Present: Tuesday, Gary, Mark, Jim, Patricia (partial)

Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, November 10, 2011
3-4:30 PM
Room AC Board Room
Attendees: Linda Nelson, Tristan Londre, Fran Padow, Cheryl Carpenter-Davis, Dachia Scroggins, Mindy
McCallum, Melissa Giese, Greg Sanford, Cynthia Sexton-Proctor, Felipe Leon, Lisa Bonneau, Susan
Wilson, Jared Rinck, Mary Ann Blitt, Kristy Bishop, Tammie May, Eric Sullivan, Leo Hirner, Jim McGraw,
Tim Gill, Mary Svoboda, Al Dimmitt, and George Green
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report
A new draft of the DACC charge was reviewed. Greg noted that it did not specifically mention that the
Executive Committee would be faculty led. Discussion concluded that this should be added to the charge.
Cynthia will forward this suggestion to Paul for his consideration for inclusion of this detail in the DACC
IRB Report
The PRP was discussed and debated at the PRP Committee meeting. It is now moving forward to the
governance groups.
HLC Committee Report
This committee is still unformed, but is in progress. Current steps include the formation/structure and
membership. The committee will be working on the assurance criteria for HLC, specifically gathering
evidence for all 5 criteria.
Survey Reports
Culture of Assessment Survey
The Culture of Assessment Survey data analysis has begun. Preliminary results were presented by Kristy
Bishop. An overall 34% response rate (N=536) for all MCC faculty, staff and administrators/officers was
determined. Suggestions to provide additional data analyses were made to include disaggregation by campus,
employee groups, and years of service. Additionally, the current plan also includes adding the number of
respondents who answered “unknown” to the questions, for consideration. The department of Institutional
Research will provide this data in subsequent meetings after the 1st of the year.
This survey will be repeated 2 to 3 years from now to look at change in the culture across the institution.
Results will be shared with campuses through their campus committees. Additional suggestions for ways to
publicize results were to; present the information at New faculty orientation, put in the MCC Insider, put on
the web, include in future student success symposiums, and to have small group discussions to help digest
and make more meaningful.
Reliability was questioned and Kristy discussed how some feedback indicated that perhaps not all campuses
took the survey seriously.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, November 10, 2011
3-4:30 PM
Room AC Board Room
Noel Levitz Survey of Student Satisfaction
Greg questioned the need to participate in the Institutional priorities component of the Noel Levitz. Survey
instruments will be reviewed by Kristy and Melissa. They will further investigate the advantages for this
component to the survey.
MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report
General Education Outcomes, Attributes, and Proposed Rubrics
Proposals to include math/quantitative reasoning in the Gen Ed outcomes were reviewed. Proposal 3 and 4
were agreed upon for addition to the Gen Ed outcomes. Cynthia will make the additions. The revised
outcomes along with the attributes will go to DICC for their support.
All attributes are being kept for the Communications outcome; however, the number of attributes that will be
offered as assessment options to disciplines will be limited in each cohort. This will allow all attributes to
have the opportunity to be assessed over the course of time. To assure that this limitation does not create
roadblocks for some disciplines, Cynthia will send out and collect feedback from the following groups;
English, Foreign Language, Music, Art, Graphic Arts, Speech, and Reading.
Different versions of rubrics for the Gen ed outcomes were reviewed. It was determined that the proposals
would be taken to the 1st cohort meeting on Friday the 11th for the disciplines to discuss. Feedback from the
third 1st cohort meeting will be gathered and an email will go out to collect the vote to determine the final
Second 1st cohort meeting
The 2nd meeting for the 1st cohort was October 18-2011 at the BTC during District In-service. The disciplines
met and came up with the assessments they plan on using for discipline and Gen Ed outcomes. They began
looking at the artifacts they wish to include. The cohort will present progress reports at the December DACC
Greg Sanford will be publishing the Assessment newsletter on a 6 week interval. Melissa will post it on the
Office of Assessment website once received. See the Communication tab. Additionally; Melissa is working
with the MCC Insider to post a link to the newsletter.
Notebooks/resources for 1st cohort
Blackboard Organization
This is still in progress. Cynthia is working with Deanna Snyder to create a BB group that will hold drafts of
the outcomes, the notebook materials, and other resources for the Pathways project. Discussion boards will
be established to foster communication between faculty and the disciplines in the cohort.
MCC Open Pathways Assurance Report
This committee will be created by the Vice Chancellor in the next couple of months. This is the same thing
as HLC Committee report above.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, November 10, 2011
3-4:30 PM
Room AC Board Room
Higher Learning Commission Update
Paul, Kristy, Leo, and Cynthia attended the HLC Open Pathway Meeting in Lisle, IL – Oct. 27-28,
2011. This meeting allowed collaboration between the 1st and 2nd cohorts. Best practices from the 1st
cohort were shared. They received a preview of the HLC electronic database being used for reporting
our criteria evidence and arguments.
Assessment Reports
Proposals for new assessment or survey requests
 Paul requested that Human Diversity develop outcomes and plan an assessment of those outcomes. It
was suggested that the Human Diversity faculty get together to agree on the outcomes, rubric, and
assessment they will utilize in spring 2012.
 A proposal form is in progress.
Campus Reports
BR-Kimberly was not present
BTC- Tom was not present
LV-hasn’t met, Tammie may is taking Anne Dvorak’s place.
MW- hasn’t met, The MW curriculum committee has become the MW curriculum/assessment
PV-hasn’t met, looking for a date to meet and will discuss the need to create a common language
across the curriculum for outcomes.
Old Business
 MCC is hosting the 2nd annual Regional Assessment Conference on April 20, 2012 at Penn Valley. A
save the date email will be sent out shortly. The MCC website is in progress.
New Business
 Kristy attended a conference at Harvard that was extremely beneficial. She has many great ideas to
 Kristy is planning on incorporating a qualitative element to some IR assessment projects. She would
like to present an Educational Assessment 101 course in the future. She is currently writing up a
comprehensive report of MCC’s Assessment Efforts and Planning. Additionally she is gathering
information for an “assessment toolbox.”
 Kristy has developed a Data Quality committee to ensure the highest integrity of the data MCC
collects and reports.
 Melissa has updated the Communication tab on the MCC Office of Assessment webpage. DACC
minutes are located there as well as the Assessment Newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned.
Future Meetings
December 8th at 3:00 p.m in the AC Boardroom