FHHR Step by step TB Test

Basic Panorama Steps for TB SKIN TEST
A) Search client and set into context
1. c/o (click on) Client details then Personal information and update.
2. c/o risk factors and imms history interpretation and review
(Pre-Panorama TB tests & Results will be found under Imms History Interpretaion)
3. c/o Consent Directives. Provide TB test teaching/screening as usual and record
consent for PPD once obtained.
B) Immunization menu
1. c/o Immunizations
2. c/o TB Skin Test Summary
3. c/o Create TB Skin Test
4. Complete Clinical Information
Created Jan 28, 2015
Basic Panorama Steps for TB SKIN TEST
5. Scroll down to Test Given Details and complete
TB Skin Test Read/Results documentation
6. As usual, 48 to 72 hours later record ‘Test Read Details’ on the lower
portion of the TB Skin Test Summary page. Print Outcome report for
Panorama Policy states;
Select “unknown” in the Interpreted Result field unless advised by
Saskatchewan TB Prevention and Control.
Document the measurement of induration in millimetres (mm) in the
Reaction Size field. A measurement should usually be recorded as a
whole number. If the measurement falls between demarcations on the
ruler that the smaller of the two numbers should be recorded. If No
induration, record as 0 mm.
Best practice would be to record an induration of 10 mm or greater at 624 hours and at 72-96 hours.
Historical documentation of TB skin test results should also be entered
in the Interpreted Result and Reaction Size fields. Historical results
must be entered by a nurse. The most recent negative as well as any
positive results should be recorded in the Interpreted Result field and
if a valid measurement of induration is available record the induration in
millimetres (mm) in the Reaction Size field.
If a report is required, the TB Test Outcome Report will be provided.
Reminder - the TB Test Outcome Report can only be generated for a
TB skin test result that is entered as a non-historical test in Panorama
Created Jan 28, 2015