Project - How people use outdoor environments. Students are to brainstorm a list of ways that students and other people use outdoor environments (e.g. as a resource or study site). In pairs, students then research these uses and consider what examples they can find of each use or view and present it in a creative way. Acceptable methods for presentations could include: A song, a poem, a role play, a radio show, etc. Assessment Rubric. Information Gathering Content/ Accuracy Acknowledging Information (referencing) Spelling & Grammar Use of class time Presentation EXPERT SKILLED CAPABLE APPRENTICE NOVICE Accurate and detailed information gathered on each of the key areas. Accurate and detailed information gathered for each of the key areas. . All content is accurate and relevant to the topic. There are no factual or calculation errors. Accurate but not detailed information gathered for most of the key areas. Information gathered for most of the key areas. Little or no information gathered Most of the content is accurate. There are one or two factual or calculation errors. The content is generally accurate, but there are three or four factual or calculation errors. Content is confusing and /or contains a number of factual or calculation errors. All content is accurate and relevant to the topics. Carefully structured information. There are no factual errors. All sources of information and graphics are accurately documented in an appropriate format. More than 5 quality references used. All sources of information and graphics are accurately documented in an appropriate format. More than 4 quality references used. All sources of information and graphics are accurately documented, but a few are not in the appropriate format 3 quality sources of information used. Some sources of information and graphics are documented, but most are not in the appropriate format No sources of information are documented. Appropriate vocabulary is used. Subject specific vocabulary used in correct context. There are no spelling or grammatical errors. There is evidence of detailed planning and editing. Fully utilised class time and focused on completing the task to a high standard. Sought and utilised teacher feedback. Worked very well in a team. All work is very neat and clearly legible. Attempt to use subject specific vocabulary in the correct context. There are no spelling or grammatical errors. There is evidence of detailed planning and editing. Appropriate vocabulary is used. There are no more than two spelling or grammatical errors. There is evidence of planning and careful editing for all pieces of work. Appropriate vocabulary including subject specific terms. There are no more than three spelling or grammatical errors. Some pieces of work have been appropriately edited. Fully utilised class time and focused on completing the task to a high standard. Worked well in a team. Mostly used class time productively. Usually focused on completing the task. At times worked well in a team. Used some of the class time well. Some focus of completing the task. Limited display of positive teamwork. The choice of vocabulary is generally appropriate with some attempt at subject specific terms. There are a number of spelling or grammatical errors. Limited planning and editing. Limited use of class time to complete task. Limited display of teamwork. All work is neat and clearly legible. Most work is neat and clearly legible. Parts of the project are not presented well. The project is not neatly presented or Carefully planning has gone into the design and presentation. Presentation fully engages the audience. ◊ Novice Overall: Carefully Thought has Limited thought legible. No planning has gone into the has gone into care has been gone into the design and the design and taken in its design and presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. Presentation Presentation is Presentation engages the not engaging. fully engages audience. the audience. ◊ Apprentice ◊ Capable ◊ Skilled ◊ Expert Total: Name: / 30 ______% Grade: ______