Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, February 9, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room Minutes Attendees: Linda Nelson, Tristan Londre, Cheryl Carpenter-Davis, Dachia Scroggins, Mindy McCallum, Melissa Giese, Cynthia Sexton-Proctor, Lisa Bonneau, Mary Ann Blitt, Kristy Bishop, Tammie May, Jim McGraw, Al Dimmitt, Kim Glackin, Mary Svoboda-Chollet, and Tim Gill Approval of Minutes The minutes were reviewed and approved. Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report No report IRB Report The IRB PRP is still in committee. HLC Committee Report HLC Committee structure and membership is being considered. May be formalized after the HLC Conference at the beginning of April so that meetings of the committee may begin in May 2012. Survey Reports Noel Levitz Survey of Student Satisfaction The Noel-Levitz online Institutional Priorities Survey has been emailed out to MCC FT and PT faculty. Twelve percent (N=126) of faculty have completed the survey. Reminders will go out to those faculty who have not already participated. They are scheduled to be emailed 2/10/21012 and 2/21/2012. If you have not already done so, please complete this survey before Feb. 29th, 2012. The student survey component (Student Satisfaction Inventory) will go out to a sample of students March 19, 2012. Please encourage your students to complete the survey. A reminder to faculty, administrators and officers will be sent out approximately a week prior to the administration to promote communication for this project. MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report General Education Outcomes, and Proposed Revisions Tammie May and Linda Nelson presented feedback from LV. They suggested several revisions to the General Education Outcomes that addressed redundancy, formatting consistency, as well as expressing emphasis. A motion was made to make edits and the following edits were approved. 1. Replace the word “should” to “will” in each outcome statement. 2. For formatting consistency, add the following wording to the Communications outcome: “The student will be able to use receptive and productive skills to interpret, synthesize, and integrate ideas of others and their own to communicate.” 3. Eliminate Communication-Productive Skills #6 4. Combine the wording of Communication-Productive Skills #2 and #3 5. Critical Thinking #2-add the word solve 6. Critical Thinking #3-eliminate the 2nd “relevant.” 7. Information Literacy #3- change “appropriately” to Utilizing the correct format. Delete “be able to.” 1 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, February 9, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room Cynthia will amend the document to reflect all approved changes and send to the committee for final approval and sign off for HLC documentation. Discipline-Level Outcomes and CIFS The General Education outcomes along with the attributes went to DICC for their support. Questions arose concerning where the discipline level outcomes should be placed when that time comes. Discussion centered on using the CTE format. It was decided to recommend to DICC that a modification could be made on the CIF’s to say “Program or Discipline Outcomes” to model the CTE forms. Second Cohort meetings Meetings of the 2nd Cohort will be 2/17/12 at BR EC 110, 3/23/12 at BTC CA 104A, and 4/13/12 at MW CC 110 (Arbor Room). Unfortunately some ZBB meetings have been scheduled simultaneously with these cohort meetings. Paul Long communicated that the Cohort meetings take precedence. Information about what to expect has already been sent to this cohort, and Notebooks are in process of being printed and compiled. The revised General Education Outcomes will be added to the notebooks. 2nd Cohort includes Chemistry, Geology/Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology/Anthropology. First Cohort The 1st Cohort is administering assessments this semester. Encourage and support them and invite them to help mentor the 2nd Cohort. Blackboard Organization for Disciplines The names of the faculty in the 1st and 2nd Cohort, and those who have requested inclusion have been added to the BB Organization. If you would like to be included please email Deanna Snyder your name and employee ID. Newsletter No update Higher Learning Commission Update The Gamma version of the proposed revisions to the Criteria for Accreditation, including the Assumed Practices and Obligations of Affiliation, is still available for review. The Delta version comes before the HLC Board for second reading in February 2012. For the current versions of these documents, visit A group of 4 MCC representatives will be attending the Pathway Pioneer Institution Workshop for Cohorts 1 & 2 and Peer Reviewer Training on March 8 & 9, 2012 in St. Charles, IL. A group of MCC representatives will be attending the Annual NCA/HLC Conference in late March/early April. Cynthia, Kristy, and Tristan have had their proposal on Knowledge Management accepted to present at the conference. Assessment Reports Learning Communities We cannot assess the developmental education learning communities because too few courses made. We will try to pilot this assessment again in Fall 2012. Due to communication challenges, 23 students have completed the online assessment sent to those enrolled in Learning Communities this semester. The focus will be on completing the post-test for this Semester. A pre/post-test model will resume next semester. 2 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, February 9, 2012 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room Human Diversity The committee was concerned that the rubric didn’t apply to community colleges. Establishing common learning outcomes and an assessment project for Fall 2012 is a goal. Proposals for new assessment or survey requests No new proposals Campus Reports We are still working on a charge for the campus committees. There was a call for Campus Committees to gather all surveys and assessments currently taking place on their campuses. BR-The committee has not met in the last couple of months. Kim Glackin and several other faculty are administering the GRIT inventory as a pilot in 100 level and above courses to assess self-control, perseverance and obstacles to succeeding in the classroom. They are giving this survey to approximately 500 students across several disciplines. BTC- No report LV-met to talk about making improvements to the General Education Outcomes as discussed earlier in the minutes. MW- hasn’t met, busy with ZBB. The MW curriculum committee is the MW curriculum/assessment committee. PV-hasn’t met, busy with ZBB. Old Business Cynthia will draft a Charge for the Campus Assessment Committees and send to the DACC for additions. It will be discussed at the next DACC meeting. MCC is hosting the 2nd annual Regional Community College Assessment Conference on April 20, 2012 at MCC-Penn Valley. There are 21 registrants from MCC and 24 from other institutions. Registration confirmations to MCC employees have not been sent yet. They should be sent shortly when all details are complete. o We have filled all slots for panel presentations and are looking for room and World Café table facilitators. If you are interested please email Melissa or Kristy. o The MCC conference website ( is complete and includes a block of rooms at the conference hotel-Embassy Suites on the Plaza. Melissa and Kristy are arranging a welcome social at the hotel the evening of the 19th for traveling conference attendees. o Several vendors have indicated interest in sponsorship; however we are awaiting confirmation from them. New Business MCC will hold the Student Learning Symposium this summer. Date is TBD, but will be a Friday in July. The meeting was adjourned. Future Meetings March 22nd at 3:00 p.m. in Penn Valley CC0502 3