Name:_______________________ 2nd Grade Homework – Week of 2/21 - 2/24 Please sign that you have listened to your child read (or read to) each night for at least 20 minutes. Tuesday________Wednesday_________ Thursday_______ Spelling Words Unit 20: 1. birds, 2. eggs, 3. boats, 4. boys, 5. girls, 6. boxes, 7. glasses, 8. dishes, 9. foxes, 10. wishes Bonus Words: 11. trucks, 12. sneakers 13. their, 14. there Complete two activities (parents initial) below and turn them in with this paper by Friday. 1. Practice your math facts using flashcards (make, buy, or use a deck of cards). You need to memorize all of your math facts up to the sum and difference to 18. (ex: 9 + 9, 18 – 9) 2. Play a math related card game (war, solitaire, or dominos) 3. Write a story (fiction or non-fiction) using most of your spelling words. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. Don’t forget transition words: first, then, after, finally, etc. Underline all of the action verbs in green. (something you do, like run, cry, walk) 4. Write a sentence for each spelling word. Be sure to use a noun (person, place, or thing) and a verb (action). A Peek At This Week Math Double digit addition with carrying. Theme A Long Journey To Freedom Homework is available on the district web site.