Grades K-4 Elementary Science Transition to 2010 Ohio Science Standards Northwestern Draft Science Snapshot K-4 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 K 1 2 3 4 Weather (morning/sun) Organisms-living/nonliving, Penguins Sifting through science (physical properties) Weather—seasons, moon/sun Organisms— living/nonliving, physical traits Changes—matter Life cycles Needs of living things Energy, recycle Sound Skywatchers— astronomy Aquatic habitats Schoolyard Ecology Motion and Design Life cycles, Habitats, Traits Rocks Soil Weather Land and Water Chemical Test Plant Growth and Development Needs of living things Matter Energy Motion Plant/animal habitats Extinction Force and Motion Weather Sound Rocks/Soil Life Cycles Force and Motion Plants Weather—seasons, moon/sun Organisms— living/nonliving, physical traits Sound 4 senses—living things Weather—moon/sun Organisms— living/nonliving, physical traits 4 senses—living things Sound (objects and sound) Needs of living things Matter Energy Motion Plant/animal habitats Extinction Force and Motion Weather Rocks/Soil Life Cycles Plants Matter/Energy Land and Water Weather Heat and electricity Plant growth Life Science— Environmental changes, extinction Land and Water Weather Heat and electricity Matter Life science Needs of living things Matter Energy Motion Extinction Habitats Weather Force/Motion Rocks/Soil Life cycles, traits, habitats Plants Matter/Energy Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Land and Water Matter—temperature of objects can change Heat and electricity Life science— environmental changes, fossils, extinction Spring 2012 Page 1 Grades K-4 Science: The STC Elementary Program provides the primary instructional materials for K-4 science instruction Unit Kits Sifting through science Organisms Weather Solids and Liquids Comparing and Measuring The Life Cycle of Butterflies Soils Changes Balancing and Weighing Plant Growth and Development Rocks and Minerals Chemical Tests Sound Animal Studies Land and Water Electric Circuits Motion and Design Ecosystems Floating and Sinking GEMS Penguins (Gems) Skywatchers Aquatic habitats Schoolyard ecology (Gems) Grade: revised spring 2012 K 1 2 x x 3 4 5 X X x X X X X X X X x x x Northwestern Local School District x x x 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 2 Grade K Unit/Topic __1__Nine Week Period Earth and Space Science Topic – Daily and Seasonal Changes This topic focuses on observing, exploring, describing and comparing weather changes, patterns in the sky, and changing seasons. Strands Living and nonliving things have specific physical properties that can be used to sort and classify. The physical properties of air and water are presented as they apply to weather. Connecting Topics and Content Statement Instructional Resources and Strategies: Science Inquiry and Application: To introduce and begin the science year, read the book, What is a Scientist? By Barbara Lehn Have a class discussion about being a scientist. 1. Weather changes are long-term and short-term. a. Weather changes occur throughout the day and from day to day. b. Air is a nonliving substance that surrounds Earth and wind is air that is moving. c. Wind, temperature and precipitation can be used to document short-term weather changes that are observable. d. Yearly weather changes (seasons) are observable patterns in the daily weather changes. (Weather can be measured in seasonal patterns) (from 2nd grade) Northwestern Local School District Suggested Activities: *Do an interactive writing and list what a scientist does *Draw a picture of what a scientist does Seasons: “I Can See and Feel the Change in the Seasons” lesson Utah Ed. Net. (in binder) “Exploring the Seasons” lesson Utah Ed. Net. (in binder) “Favorite Seasons Graph” lesson Utah Ed. Net. (in binder) htt;:// “Seasons” lesson Utah Ed. Net. (in binder) Kindergarten-Science-Lesson-Weather – “Seasons” (in binder) 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 3 “Making a Changing Seasons Tree” (in binder) “Seasons Watchers” lesson Utah Ed. Net. (in binder) Http:// “Weather2: What’s the Season” Science Net Links (in binder)’s-the-season/ Weather: Kindergarten – Science – “Weather – Overview” (in binder) “How to Teach Weather in Kindergarten” (in binder) “Experiencing Weather” Utah Education Network (in binder) “What’s the Weather?” Utah Education Network (in binder) “Weather 1: Weather Patterns” Science Net Links (in binder) Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 4 Kindergarten – Science – Lesson 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Lesson Plans – Weather (in binder) Grade K Unit/Topic Earth and Space Science – Topic – Changes in the sky.Physical Science – Topic – Properties of Everyday Objects and Materials __2__Nine Week Period This topic focuses on observing, exploring, describing, and comparing patterns in the sky, and the properties of objects and materials with which the student is familiar. Strands Living and nonliving things have specific physical properties that can be used to sort and classify. The physical properties of air and water are presented as they apply to weather. Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 5 Connecting Topics and Content Statements Sun, Moon and Stars Building Blocks of Science Skywatchers Content Statements: 1. The moon, sun and stars are visible at different times of the day or night. (from 2 nd) a. The moon, sun and stars are in different positions at different times of the day or night. b. The sun’s position in the sky changes in a single day and from season to season. Stars are visible at night, evening or morning and some are brighter than others. (in binder) Lesson 1 – What Can We See in the Sky? “Let’s Think About….Day and Night” (in binder) “Out of this World” Utah Education Network (in binder) Utah Education Network (in binder) Objects and materials can be sorted and described “All About the Sun….Day and Night” by their properties. a. Objects can be sorted and described by the properties of the materials from which they are made. Some of the properties can include Sifting Through Science color, size and texture. 