Appendix J

Appendix J - General Selection Criteria
A copy of this Appendix in Microsoft Word version can be found at:
The proposed solution/vendor must meet the requirements of the General Selection Criteria listed
below or the proposal may be rejected. Complete this form and submit with proposal.
Mark a Yes Describe
or No for
each item
1. Proposed solution is for a
Cloud-hosted solution
2. Vendor of proposed
solution must be a
publisher or authorized
3. All data associated with
the proposed solution
must reside in the United
4. Vendor of proposed
solution must have a
commercially available
product with sales for a
minimum of two years
5. Vendor of proposed
solution has a minimum of
three years’ experience as
a Cloud Service Provider
6. Vendor of proposed
solution has a minimum of
two years’ experience with
large institutions and
systems, such as consortia,
of higher education
7. Vendor of proposed
solution has a minimum of
two years’ experience in
instructional design for
higher education
8. Proposed solution is
compatible with multiple
platforms (Mac, Windows,
Linux, other) and multiple
MnSCU RFP Content Authoring Tool, October 2015
9. Proposed solution
supports mobile delivery
on multiple platforms (iOS,
Android, other)
10. Proposed solution
provides tool(s) for the
creation and packaging of
SCORM-compliant elearning content that can
be incorporated into webbased courses and course
delivery to end users
11. Proposed solution can
demonstrate the ability to
integrate with MnSCU’s
instance of D2L
Brightspace (on-premise
hosting by MnSCU) as well
as other learning
management systems.
This includes seamless
between the solution and
LMSs and adheres to LTI
1.2 global standards
12. Proposed solution permits
the sharing and reuse of
developed instructional
activities or objects
13. Proposed solution permits
the repurposing of
digitized elements or
learning objects from an
existing course for use in a
new course
14. Proposed solution
provides user friendly
access across user skill
levels from novice to
15. Proposed solution
complies with current
national and international
accessibility specifications
and standards, including
MnSCU RFP Content Authoring Tool, October 2015
ADA Section 508 and W3C
Web Accessibility Initiative
16. Vendor of proposed
solution agrees that
respondent does not have
any claim to intellectual
property ownership of the
content that resides in the
cloud services or
databases via the use of
the proposed solution
17. Proposed solution
complies with privacy
standards regulated by
FERPA, MGDPA and other
entities detailed in the
technical requirements
(Appendix L)
18. Proposed solution
provides for the
measurement of license
usage and growth
19. Proposed solution delivers
a stable and robust system
By signing this statement, you certify the information provided in the General Selection Criteria,
Appendix J (and any attachments) is accurate and that you are authorized to sign on behalf of the
Name of Company:
Authorized Signature:
Printed Name:
Telephone number:
MnSCU RFP Content Authoring Tool, October 2015