Birghton High School – 9th Grade Science

Teacher: Mrs. Elmira Kujundzic
E-mail Address:
Room: CA6
Phone Number: (303) 655-4134
Syllabus and Policies:
1. Course Description - This course offers an in-depth study of living organisms and their interactions
with each other and their environment. Biology will help you gain a better understanding of the life
around us. These units will be discussed in Fall semester:
 Scientific Method
 Chemistry of Life
 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
 Cells and Transport
2. Expectations and Rules - It is all about choices, so choose to do your best! The more you put into
this course, the more you will get out. Respect is our first classroom rule. Be respectful to yourself,
to me, to others, and to our classroom and laboratory equipment. The overall atmosphere in the
class will depend on YOU! If you can respect me while I am teaching as well as treating others in the
class with respect, we will have a fun learning environment. Cell phones are not allowed. Please
leave them off and out of sight. If you do not abide by this rule your phone will be taken
away for the day and a parent/guardian will be called. Food or drinks are allowed only for
the first 10 minutes of the classroom time. Water in the container with the closed lid is
allowed in the science classroom/laboratory.
3. Materials- Mead Five Star 1 subject notebook and pencil!. You will keep all of your materials from this
semester in the notebook to use to study. Our text is Biology by Miller and Levine. You may check
out a copy of this textbook in the book room. Course fees will pay for laboratory supplies, dissection
specimens, and materials for class activities. Students who break or lose any laboratory supplies will be
assessed an additional fee.
4. Assignments – All work should be neat and complete (that means that you need to use complete
sentences). You will have a wide variety of assignments including daily work, reading assignments,
vocabulary, quizzes, quiz corrections, labs, notebook checks, and projects.
5. Attendance - It is important that you make it to class on time every day. Please see your student
handbook for the most current attendance policy information.
6. Late Work- Late work will be accepted for 75% of the grade if you turn your grade within 24 hours.
After 24 hours no credit will be given If you are unexcused on an assignment due date or for a test,
no credit will be given.
7. Do not Cheat or Plagiarize - All your work should be in your own words and not identical to anyone
else’s or to internet sources. First offense will result in a 0 grade and parents/guardians and
administrators will be contacted. Second offense will result in failure of this class. Students who let
others copy their work will be subject to the same consequences.
8. Make Mistakes! - I don’t expect that you know everything, its fine to make a mistake in this class.
Learning from our mistakes is the key to success!
9. Do not be afraid to talk to me! - If you ever need to talk to someone about something my door is
always open.
10. Lab Safety Rules - When we conduct labs you will need to follow lab safety rules. We will discuss lab
rules before beginning our actual lab exercise. Students who act recklessly in lab activities will be
assigned alternate assignments until they can prove they have changed their behavior.
11. Grading80% Reading assignments, daily work, and notebooks (30%)
Quizzes, Test, Projects, and Assessments (70%)
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
59 and below
Extra Help and Grade Information:
I am available to help! I am here during my planning periods (P2 and P8). I get to school around 6:30 am
and leave around 3:00 pm. Please set up a time and come see me if you need help!
Message to Parents/Guardians:
You can access your student’s grades EVERY DAY! You can do this
using the Infinite Campus on the Brighton 27J district website. follow the link for
parents and click on the Infinite Campus icon. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns
about your student.
Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read and agree to these expectations.
This needs to be cut and turned in:
Biology Syllabus
Student Name (print) _____________________________________Period____
Parent/Guardian Name and Signature
E-mail address and/or phone #
Notes: Parents/Gardians, please write any comments you would like to make about
your student and what type of support they may need in order to be successful in
Biology class this semester.
I look forward to working with you this school year!!!
Mrs. Elmira Kujundzic