1. ( Objects are made of specific materials) 2. (Objects have properties that can be sorted by color, size, texture) 3. (Heavy or light weight) Vocabulary: Sifting through Science: observe, measure, sort and classify Sun, Moon and Stars: star, moon, sun, shadow, day, night, phases of the moon 1. Exemplar Texts: Building Blocks of Science Sifting Through Science Grade K Skywatchers Unit/Topic Life Science – Topic – Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living ThingsThis topic focuses on observing, exploring, describing and comparing living things in Ohio. __3__Nine Week Period Strands Living and nonliving things have specific physical properties that can be used to sort and classify. The physical properties of air and water are presented as they apply to Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 6 weather. Connecting Topics and Content Statements Instructional Resources and Instructional Strategies Content Statements: Science and Technology for Children 1. Lesson 1 - Pre Unit Assessment: Sharing What We Know about Organisms p. 3 Living things are different from non-living things (topic) a. Living things include anything that is alive or has ever been alive. b. Living things have specific characteristics and traits. c. Living things grow and reproduce. d. Living things are found almost everywhere in the world (Focus is on the traits and behaviors of living things, not on attributes of nonliving things.) Organisms: Teacher’s Guide Lesson 4 - Observing Woodland Plants. p. 37 Lesson 5 - Observing Freshwater Plants. p. 53 Lesson 7 - Observing Freshwater Snails. p. 75 Lesson 8 - Observing Guppies: How do they compare to snails? p. 87 Lesson 9 - Observing Pill Bugs. p. 97 Lesson 10 - Observing Bess Beetles or Millipedes: How do they compare with pill bugs? p. 105 Lesson 11 - What’s Happening in the Aquarium? p. 119 2. Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. (topic) a. Living things are made up of a variety of structures. Some of these structures and behaviors influence their survival. 1. (Not distinguish between living and nonliving things) 2. (Living things are made of parts) 3. (Living things can do specific things) 4. (Living things have certain characteristics (from 1st and 2nd) a. Traits and behaviors of living things 1. (Living things use body parts to seek resources – 4 senses (from 1st) (Focus is on the traits and behaviors of living things, not on attributes of nonliving things.) Lesson 12 - What’s Happening in the Terrarium? p. 127 Lesson 13 - Freshwater and Woodland Plants: How do They Compare? p. 141 Lesson 14 - Freshwater and Woodland Animals: How Do They compare? p.149 Lesson 15 - How are our Plants and Animals Alike and Different? p. 155 Lesson 16 - Take a Look at Ourselves p. 169 Lesson 17 - Post Unit Assessment p. 179 “What’s Alive” The Education Center, Inc., Lifesaver Lessons (in binder) Being moved: Earth science - living things cause changes on earth – (to 2nd) Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 7 Life science – Plants and animals resemble their parents (to 3rd) Physical science – Things move in different ways - (to 1st) Pushes and pulls can change how things move - (to 1st) Unit Title (continued) Life Science – Topic – Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living ThingsThis topic focuses on observing, exploring, describing and comparing living things in Ohio. Vocabulary: organism, living things, animal, pill bug, snail, guppy, compare, contrast, Bess beetle, millipede, aquarium, grow, same, different, woodland, experiment, describe, Exemplar Texts: Science and Technology for Children Northwestern Local School District Organisms 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 8 Grade K Unit/Topic _4___Nine Week Period Physical Science – Topic: Properties of Everyday Objects and MaterialsLife Science – Topic – Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living Things This topic focuses on observing, exploring, describing and comparing the properties of living things in Ohio, as well as the production of sound. Strands Living and nonliving things have specific physical properties that can be used to sort and classify. The physical properties of air and water are presented as they apply to weather. Northwestern Local School District 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 9 Connecting Topics and Content Statements Instructional Resources and Instructional Strategies Content Statements: Science and Technology for Children Some objects and materials can be made to vibrate to produce sound. Lesson 1 - Pre Unit Assessment: Thinking about Sound p. 3 a. (from 2nd grade) - (topic) Sound is produced by touching, blowing or tapping objects. The sounds that are produced vary depending on the properties of objects. Sound is produced when objective vibrate. 1. (Sound can be made in many ways) 2. (Vibrations) 3. (Pitch and loudness are introduced) Sound: Teacher’s Guide Lesson 2 - How Sounds Travel p. 11 Lesson 3 - Making Sounds with Nails p. 17 Lesson 4 - Making Sounds with Rulers p. 23 Content Statements: Living things are different from non-living things. a. b. c. d. Living things include anything that is alive or has ever been alive. Living things have specific characteristics and traits. Living things grow and reproduce. Living things are found almost everywhere in the world (Focus is on the traits and behaviors of living things, not on attributes of nonliving things.) Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. (topic) 1. Living things are made up of a variety of structures. Some of these structures and behaviors influence their survival. a. (Not distinguish between living and non- Northwestern Local School District Seeds: Science and Technology for Children Organisms Lesson 2 - Observing and describing seeds. p. 11 Lesson 3 - Planting our seeds. p. 21 Lesson 6 - How have our seeds changed? p. 65 “Crops 2: What Plants Need to Grow” Science Net Links (in binder) “Jack and the Beanstalk – Plant a Bean and Watch it Grow” Utah Education Network (in binder) 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 10 living things) b. (living things are made of parts) c. (Living things can do specific things) d. (Living things have certain characteristics – from 1st and 2nd grade) 1. Traits and behaviors of living things. e. (Living things use body parts to seek resources – 4 senses – from 1st grade) Vocabulary Sound: vibration, pitch, sound Plants: terrarium, organism, living thing, plant, seed, compare, contrast, grow, root, observe, measure, describe, experiment, flower Exemplar Texts: Science and Technology for Children, Science and Technology for Children Organisms Northwestern Local School District Sound. 8th Grade Science Course of Study Spring 2012 Page 11