Algebra -syllabus

Algebra Syllabus and Course Outline
Instructor Mr. Duncan
Location: Room 301
Office Phone: 201-653-8120 (Leave a message. I will return your call.)
Office Hours: By appointment. 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m...Afternoons 2:45 to 3:00.
Afterschool extra help available by appointment.
Purpose of the Course
(In accordance with national core guidelines)
The purpose of the Algebra Curriculum is to increase student awareness of the importance of
mathematics in the modern world. The students will become more confident of their ability of
work with mathematical concepts and relationships. They will learn how to think systematically
and use the precise logic required for mathematical problem solving.
This course builds on the student’s understanding of basic mathematics in the study of algebraic
skills and problem solving. The students will learn to express real-world problems in algebraic
sentences in order to find solutions. Successful completion of the course is an indispensible step
in preparation for geometry, more advanced algebra, trigonometry, and advance mathematics.
This course consists of (approximately) 32 weeks of study (16 weeks per semester) in which the
students will be exposed to the above concepts in various ways. We will discuss the concepts in
detail during class discussions. Classroom PowerPoint presentations will be used to reinforce
concepts. Many sample problems will be presented on overhead transparencies. I will lead the
students step-by-step through various thinking and problem solving strategies required to solve
many kinds of problems. Students will be given ample opportunity to practice solving problems
through in-class assignments as well as through homework assignments. Students are required to
keep a class notes binder.
Algebra Syllabus and Course Outline
Assessment/Evaluation Procedure
Each student will be evaluated on the basis of performance in each of the following areas:
In-Class Assignments
( 10%)
( 10%)
Total =
Classroom Policy
1. Respect and be polite to all people. (Listen carefully. Do not interrupt the teacher or other
students. Do not use the names of "God" or "Jesus" as bywords. Rudeness and disrespect
will not be tolerated.) Remember this is an academy of religious practice and tradition.
2. Respect the property of others. (Put litter in trashcan. Return borrowed items. Do not
write on desks, walls, etc. push in your chairs at the end of class)
3. Bring all needed materials to class every day (pencil, paper, textbook, assignments,
calculator, and binder).
4. Use the restroom before coming to class.
5. Obey all school rules (e.g., dress codes; absentee and tardy policy; no cell phones, food,
drink, or gum in the classroom)
6. Exercise self control at all times. (Crude and offensive language will not be tolerated. No
profanity and especially the “N” word, it is not a term of endearment, and carries a
meaning that is historically offensive and derogatory. Keep your hands and feet to
yourself. No items (e.g. pencils, paper wads, etc.) are to be thrown or tossed inside the
classroom. Tone and volume of voice will be controlled at all times.)
7. There is zero tolerance for insubordination towards faculty or staff (see hand book for
consequences). I f you need to vent your anger or need to argue with a faculty or staff,
please have your parents or guardian do so on your behalf. Behavior deemed as such will
result in the student being removed from the class.
8. There is no sleeping allowed during class. If it occurs frequently your parents or guardian
will be notified and asked to have you examined by a medical physician.
Algebra Syllabus and Course Outline
Before Entering the Classroom:
Use the restroom.
Make sure you have text book, binder, pencil, completed assignments.
Three unexcused lateness is equivalent to a single absence.
More than five absences will result in a grade reduction of 10%
All lateness will result in detention and your name will be forwarded to the dean of
If you are not seated when the late bell sounds you are late no exceptions
When You First Enter the Classroom:
Pick up your checked H.W. assignment from the bin labeled”CHECKED ITEMS”.
Place the H.W assignment due for that day in the bin labeled “ITEMS TO BE
Complete “Do Now” assignment.
Sharpen pencil before the tardy bell.
Be seated in your assigned seat.
Begin "warm up" problems or “due now assignment)
When I Raise My Hand: Please (Look, Listen, and Learn)
Freeze! (Stop immediately whatever you are doing or saying.)
Look at me.
Wait for further instructions.
When I am speaking it is “MY TIME AT THE MIC” so show courtesy, respect and refrain from
engaging in side conversations.
Late Work:
Will not be accepted without a valid written explanation from a parent, guardian. If you
wish to discuss the circumstances causing your work to be late, I am will to discuss it
after school.
Algebra Syllabus and Course Outline
Weekly test/Quiz: At least once a week.
Home work assignments- will be posted on the Saint Anthony website.
Binder check
Your binder is a critical part element to your success. It will be evaluated each Friday and scored
based on a rubric.
2 points
The binder should include returned( tests/quizzes, class work, home work) 5 points
Note section(neat, thorough, legible, concise)
5 points
Total possible points:
12 points
When the Bell Rings to End the Period:
Stay in your seat.
Pick up all books, papers, folder, trash, etc.
Push in your chairs
Leave only when I dismiss you (normally at the bell).
By the end of the year Mr. Duncan will have:
Presented information related to the above topics;
Responded to your questions by answering them and/or referring to additional sources for
further study;
Given guidance in course related areas; and
Given feedback as to your performance on graded areas.
By the end of the year you will have:
Demonstrated increased knowledge and awareness of algebraic concepts;
Demonstrated increased knowledge and understanding of linear functions and graphing;
Demonstrated increased knowledge and understanding of polynomials, exponents, and
Learned to solve real life problems using basic algebra skills;
Learned to collect, organize, and use information to solve algebra problems;
Demonstrated readiness for successful study of more advanced mathematics courses;
Demonstrated a proper class attitude;
Completed all assigned class projects;
Algebra Syllabus and Course Outline
Keys to Success in this Course
1. Feel free to refer to tutorial web sites to supplement your learning experience
2. Study in groups outside of class.
3. Attend extra help
4. Participate during class
5. Always attempt to do the work even if you think it is wrong
6. ALWAYS copy the problem before working it. (Exception: word problems.)
7. Take organizes notes during class, and compare them with your classmates
8. Feel free to share other approaches to solving a problem
9. Do practice problems and review your notes daily
10. Before each test, try to work out types problem that will covered.
11. Keep an updated binder the more notes you have the better.
12. Come to after-school tutorials if you find an assignment especially difficult. If you are
having problems, TELL ME ABOUT IT!
13. Learn to PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO DETAILS. In mathematics you must
learn to pay attention to every letter, every minus sign, every parenthesis, etc. Many
students lose points because of carelessness and inattention to detail!
14. Do not be misled by students around you who may be making poor choices! I have sadly
watched students fail math classes simply because they chose to follow the wrong
example. Decide your own fate!
(Cut or tear on dashed line and return signatures to Mr. Duncan Counts as an assignment grade.)
Please feel free to discuss any problems or questions directly with Mr. Duncan.
Print Student’s Name: ______________________________________________
(Student Signature)
(Parent/guardian Signature)
Parent/guardian email