Reengineering Vendor Fees Oxford Village Market Case Study Problem Current vendor fees of $200 per season are too high Vendor fees are needed to offset market expenses Reengineer Identify alternative sources of income to replace lost vendor fees Identify cost saving measures to minimize effect of lost vendor fees Increase exposure of market to recruit new vendors, sponsors and patrons Approach Reduce vendor fees to $100 per season Institute sponsorship program Create Facebook fan page Enhance web presence Utilize national and local online listings Introduce monthly basket raffle Sell branded reusable bags Impact 5 new vendors recruited 9 sponsorships procured 26% under budget Vendor revenue increased 62% Increased customer email list by 67% Outcome Happy Farmers + Happy Consumers + Happy Community = Sustainable & Growing Farmers Market If every household in PA spent $10 a week on regionally produced food, $48 million dollars would stay in the local economy each week. That's about $200 million every month and nearly $2.5 billion per year.