RFP for IT Service and Knowledge Management
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.
Capability to implement change, problem, incident and knowledge management based on ITIL v3
Ability to aggregate new and existing data feeds from a wide variety of sources
Provide a platform for the visualization of relationships and dependencies between technologies, users, systems, and services
Ability to successfully create a proof of concept demonstration based on MnSCU data sources
Provide a highly reliable and secure platform-as-a-service
(PaaS) or software-as-a-service offering, eliminating the administrative burden of hosting, patching and upgrading system and application software
Ability to use and work seamlessly with one of MnSCUs exisiting authentication systems, preferably Active Directory
Provide support and training services needed to ensure success
Provide client references specific to the product and services required
Overall price
Monday, May 13
Tuesday, May 21
Friday, May 24 th , 3:00 p.m. CT
Friday, May 31 st , 3:00 p.m. CT Publish answers to RFP questions
Monday, June 10 th , 1:00 p.m. CT Deadline for RFP proposal submissions
Friday, June 21 st Review RFP proposals
Friday, June 28 th
Friday, July 12 th th st
Friday, August 16 th
, 10 a.m. CT
Publish RFP notice in State
Conduct informational vendor conference
Submit questions on RFP
Meet with individual responders
Complete selection process
Estimated date for executing contract
ITIL v3 based change, problem, knowledge and incident management capabilities
Ability to automate change, problem, and incident management processes
Ability to create and customize workflows
Knowledge management capabilities must include ability to incorporate data from a wide variety of applications including but not limited to: Microsoft software including SharePoint,
Visio, Outlook, Word, Excel and Lync; Best Practical RT:
Request Tracker; XMPP instant messaging (e.g. Jabber)
Provide a sample license agreement.
Provide a demo and a minimum of 20-days of sandbox access to the platform or software based on a business case provided by MnSCU and populated with MnSCU data
Does your company have an annual user conference for your product? Please provide conference details for the past 3 years.
Does your company support a user group for your product?
What is your company's role in the user group?
Expressed understanding of proposal objectives and complete vendor profile (Pass/Fail);
Vendor’s ability of solution to meet minimum qualifications
Ability to meet MnSCU technical requirements (10%);
Capacity of the vendor and its personnel to implement the solution (experience of personnel who are committed to work on the contract will be given greater weight than that of the company) (10%);
Collaborative platform built for social knowledge management with an easy to use interface that conforms to existing social media models
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution
Integration with Active Directory and LDAP authentication
Standards-based encryption of sensitive data
Redundant, secure data center environments
Data center, data and backup locations in United States
Training and support provided by vendor as reflected by the proposal’s discussion and coverage of all elements of work listed above (10%);
Product history, references and roadmap of the proposed solutions to meet the System Office present and future needs
Cost proposal (25%); and
Submission of required documents (Pass/Fail).
Name: Dan Duffy
Title: ITS Contracts and Purchasing Administrator
Address: 30 Seventh Street East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101-7804
Telephone: 651-201-1524
E-mail address: Dan.Duffy@so.mnscu.edu
Name: Andrea Kodner-Wenzel
Title: System Director of Enterprise Services
Address: 30 Seventh Street East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101-7804
Telephone: 651-201-1688
E-mail address: Andrea.Kodner-Wenzel@so.mnscu.edu