Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, February 14, 2013
3-4:30 PM
PV CC503
Attendees: Mary Ann Blitt, Cynthia Sexton Proctor, Kristy Bishop, Fran Padow, Karen Moore, Nancy
Russell, Tammie May, Mindy McCallum, Felipe Leon, Tom Wheeler, Mary Svboda-Chollet, George Green,
Jared Rinck, Casey Reid, Kim Glackin, Cheryl Carpenter Davis, Jill Kingsbury, Dachia Scroggins, Melissa
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report
No report
IRB Report
No report
HLC Committee Report
Criteria Chairs are being selected and Criteria Committees will begin to form, soon.
Survey Reports
 Learning Communities is administering a pre/post assessment in class this semester. There is a very
small sample size.
COLL 100- Casey presented results from the COLL 100 assessments from Fall 2012. Data shows
that we are beginning to meet the goals of COLL 100 but work still needs to be done. Success rates
showed that males and black students were not as successful as their counterparts. Additionally
students who placed into developmental courses didn’t succeed at the same rates as those who tested
into college level courses or had no score on COMPASS. This data presents a strong case for having
a different COLL 100 course for these students. The pretest/posttest survey showed that students
were satisfied overall with MCC and the majority indicated they had either already enrolled for the
Spring semester or intended to.
Representative faculty for the Grit, Hope, and COLL 100 surveys met on 1/17/13 to discuss the
three surveys, their similarities and differences, and ways in which the surveys might be combined
and/or coordinated to gather data that might best help us to help our students. The group will
meet again on 2/21/13.
MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report
a. The 1st meeting of the 4th Cohort (Business/Accounting, Computer Science, Counseling,
Math, Physical Education, Reading, Education) will take place on Friday, 2/15/13, from 1:30
to 3:30 PM at Penn Valley.
b. Reminder: 2nd Cohort Disciplines will be meeting as individual disciplines with the Director
of Institutional Research and Assessment and the DACC Chair to discuss the assessment
data from Fall 2012, ways in which the data might be analyzed, next steps, and their
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, February 14, 2013
3-4:30 PM
PV CC503
c. Reminder: 1st and 3rd Cohorts are assessing and working on analysis and interventions.
Higher Learning Commission Update
a. Reminder: The current version of the Assurance Criteria revisions is available
Assessment Reports
 Human Diversity Faculty met on 2/6/13 at the AC, discussed assessment data gathered by Cultural
Anthropology in fall 2012, and decided to continue to assess outcome 2 in our adopted set of
outcomes for Human Diversity: “The student will gain knowledge of cultural worldview
frameworks.” Each discipline will choose an embedded prompt or tool, but all disciplines will use
the same Human Diversity rubric for assessing.
 Assessment 101 – Kristy has developed a Blackboard training site that has the following courses:
Assessment 101, FERPA 101, Data Security, Data 101, and Research 101. After working through the
course a quiz can be taken to receive Blackboard Analytics access. DACC member are encouraged to
work through these although the quizzes are optional. You can request to be added to these
courses by emailing Kristy.
 New Faculty Training on Assessment on 2/22/13 from 1 to 4 p. m. Kristy and Cynthia will be talking
about assessment, volunteers to assist are welcome.
Proposals for new assessment or survey requests
Writing Assessment –Casey Reid provided an update from the Curriculum and Assessment Committee she
is a part of stemming from MDHE. This is part of the state’s curriculum alignment initiative. They are
working on developing a state wide writing assessment to administer at the end of the composition
sequence. So far a rubric has been developed and norming session has taken place. Work on the rubric will
continue. The committee is working under the assumption that this may be at some point become a KPI. It
also has the potential to extend to other disciplines. Currently implementation is being discussed, but MCC
will use ENGL 102 as the course assessed. Minimum criteria have been set for the length of paper as 4
pages and source based.
Campus Reports
 BR – Kim Glackin discussed the All for the Children event March 23rd. GRIT results are being
 BTC – There is a changing of the guard with Penny Tepesch retiring. One fourth of CTE assessment
is completed. They would like some CTE faculty to present in March/April.
 LV – They are meeting 2/25
 MW – No report, meeting was canceled.
 PV – Committee met but focused on curriculum.
 MO Health Wins –CNA participants started in fall 2012. They are still processing. A spring 2013
cohort of CNA, Health Care IT and Environmental Services started. The Career Ready 101 product
is being used. So far 186 students and 22 instructors have used it. Twenty people have been tested on
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, February 14, 2013
3-4:30 PM
PV CC503
Old Business
New Business
 3rd Annual Regional Community College Assessment Conference at JCCC on Friday, 4/19/13
 Save the Date: 3rd Annual Summer Symposium on Student Learning at MCC on Friday, 7/19/13.
 Next meeting: 3 PM on March 7, 2013 in PV CC 503
The meeting was adjourned.