Adapted from Adler Online Accessibility Review Form 8-22-2014

Online Accessibility Review Form
Adapted from Adler Online Accessibility Review Form 8-22-2014
Please note the following important detail:
One copy to be retained in the Dean/Associate Dean office and
One copy to be on file in the Faculty Teaching Learning Center (FTLC)
General Information:
What is the course name and number?
Name of Reviewer:
Date of Review:
Course Pages:
Did you provide a text equivalent for every non-text element using the ALT tag?
If there are any images missing ALT-text, please list the location of those images below.
Check all that apply regarding course page organization and structure.
Page Structure is consistent across all pages
Color and font sizes are consistent across all pages
There is ample white space around and between blocks of text
There is suffiecient foreground and background contrast
Headings are presented in a hierarchical HTML structure
HTML lists are used to group related context
Do videos have captions and transcripts?
N/A (No videos in the course)
Captions & Transcripts
What type of video player is being used?
Related Files Player
508 Player
Word Documents:
Check the boxes to identify any issues with Word documents in the course.
N/A (No Word documents in the course)
Styles are not used
No table of contents
Missing ALT-text
Row/column headers in tables not identified
All documents passed the Accessibility Checker
Please list the names of any inaccessible documents, the weeks where they are located, and the
updates that need to be made:
Excel Spreadsheets:
Check the boxes to identify any issues with Excel spreadsheets in the course.
N/A (No Excel docs in the course)
Blank cells used to format
Missing ALT-text
Row/column headers not specified
All documents passed the Accessibility Checker
Please list the names of any inaccessible documents, the weeks where they are located, and the
updates that need to be made:
PowerPoint Presentations:
Check the boxes to identify any issues with PowerPoint Presentations in the course.
N/A (No PowerPoint Presentations in the course)
Illegible or non-standard font
Missing ALT-text
Content is disorganized
Poor contrast between text and background
All documents passed the Accessibility Checker
Please list the names of any inaccessible documents, the weeks where they are located, and the
updates that need to be made:
PDF Files:
Check the boxes to identify any issues with PDFs in the course.
N/A (No PDFs in the course)
Structural elements are not indicated by tags
Missing ALT-text
The PDF is not a searchable text file
The reading order is difficult to follow
Fonts cannot be converted to text
All documents passed the Accessibility Checker
Please list the names of any inaccessible documents, the weeks where they are located, and the
updates that need to be made:
Do all links work/ is the target of each link used identified?
Are the links used descriptive outside of their context within the page?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above, please list which link(s) you were referring to and
where they are located.