Lesson 5

Lesson 5 – Editing Text in Word 2010
Guided Notes
Spelling and Grammar Check:
a. A ________________ wavy line represents a _______________________ word.
b. A _______________ wavy line represents a _______________________ mistake.
Correct Spelling Errors:
a. Spelling can be corrected _________________ by the user or by selecting
_________________ and ______________ from the ______________________ Group
on the ___________________ Ribbon.
3. When there is a misspelled word, the wavy line will disappear when the misspelled word is
_______________________ or when _______________ is selected on the
_________________________ menu.
4. Select the ____________________ and Grammar Command in the proofing group to bring up
the Spelling and Grammar _________________ box.
5. The Word 2010 user has six (6) choices in the Spelling and Grammar Dialog Box Functions:
a. _________________ once
b. Ignore ____________________
c. Add to _____________________
d. __________________________
e. ___________________ all
f. ______________ correct
6. Spelling and Grammar can also be accessed from the __________________ Stage View.
7. Type in the _______________ box what you want to replace. It can be an
______________________ of something you type frequently. In the ___________ box, type
what the auto correct should replace it with.
8. Word 201 compares the words that appear in the document to words found in the
_______________________________ dictionary.
9. By ____________________________ clicking on the misspelled word, suggestions for correcting
the error will appear on the _____________________ Menu. To _____________________ the
item, click the item and the item is corrected.
10. AutoCorrect Feature:
a. ___________________________ click the misspelled word. Choosing the proper
spelling from the list will fix the word only _______________________.
b. Instead, right click and select the __________________________________ option, then
select the correct spelling from the AutoCorrect list. This will add the word to your
AutoCorrect and will fix the ___________________ and ______________ misspellings of
this word.
11. Hot Keys:
a. __________________________________
b. It is important to ______________________________ a document.
12. Translating Text:
a. In the _______________________ Ribbon click on the _______________________
b. If you point to a word, the translation will appear in a small
c. The _____________________ time the MINITRANSLATOR is selected, the user must
select the ___________________________ for the word or phrase to be translated into.
13. Using the Thesaurus:
a. A Thesaurus is a dictionary of ____________________ and _____________________.
b. Once the thesaurus is selected, it will bring up a __________________________ pane
with suitable options.
c. The _______________________ should then decide the best choice.
d. The Thesaurus may also be selected by _________________________ clicking on the
14. Find and Replace on the Home Ribbon:
a. Look for the ___________________ tab
b. Browse document _____________________________
c. Browse ____________________
d. Browse result from _______________________search
e. You can also hit the ________________ button on the ________________________
scroll bar.
15. Wildcards:
a. A _____________________ is a ___________________________ that takes the place of
an unknown character or set of characters.
b. A ____________________________ mark can be used to substitute for any individual
c. An ___________________________ can be used to substitute for any
______________________ of characters.
d. Advanced Find ________________________________ also provide the user with more
16. Inserting Date and Time:
a. Find this option on the _______________________ Ribbon and look in the
_______________________ tab for Date and Time.
b. The ______________________________ makes it a field rather than static.
c. When inserted as a ______________________, the date and time will
____________________________ update.
d. Select ______________________ tab and ___________________ parts.
e. _______________ means the date will stay the same every time you open it.
f. A ____________________________ changes to the current date when the document
g. There are a variety of _________________________ formatting options.
h. Date and time can also be inserted using the ___________________ Date and Time
buttons on the ______________ and _________________ Ribbon.
i. The date and time that is inserted into the document is
________________________________ on the date and time of the ________________.
17. Changing Date and Time in Computer:
a. This can be updated through the computer’s _____________________ Panel.
b. Go to _____________________________
c. Select ______________________ Panel
d. Select, Change ________________________ and ____________________
e. Change the Date and Time
18. Inserting Special Characters:
a. Special characters are anything beyond the ___________________________, numbers
and _________________________ found on a standard keyboard.
b. Go to the __________________________ Ribbon
c. Click on the _________________________ icon
d. Some symbols have ____________________________ keys. They appear at the
_________________ of the Symbol dialog box. For example, the shortcut for the degree
symbol is _________________________________
e. You can also customize shortcuts by selecting the symbol sign, then more symbols, and
then selecting the Shortcut Key Option.
f. Hot Keys Include:
i. CTRL + 5 =
ii. F5 =
iii. CTRL + G=
iv. CTRL + H =