1 8th Grade Cambridge Literacy and Learning Imagine Prep Ms. Burk 4th Period Smart Lab 2 Official Course Description Cambridge Literacy and Learning offers students a time within their Academic Workshop to enhance their reading and comprehension skills. Students begin reading as a class, move to reading in small groups, and become independent readers in their second semester. Students are required to journal about their reading experience daily, and create book reviews describing and evaluating elements of the books they are reading. Finally, students present on their favorite book to the class. Required Course Materials Please bring the following supplies to class daily: - Blue or black ink pen Pencil A 3 subject notebook (due by Monday of the 2nd week) to be used only for this course A folder or binder for handouts and assignments Loose leaf paper An independent reading book (after fall break)* * Please note that students are allowed to bring their own books for independent reading, or they may choose a book from the classroom library. If your student chooses to bring a book from home, the bookstore, or the public library, please make sure that you comfortable with your student reading that book. Standards and Expectations Grading Standards Grading Scale: 90-100% = A 80-89.9% = B 70-79.9% = C 60-69.9% = D 0-59.9% = F All grades will be updated online on a regular basis. It is the student's responsibility to check online grades. Grades will not be posted in the classroom. 2 Attendance Standards Daily attendance is required for this course. If absent, students should email or contact Ms. Burk immediately (before absence if it is known ahead of time, or directly upon the students’ return) in order to make up lost work. Late Work Students will be given 2 weeks from the due date of all assignments (except midterm and final assignments as these are time-sensitive) to turn in late work for full credit. Late work will only be collected on Wednesday’s office hours (2:00 – 2:30 in room 319). Assignments Journals: When reading as a class and reading independently, students are expected to journal daily, in class (handwritten) in their 3 subject notebook. Entries must be at least half of a page and include specific requirements as instructed. These journals will be collected every Friday. Book Reviews: When students complete a book, they are expected to create a book review (1 page, double-spaced, typed, printed) where they evaluate the book they have most recently completed. It is important for students to become accustomed to turning in typed assignments as this is the norm in high school and college. These are due on Fridays. See the course calendar for specific due dates. Students may use their home computer, a computer at a friend or a relative’s home, the library, or at Imagine Prep before school. If students do not have access to a printer or computer, students must bring in a note from their parent. Those students will be allowed to handwrite their book reviews. Classroom Expectations Students are expected to be attentive and responsive in class. We will engage in many class discussions. Therefore, a comfortable and safe atmosphere must be maintained at all times. Students are expected to participate responsibly and respectfully. Class interruptions will not be tolerated. Students are expected to be in their seats once the bell rings, quietly reading. Cell phones and music playing devices are not permitted in class. Visible headphones are not permitted in class. I will give one verbal warning for students to remove objects. After a verbal warning, I will confiscate the cell phone or the headphones. Students will be responsible for claiming their phone or headphones at the end of the class period. Students are allowed to use the restroom, as needed. One students is allowed out at a time, and will sign out of class on a designated sheet. They will also take the pass with them. If a student abuses the policy, he or she may lose the opportunity to use the restroom during class. Contact Information Email: chelsea.burk@sp.imagineprep.com Office Hours: Room 319 - Wednesday 2-2:30, Tuesday and Thursday 3 Imagine Prep Syllabus Acknowledgement I have read and understand ALL of the policies and procedures for myself/my student and I realize that I/my student will be held to these expectations. Student Name (print) _________________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________________ Parent Name (print) __________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent Phone Number ________________________________________________ Parent Email Address ________________________________________________ Student Email Address _______________________________________________