HUBERT MIDDLE SCHOOL 9th Grade COMPOSITION/LITERATURE COURSE SYLLABUS Mary A. Snowden, M.Ed. Reading Literacy Coach Comp/Lit Teacher (912) 395-5235 Welcome to the start of a new school year! This year, students will be studying Composition and Literature using Instructional Frameworks and Best Practices. These frameworks are intended to be models for articulating desired results, assessment processes, and teaching-learning activities that can maximize student achievement relative to the Georgia’s Common Core Standards. We are looking forward to a successful year for all of our students. . Course Description Composition and Literature helps students to improve their writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and study skills. Students will develop an appreciation of written and spoken language. Students will use oral language, written language, media and technology for expressive, informational, argumentative, critical, and literary purposes. In addition, they will expand their vocabulary. Students will read a minimum of 25 books during this school year, in addition to the 3 books required during summer reading and other pieces of literature that will be studied. Power Standards A. Students will demonstrate comprehension and show evidence of a responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. B. Students will understand and acquire new vocabulary, using it correctly. C. Students will produce writing that establishes an organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus, and provides closure. D. Students will demonstrate competence in a variety of genres. Students will demonstrate competency through: Reading Projects (including the Summer Reading Project) Reading Fluency Goals (25 Book Campaign) Technical Writing Skills Vocabulary Development Research Skills Information and Media Literacy Grading Scales Classwork Assessments 40% CW/HW 40% Unit Tests, Weekly Quizzes, Pre/Post/Final Exam/Projects 20% End of Course Test (EOCT) A/E B/S C/N D/N F/U 90-100% 80-89% 75-79% 70-74% below- 69% Progress Reports: Besides mid-quarter progress reports, students be given bi-weekly progress reports that must be signed by parent or guardian. Supplies Needed 1 ½ inch 3 Ring Binder Ink Pens (Black or Blue) Highlighters (Aid for specifics in Note taking) Paper (An ample supply of loose-leaf notebook paper) Markers Coloring Pencils USB Flash Drive Classroom Expectations All students are expected to come to class everyday prepared. A clear or meshed book bag with school supplies should be brought to class daily. Students are expected to enter the class quietly, sit in their assigned seat, and begin their opening assignment. The daily procedures will be explained for all students. Students must remain in their seat unless given permission to move. Upon exiting the classroom, all materials should be returned. Personal spaces should be kept clean and tidy. Instructional Expectations Students are expected to remain in class, focused, and on task at all times. Assignments should be completed and submitted on time. Group work and individual work will be assigned. All students are expected to read a minimum of 25 books for the year. Students will have reading goals set each marking period. I encourage you to take your child to the public library to check out books. Students are also expected to use their 3 Ring Binder to record their daily class work and homework assignments. Discipline All students are expected to model appropriate behavior in class. The code of conduct should be reviewed by both parent and student. Students must understand the importance of following directions, wearing their school ID , tucking in their shirts, and displaying appropriate behavior with adults. Students must refrain from classroom disruptions, using profanity, damaging school property and inappropriate behavior. Students must demonstrate behavior that is respectful, responsible and safe. ****In order to be successful each marking period, you will need to: Complete all assignments Participate in class Stay organized and keep up with notes, handouts, and papers Study, review, and read each night Parents are encouraged to drop in for classroom visits and contact me at the phone number and/or email address listed above with any questions or concerns. COMMITMENT STATE OF BEING EMOTIONALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY BOUND TO A COURSE OF ACTION.