Carried - Beautiful Plains School Division

Beautiful Plains Teachers’ Association
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Neepawa, Manitoba
In attendance: Michelle McMillan (CC)
Loretta Keller (HMK)
Kerry Turner (NACI)
Valerie Parayeski (NACI)
Heather Brister (Willerton School)
Dale Swanton (NACI)
Claudette Christison (NACI)
Robyn Forsman (Fairway Colony)
Kathie Roe (Small Schools)
Trish James (JMYoung)
Alicia Gawaziuk (CC)
Sheena Taylor (HMK)
1. Call to Order – 4:40 p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion: moved by Trish James and seconded by Heather Brister that the agenda be
approved as amended.
3. Approval of Minutes from September 11, 2013
Motion: moved by Kerry Turner and seconded by Claudette Christison that the minutes
be approved as circulated.
4. Business Arising from Minutes
a) Grad scholarships – Changes to the disbursement of BPTA grad scholarships were
made. A letter will be sent to schools to notify of the changes made.
Policy Motion: Moved by Claudette Christison and seconded by Alicia Gawaziuk that it be
Beautiful Plains Teachers’ Association policy that BPTA award two $650.00 scholarships per
high school to one student continuing studies in each of the following areas:
1) Bachelor of Education
2) Any post secondary studies
Funds will be distributed upon notification of the deserving student(s) proof of admittance.
b) BPTA Policy handbook – Changes and additions will be made and the document will be
brought back to the November meeting for a final read.
c) Induction - Induction went smoothly and no concerns were raised.
5. Treasurer’s Report—Robyn Forsman
Motion: Moved by Robyn Forsman and seconded by Heather Brister that the
Treasurer’s report for September 2013 be accepted as presented.
6. Correspondence circulated and included:
Provincial Executive Notes – Sept.12 (MTS)
Thank you email – Jason Young
Board Meeting package from October 2nd
Thank you and pictures from Halle Hayhurst
Eye Wash Station
7. President’s Report— Michelle McMillan, CC
a) Induction
b) A booklet was sent to all new teachers with general information about the
c) Michelle will attend the President’s Council meeting on Saturday, October
26th. She will not be attending the Provincial Executive meeting in October.
8. Vice-President’s Report—Claudette Christison, NACI
a) No report
9. Committee Reports:
Public Relations — Claudette Christison, NACI
a) A rough draft of a BPTA Fall Newsletter was presented and feedback
was provided.
b) Claudette will be attending the Public Relations Seminar on November
Professional Development — Val Parayeski and Trish James
a) BYTE 2014 will be at NACI on February 28th, 2013
b) The committee is beginning to organize the September 2014 PD day.
It will be a division wide inservice on September 22nd.
They are in the process of booking Anthony Muhammad.
c) The next PD meeting is on November 20th @4:30 p.m. at the DO office.
c) Collective Bargaining — Heather Brister
a) Heather attended Bargaining School in August and will be attending
the Fall Bargaining Seminar on October 19th in Winnipeg.
d) Equity and Social Justice — Alicia Gawaziuk
a) Alicia did not attend the Fall Equity and Social Justice Seminar but
received correspondence from the event. Their main topic being Bill 18.
b) She will not be attending the next meeting on November 26th.
e) Liaison — Dale Swanton
No report
Workplace Health & Safety — Kerry Turner
a) Kerry will be attending the Provincial Seminar on November 5th and the
Regional Seminar on November 26th.
g) Employee Benefits — Dale Swanton
a) Dale will be attending the Provincial Seminar on October 5th in
h) Education Finance --- Bryce Koscielny (absent)
a) no report
10. New Business
Twitter – BPTA will not be opening a Twitter account at this time.
Newsletter – discussed under Public Relations.
Possible Board Supper topics were discussed.
Request for financial support from Keli Turner.
Motion: Moved by Claudette Christison and seconded by Dale Swanton that Keli Turner
receive $100.00 for attending Encounters with Canada, during the week of September 22 – 28th,
upon receipt of proof of attendance.
11. Board Meeting Coverage
Oct.15 - Robyn Forsman
Nov.5 - Heather Brister
Nov.19 - Bryce Koscielny
Dec.3 - Dale Swanton
Dec.17 – Alicia Gawaziuk
12. Next Meeting date and location: Carberry Collegiate – November 13, 2013
13. Adjournment – 5:40 - Val