STONEHILL COLLEGE 2014 PEER MENTOR APPLICATION PACKET PACKET INCLUDES: JOB DESCRIPTION PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT APPLICATION PROCESS PEER MENTOR APPLICATION RECOMMENDATION FORM FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE PEER MENTORING PROGRAM The Concept Peer mentoring is a concept that has been around for quite a while. Many college students have mentored peers and children at their schools, places of worship and local communities. Mentoring is a rewarding experience for all those involved. The relationship that is formed between the mentor and the person being mentored is built on trust, respect and the common goal of bettering one’s ability to succeed. Job Description - Basic The Peer Mentor assists first-year students in their transition from high school to Stonehill College by providing support and guidance. This is accomplished by the Peer Mentor actively leading and participating in both the Summer and Fall Orientation programs, as well as interacting with new students throughout the fall semester. The Peer Mentoring Program focuses on all aspects of adjustment: social, academic and spiritual. Job Description – Detailed Welcome the incoming first-year students and make them feel at home Assist new students with academic, social and spiritual concerns Work with other Peer Mentors in a supportive team environment Work with your Peer Mentor partner to create an inclusive and fun experience for your group members Lead and work with a group of first-year students throughout the Summer and Fall Orientation Programs. This includes creating and facilitating ice breakers and participating in social and educational activities. Assist new students in developing an awareness of academic resources, as well as understanding the process of course scheduling and registration Report any concerns that arise to college staff Be accessible to your group members throughout orientation and the fall semester to discuss their adjustment progress Be willing, able and available to address issues as they come up (issues can range from homesickness, alcohol-related concerns, or scheduling classes) Must attend all training sessions, Summer and Fall Orientation programs and fall semester meetings (see Time Commitments) Attend all Orientation activities with a good and positive attitude Work with the Office of Student Activities and other Stonehill College offices Be both a friend and mentor to new students Represent the College in a positive, appropriate and professional manner Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Awareness of campus resources Ability to lead groups of peers Able to adapt to situations as they occur Engage others to be a part of the process Knowledge of issues new students face at Stonehill College Awareness of issues of diversity and inclusion at Stonehill College Creativity, patience, enthusiasm, flexibility and energy Qualifications Full-time student currently enrolled at Stonehill College Be in good academic and disciplinary standing (GPA & disciplinary records will be checked) Currently involved in various campus life activities (a resume is required; you are permitted to reference activities/service done in high school as well as Stonehill) Able to relate and work with all types of individuals Past leadership and teamwork experiences Have a level of self-awareness and confidence Able to commit to all required activities and training sessions Be willing to stand up in front of groups and facilitate activities/discussions Proven abilities in time management and being flexible Strong communication skills and the capability to connect with new students Dedication and commitment to diversity at Stonehill College Dedication to the Peer Mentoring Program and its purpose Time Commitment The time we ask Peer Mentors to devote to this program is quite significant. Not only must Peer Mentors attend all training sessions, but they must be available to lead and participate in the Summer and Fall Orientation Programs. Peer Mentors will also be required to spend time with their groups throughout the entire fall semester. REQUIRED Dates and Events: Spring Peer Mentor Training/Team Building o Friday, February 21 – Peer Mentor Meet and Greet o Friday-Saturday, March 21 & 22 Peer Mentor Retreat o Selected Friday evening/Sunday afternoon training dates (4 throughout spring semester, TBD) Summer Training o Wednesday, June 18 – Sunday, June 22 Summer Orientation o Monday, June 23 – Friday, June 27 Fall Training & Orientation o August 23 – 26 o August Training TBD Fall Semester o Various communications with your peer groups Study Abroad Stance Students planning to study abroad or do internships in other cities (i.e. Washington, DC) during Spring 2014 should not apply to be a Peer Mentor. Being away from campus in the spring, you will miss valuable training that cannot be made-up. If you are considering studying abroad in Fall 2014 (or internships), you are encouraged to apply; however, if you plan on studying in a southern hemisphere country which might require you leaving during the summer, you should not apply. For any questions regarding studying abroad, internships or other fall/summer commitments and how they might affect your ability to be a Peer Mentor, please contact Patrick in the Office of Student Activities. PEER MENTOR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Peer Mentor program is to assist first-year students in their transition into college – academically, socially, and spiritually – by providing support and guidance. The program will be a vital means for first-year students to make connections, share experiences, and learn to become active members of the Stonehill Community. Peer Mentors will be supportive, approachable, and act as positive role models throughout the academic year, ultimately enriching the college experience. