Zombie Assignment and Rubric

Zombie Apocalypse
There are scattered reports of large numbers of individuals being “Infected”
by a virus that turns them into zombies. It is unclear the exact name of the virus,
but it is known that the infection can be passed through saliva or contact with
contaminated blood or bodily fluids. Infected individuals lack most cognitive skills,
feel little to no pain, and have decreased motor or coordinative muscle
movements. They can however, see, hear, touch, smell, and groan. The infected,
or dead, also seek to devour the living, with special interest to the central nervous
You are a scientist that works in the center for disease control, and is
responsible for diagnosing what effects this zombie infection has on the human
nervous system. Using information from our notes and what you find online, you
will answer the following questions in a 2 page report.
 What areas of the brain does the zombie virus affect? Be Specific
 How do the diseased areas of the brain influence the behavior of infected individuals?
 What medical tools would you use to diagnose the infected areas of the brain and why?
It is critical that you make connections between what you have learned
about the human nervous system and human behavior. This project is meant to
be both fun and educational. You should be able to both think critically and use
creativity to complete the report. A rubric is attached to guide you through this
Report: Using the information you have been provided in class, as well as researched online,
you will write a report focusing on the three key questions stated in the prompt. Your report
should be a minimum of 2 pages in length, using Times New Roman, 12 point font. There should
be minimal spelling or grammatical errors, and your report should make logical connections to
the educational material provided in class.
Report is well written
with minimal spelling or
grammatical errors. It is
typed using 12 point
font and reaches 2
pages in length.
Report is well written,
but has some spelling or
grammatical errors. It is
typed using 12 point
font, but falls between
one and two pages in
Report is poorly written
with many spelling or
grammatical errors. It is
typed using 12 point
font, but falls between
one and two pages in
Report is poorly written
with many spelling or
grammatical errors. It is
type using 12 point font
and is below one page
in length. If the paper is
not typed, it
automatically falls into
this category.
Information: You are expected to make proper connections between factual information
relating to the human nervous system, and the project requirements. Your information should
be both relevant and accurate. You must make a minimum of eight references from material
gathered in class, within your report.
The report includes very
accurate and relevant
information relating to
the human nervous
system and makes
excellent connections
to the project
requirements. The
report has eight or
more references to
material gathered in
The report includes
accurate and relevant
information relating to
the human nervous
system and makes good
connections to the
project requirements.
The report has six or
seven references to
material gathered in
The report includes
some accurate and
relevant information
relating to the human
nervous system and
makes average
connections to the
project requirements.
The report has four or
five references to
material gathered in
The report includes
inaccurate and
irrelevant information
relating to the human
nervous system and
makes minimal
connections to the
project requirements.
The report has less than
four references to
material gathered in
Presentation: Within your paper, you will present your findings to the audience. You should
outline the key aspects of the diagnosis, as well as explain the methods and instruments you
would use to research the disease.
Report explains the
key aspects and
answers the three
core questions
mentioned in the
Report explains the
key aspects and
answers the two of
the core questions
mentioned in the
Report explains some
of the key aspects and
answers two of the
core questions
mentioned in the
Report does not
explain the key
aspects and answers
one or less of the core
questions mentioned
in the prompt.