $250 – Sheena Taylor
$250 – Kristin Clark
$100 – Dawn Birch
$100 – Justine Burke
$100 - Donna Christison
$100 - Eric Gaudet
$100 – Nora Heschuk
$80 – Gwen McCaskill
(The practice is for $10.00 per member go into the draw.)
13. Adjournment 4:50 p.m. - Moved by Kerry Turner
****A short executive meeting was held after the AGM to address the following motion.
Motion: Moved by Heather Brister and seconded by Sheena Taylor that we increase the
amount of financial support for Logan Young and his trip to Encounters with Canada
from $100.00 to $500.00. ($100.00 has already been given through a prior motion.)