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Pick up an application. Applications are available: a. On-line at b. Office of Student Activities (Roche Dining Commons) c. The Information Desk (Roche Dining Commons) d. Office of Intercultural Affairs (Duffy) 2. Completed applications are due on Friday, January 24, 2014 in the Office of Student Activities. 3. A completed application includes: a. 2014 Peer Mentor Application Form (please remember to sign it) b. Recommendation Form completed by a current Stonehill faculty or staff (can be turned in separately by your reference; references from Stonehill students will not be accepted) c. Answers to the five essay questions. Answers should be typed and submitted on a separate piece(s) of paper. d. Current Resume (workshops on resume-creation will be held by Career Services on 12/2 at 6 PM and 12/3 at noon, locations TBD) e. When submitting a completed application, please make sure you sign-up for an interview time. 4. Selection Process Required Stages a. Completed Peer Mentor Application b. Group Activity Night c. Individual Interviews d. Notification of Decisions e. Peer Mentor Contracts Due Date Friday, January 24 Friday, January 31 February 3-7 (various hours available) Friday, February 14 Friday, February 21 Applicants will be rated on their interviews, observed actions during the Group Activity Night, and their completed Peer Mentor application. Questions? Confused? Contact the Office of Student Activities (ext. 1308) or email Patrick at OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES ORIENTATION PROGRAMS 2014 Peer Mentor Application Form Deadline: Friday, January 24 Thank you for applying to be a Peer Mentor! By taking this initial step, you have already shown a commitment to helping new students become part of the Stonehill Community. Please complete this form, and turn it in with your typed responses to the five essay questions and your current resume. The Recommendation Form does not need to be turned in with your other materials. Your reference can submit it separately when she/he has completed it. Please print or type. Name: Current GPA: ________________ E-mail Address: Local Phone Number: Academic Major: __________________________________ Campus Box Number or Commuter Address: Year at Stonehill: ___________ Student ID #: _____________ By signing below, I give the Office of Student Activities permission to verify my GPA and also check my campus discipline record. ________________________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________ Date Please check what other student leadership positions to which you might apply: Resident Assistant Student Ambassador Moreau Student Minister Student Alumni Association member ALANA-A Brothers & Sisters ITS Coordinator Will you be studying abroad during the Fall 2014 semester? YES NO Not Sure Essay Questions. Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper and submit with your completed application form and your current resume. 1. Describe the experiences here at Stonehill which have motivated and prepared you to be an effective Peer Mentor. 2. After a new student participates in a Stonehill Orientation Program, name 3-4 aspects he or she should have learned from the experience (what are the outcomes/goals of Orientation)? 3. All Peer Mentors are assigned a partner to co-lead Orientation groups. What strengths would your ideal Peer Mentor partner possess? Alternately, what strengths would you offer to your partner(s)? 4. How would you expect to be challenged by this opportunity? What type of support would you need to effectively perform your role as a Peer Mentor? 5. How can the College improve its Orientation programs and services, including both summer and fall events? Peer Mentor Recommendation Form The following individual is applying to be a Peer Mentor for the 2014-2015 school year. Peer Mentors are student leaders who assist with Stonehill’s Orientation Program (both summer and fall) by leading small groups of new students and assisting in their overall transition into the Stonehill Community. Directions for Students. Please fill-out the following information, and then give this Recommendation Form to your reference to complete. This form does not have to be turned in at the same time with the rest of your application materials. Your Name: Reference’s Name: I waive my right to view this completed recommendation form. I retain my right to view this completed recommendation form. Directions for References. The above student has asked you to complete this recommendation form. Please rate the student in the following areas and provide additional information/comments if necessary. If you feel you cannot adequately assess the student in an area, please circle “n/a”. Scale: 1 = Poor/Weak; 2 = Adequate; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent/Strong; n/a = Not Able to Assess Ability to work with other students 1 2 3 4 n/a Work ethic 1 2 3 4 n/a Communication skills 1 2 3 4 n/a Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 n/a Flexibility 1 2 3 4 n/a Positive attitude 1 2 3 4 n/a Approachability 1 2 3 4 n/a Additional Comments: Reference’s Name (print) Campus Phone Reference’s Signature Date Completed forms can be sent via campus email to Patrick Keaney in the Office of Student Activities. If you have any questions about this form or the Peer Mentor program, please contact Patrick at x1308. Thank you for supporting the student’s application to be a Peer Mentor. Deadline for Recommendation Forms is Friday, January 24, 2014.