Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, November 13, 2014 3-4:30 PM PV CC 503 Minutes Attendees: Kristy Bishop, Cynthia Sexton Proctor, Melissa Giese, Mindy McCallum, Mickey McCloud, Melissa Eaton, Dave Oehler, Nancy Russell, Jim McGraw, Fran Padow, Tammie May, Tristan Londre, Cheryl Carpernter, Dachia Scroggins, Carrie Pickerel-Brooks Approval of Minutes The minutes were approved. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Technology Report No report IRB Report • There were 2 research projects approved. One was from Capella investigating Nursing Education and the other was from Avila which will survey employee well-being at PV. HLC Committee Report There is a committee meeting next week and a draft of the report is almost complete. It was suggested that we follow up with our liaison on specifics around the upcoming visit including cost. Survey Reports • CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) o CCSSE will be given in class spring 2015. The faculty component is online and will be done around February. Student surveys will be done March through April. This is the 3rd time we will have participated. The previous years were 2007 and 2009. o MCC will employ the custom item feature of CCSSE. An additional 15 questions will be identified for inclusion in CCSSE administration. One question will be aimed at veteran status and the remaining 14 questions will be created to measure MCC’s general education outcomes. o Draft questions will be emailed out to the group and a will be given to Kristy, Carries and Fran’s Educational Psychology classes. o Melissa followed up with Ben Wolfe and he indicated that there was not FOCUS funds available for oversampling in CCSSE. No oversampling will be done this administration. MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report • The following disciplines have all met about assessment results: EDUC, READ, ENGL, LIBR, MATH, MUSI, and SOCI. • Upcoming meetings are being scheduled with BSAD, COMM, ART, GEOL, ANTH, CHEM, and BIOL. • New assessments in the fall for CSIS, POLI, PHIL, HIST, ECON, PHYS. • Program Review reports for AUTO, ETECH, HIMM, and VETT CTE programs were presented to officers November 11th. Tristan reported that all programs outperformed national averages. Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”. 1 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, November 13, 2014 • 3-4:30 PM PV CC 503 Meetings are being arranged to discuss Discipline Review with the 2nd cohort (CHEM, GEOG/GEOL, HIST, PHIL, SOCI, PSYC). ANTH is being moved to the 3rd cohort. Presentations to the officers will be in spring 2015. Higher Learning Commission Update • The MCC Summer Symposium is July 17th , 2015 at Penn Valley. • The Annual Conference is in Chicago, IL, March 28-31, 2015. • HLC site visit by Peer Review Team will be November 16-17, 2015. Assessment Reports o LV Hope Scale project – data was collected for 24 classes with a total of 383 students. Pretest and post test scores were collected and analyzed. The pilot consisted of 3 to 4 interventions across the semester. There were significant findings: HOPE scores went up showing that the interventions made an impact. There were no differences between classes, credits completed, or traditional and nontraditional students. Further analysis will be done by IR comparing comparable classes not providing interventions from the same semester. Proposals for new assessment or survey requests No report Campus Reports • Doug Fishel has joined DACC. • BR – No report • BT – Barbara Weather will be taking over for Sybil Chandler. • LV – next meeting will be a joint meeting with instruction and curriculum committees for future collaboration. Kristy will be presenting Noel-Levitz results. • MW – they have a combined committee and last meeting focused primarily on a curriculum. • PV – No report • FOCUS Grant – Focus groups are being formed from the pilot classes to get qualitative data. There will be outside evaluators facilitating and students will be enticed with food. o The intake data is being received and reviewed. o They are looking at possibly using ENGAGE instead of Hope to collect non cognitive student data. Hope scores are not showing change over the 4 data points that are being collected. Engage has interventions aligned with the student scores whereas HOPE does not have specific interventions provided. Old Business • Discussed what needs to go on blog and who is in charge. Melissa Eaton was going to see if her student’s report on Autism could be put on the blog. She will write something up and get to Kristy to put on the blog. • A survey policy draft was sent to Daniel Wright. He suggested the Kristy and Cynthia rewrite it to fit the official MCC format. They have submitted the revision to Daniel. Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”. 2 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, November 13, 2014 3-4:30 PM PV CC 503 New Business • Next meeting: 3 PM on February 12, 2015 in PV CC503. The meeting was adjourned. Culture of Assessment Focus Questions: 1. From your perspective, how important does MCC consider dissemination of student assessment reports and studies for encouraging student assessment activities? 2. To what extent does MCC use student assessment information in making decisions or changes? 3. MCC College personnel have a common understanding of the meaning of the term student assessment. Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”. Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”. 3