FOL minutes 1-28-14 - Preston Public Library

Friends of the Library
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Library Community Room
Mary Ann O’Neil called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Present: Ann Legler, Mary Ann O’Neil, Mary Ann Melgey, Pat Berthiaume, Gladys Kimmel,
Susan Brosnan, Elaine Leon, Christine Cosentino, Genevieve Calcasola, Marie Perrin
Minutes from Last Meeting: Elaine Leon read minutes from October 30, 2013.
Corrections to the minutes removed under Program Committee Update, Number 5.
Knitting/Crochet Group “Pat Berthiaume and Sue Brosnan will make a sign-up sheet to see
who is interested and what would be the best day to meet. Sue has also agree to lead the
group.” Pat Berthiaume made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Ann
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Melgey reported the balance for FOL is $7,344.54. She
reported that the 2-day November book sale brought in $438.70. She also reported that the
Friends received a $250 donation from Ann Galliher in honor of Roger Galliher. Mary Ann
will submit the paperwork to obtain a matching donation from Ann Galliher’s employer. Pat
Berthiaume made a motion to accept. Christine Cosentino seconded.
Librarian’s Report: Susan Brosnan asked if the Friends will participate in the Connecticut
Author’s Trail again for 2014. The members voted to participate. Susan reported that she
will receive a list of authors from the coordinator, Christine Schultz, from which Preston can
make a selection.
Susan reported that the theme for the Summer Reading Program is “Fizz Boom Read”. She
also reported that volunteers will be needed to assist the children’s librarian with running the
program. The question of financial support was tabled until the cost for the programs is
received from the children’s librarian.
Library Board: Ann Legler reported that there is a special meeting on Thursday, Jan. 30, to
discuss the library’s budget for the upcoming year.
Old Business:
1) Book Sale: 80 people came to the book sale in November. The group discussed the
pros and cons of having another book sale in April 2014. Elaine Leon made a motion
to hold the next book sale in November 2014. Genevieve Calcasola seconded the
motion. The motion carried.
2) Basket Raffle – It was agreed that the basket raffles would continue notwithstanding
that the last raffle only brought in $7.00. The group decided on a Spring/Summer
Basket Raffle (Ann Legler) and a Fall/Winter Basket Raffle (Elaine Leon and Christine
3) Mary Ann reminded members to review the library by-laws for discussion at the next
Program Committee Update: The following programs sponsored by the Friends were
advertised in the Winter issue of the Preston Pipeline. Preregistrations are being accepted
by phone at the library.
1) Bob Steele, author of The Curse: Big Time Gambling’s Seduction of a Small New
England Town, will speak on Tuesday, Feb. 18, Preston Library Meeting Room, 2 p.m.
Mary Ann will contact Mr. Steele to secure a possible snow date. The date of Feb. 25th
was suggested.
2) Ken Guarneri, and members of the Central Connecticut Woodturning Club, will present a
hands-on woodturning demonstration at Poquetanuck Firehouse from 10 am to 3 pm,
Saturday March 8. Marie Perrin, from the firehouse, reported that the firehouse is
donating the space without charge and will seek donations of pizza from local
restaurants. If they get the donations, they will serve the pizza at no charge to
3) Eric Covino, Charter Boat Captain, will present a program on fresh water fishing
techniques for bass and pike on Thursday, Mar. 20, 8:30 pm, in the library meeting room.
New Business:
1) To accommodate officer schedules, the next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 29th at
6:30 pm in the library meeting room
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.