Spelling - Urenui School

Urenui School Curriculum
Statement: SPELLING
At Urenui School we encourage our learners to develop skills and strategies necessary to become efficient spellers.
Programmes are to have minimum of 3 spelling lessons in one week. Spelling skills to be developed.
Weekly spelling lists are to go home each week. Incorrect words from the end of term testing of Essential Lists
must be included as part of the weekly spelling list. Errors from weekly tests are to be transferred to the
following weeks list. These lists must also contain some words from their own writing and word families where
Weekly testing must occur on Friday.
Create opportunities for learners to experiment with word building activities.
Explicit teaching evident of how to use a dictionary and thesaurus effectively.
Essential lists 1-7, Commonly Misspelt Words.
5 Year Assessment
6 yr Nets
Through Written Language
Coverage of Achievement Objectives is to be shown in classroom teachers Tracking Books.
If Spelling is a focus for the Inquiry, assessment tasks around the Learning Outcomes set and evident in teachers
assessment folder.
Spell write
Chunk, Check, Cheer Resource book
Smart Kids Kit 1 & 2
Jolly Phonics
Essential lists 1-7
Jill Alcock
Yolanda Sorryl