Peer Helper Placement Guide

Peer Helper Placement Guide
 In-placement: 5 days/week for three week blocks throughout the semester
 In-class: 5 days/week for one week blocks throughout the semester
Mr. Pascoe is responsible for monitoring student attendance on all days (M-F)
whether in-placement or in-class
 Students must check in with Mr. Pascoe. at some point before or after
period 4 to have their attendance taken EACH DAY, outside of South
Student Services
o Sign the check-in sheet individually and personally
 If student does not check in, student will be marked ABSENT for that day’s
 If student knows s/he will be absent on a particular day:
o Call or email Mr. Pascoe. immediately (905-845-5200 x234 or AND
o Call or email Teacher Mentor immediately (check with TM for
individual voice mail and email contact info)
This is particularly important, as the Teacher Mentor is relying on students
being present in the class and may need to adjust the Lesson Plan for the
All Leadership Peer Helpers will be evaluated in two ways:
Teacher Mentor Performance Appraisal
There will be four (4) Appraisals done by each Teacher Mentor for each student
in placement, based on the following expectations:
 Attendance
 Communication
 Punctuality
 Acceptance of feedback
 Dependability
 Attitude/enthusiasm
 Preparedness
 Interpersonal skills
 Initiative
 Adaptability/Flexibility
 Time management
 Interaction with student
Students will be expected to meet with Teacher Mentors to review and sign each
Appraisal, then submit to Mr. Pascoe. for evaluation.
Students may be pulled from placements due to chronic problems with any
of these expectations.
Student Leadership Journal
Students are expected to keep a Leadership Journal, using the template given
(see sample). Students need to keep the 12 expectations above in mind when
completing their Leadership Journal.
Leadership Journal Chart:
 Complete at the end of 2 in-placement days each week
 Dot-jots notes are acceptable
 Dates need to be filled in with the appropriate date
 Assess how you met the daily expectations
o Y or N – it’s either one OR the other
o 0 1 2 3 4 – rate on scale of levels 0-4, 0 means expectation was
not met at all; 1=not well; 2=somewhat; 3=fairly well; 4=excellent
“Week in Review”:
 Complete at the end of each week
 Use full sentences
 If more room is needed, please attach other paper
“Goal(s) for the week” and “Goal(s) for next week”:
 Complete on each Leadership Journal
 Show progress in student leadership skill development
Leadership Journals are due on the Monday of each in-class week, from
the previous 3 weeks.
Roles/Tasks for Peer Helpers
 One-to-one tutoring
 Lead small groups
 Create activities (i.e. games, worksheets, review sheets)
 Scribe/take notes
 Keep a “master” student notebook
 Keep a student or group “focussed” during lesson/activity
 Extra set of eyes/ears (i.e. answer questions, circulate during activities/group
work/homework completion)
 Demonstrate a task / “how-to”
 Create bulletin boards, displays for classroom use
 Track student progress (i.e. checklists for homework completion, work
handed in, charts, etc…)
 Make small presentations to groups/class, where appropriate
 Assist students with test-taking
 Coach/mentor students
 Assist on field trip, where appropriate
 Review with students for test preparation
 Participate in group/class discussions/role-plays, where appropriate
 Set up/clean up equipment
 Any other activity that promotes peer-to-peer interaction in a helping role
Roles NOT expected of Peer Helpers
 Evaluate student work
 Supervise peers without teacher supervision
 Use photocopier
Suggestions for Daily Placements
 Approach Teacher Mentors daily to review your role(s) in the daily lesson plan
and for upcoming classes
o Make suggestions/take initiative of how you can be more involved
o Ask for suggestions on how you can be more involved/what the
Teacher Mentor would like you to do
o Work together/collaborate/communicate as much as possible
 Be there, be on time, and be attentive!
MODEL -- act like one!
 Establish routines whenever possible for your role
o Ex: setting up equipment
 Share your Leadership Journals with Teacher Mentors, including goal(s)
o Gives feedback to Teacher Mentors on your progress
 Move around the classroom, when appropriate and needed
o Easier to engage students if you approach them and feel
comfortable moving around the room
 Take risks – be willing to try a new strategy, new idea, break out of your
comfort zone
Let Mr. Pascoe know of any problems or concerns as soon as they arise!