The 12 Required Ingredients for MLearning Courses View Detailed Instructions and Examples 1. Write a Course Title Provide a title that is a concise reflection of the course. 2. Write a Course Description What is to be covered in your course? 3. Define the Target Audience For whom is this course intended? 4. Define the Patient Population What patients, if any, will be affected? 5. Write a Competency Statement What will be the outcome? 6. Write the Critical Behaviors What are the performance criteria? 7. List Key Words 8. Define the Course Requirements 9. Estimate the Course Completion Time 10. Identify the Content Expert and Review Date NAME: E-MAIL ADDRESS: 11. Facilitate Peer Reviews of Your Content PEER REVIEWERS: DATE OF LAST CONTENT PEER REVIEW: 12. Cite Your References Last Step: Save this document and e-mail it to Juliana Stange: