ASUWB Open Public Meeting DATE: February 10th, 2015 TIME: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM LOCATION: Rose Room, UW1-280 I. Call Meeting to Order – 8:00am Called to order at 8:09am II. Attendance/Roll Call – 8:01am James Anderson Brittany Monares Brandon Johnson Sara Grossie David Edwards Justin Nygard Vacant Daniel Schmidt Josh Custer Naaz Sandhu Alicia Lookabill Yaman Harut Justin Han Horacio Rodriguez Eunah Ko President Vice President – Absent (Unexcused) Director of Student Advocacy Director of Public Relations Director of Business Operations Director of Government Relations – Late (8:19am) Graduate Senator Senior Senator – Late (8:13am) Senior Senator – Absent (Excused) Junior Senator Junior Senator Sophomore Senator – Absent (Unexcused) Sophomore Senator First Year Senator First Year Senator III. Confirm Agenda – 8:03am Horacio moves to approve the agenda with the addition of TriCampus Update Brandon seconds Motion passes 8-0-0 IV. Approval of February 3rd Meeting Minutes - 8:05am Justin Han moves to approve 2/3/15 Minutes Horacio seconds Motion passes 7-0-1 V. Executive Board and Senator Reports – 8:05 am James Anderson Brittany Monares Brandon Johnson Sara Grossie David Edwards President Met with Andrea for weekly check-in Met with George, Kelly, and Andrea for Check In Meeting Met with Brittany for weekly check-in Spoke on behalf of ASUWB at Huskies on the Hill Met with Eunah and Horacio for Check-In Meetings Attended Street Line Parking App Demo Met with Josh, Justin, and Horacio for ABC Met with Christian Adams for input on ABC Attended Diversity Reception hosted by Terryl Ross Attended Chancellor’s Cabinet Meeting Worked with Sara to finalize logistics for ASUWB Spring training Worked with ASUWB team to host UW Student Govt. TriCampus Meeting Met with Sam to prep for Freedom of Speech SubCommittee Assisted in setting up ASUWB involvement for Admitted Student Reception Spoke with Regent Jaech about UW Presidency Vice President No report submitted Director of Student Advocacy Met with Andrea for weekly check-in Tabled for Huskies on the Hill Distributed marketing for ASUWB 101 Attended the Tri-Campus meeting Director of Public Relations Met with James for weekly check-in Met with Andrea for weekly check-in Marketed ASUWB 101 Marketed Student of the Month Created February Student of the Month Certificate for Dalia Swellum Processed 11 Holly the Husky Appearance Requests Attended the TriCampus Meeting Updated ASUWB website with minutes and agenda Director of Business Operations ASUWB SAF Representative/ Questions Alumni Council Meeting ASUWB Budget Review ASUWB Student Discount communication ASUWB SAEF Application/Communication Tri Campus Meeting Managed Holly at R.A.I.N Event Justin Nygard Vacant Daniel Schmidt Josh Custer Naaz Sandhu Director of Government Relations Held office Hours Attended Huskies on the Hill Outreached to students about Huskies on the Hill Helped James draft talking points for Huskies on the Hill speech Attended Tri Campus Meeting at UWB Met with Andrea for weekly check-in on TV Communications Legislative Agenda Bill Tracking Created ASUWB Director of Government Relations Event Advisory List Weekly Check-in with Kelly on legislative updates Weekly State Relations phone conference meeting Made appointments for Feb 16 Lobby Day Created Legislative Updates for Feb 10 ASUWB meeting Listened to political media (TVW, Newsletters, etc) Graduate Senator N/A Senior Senator Met with Josh about the projects he is working on Met with Brittany about my work plan and emailed her my work plan Attended ABC meeting Held office hour of Thursday from 1:30-2:30pm Reached out by emailing Housing/RHA and Disability Resources about STF Met with Rachael Rodney about STF Tabled at Pathways event Senior Senator Weekly meeting with Daniel Weekly meeting with Brittany Met with Naaz regarding each others projects Researched into advertising screens in Library with Naaz Met with James regarding ABC committee Attended Tri-Campus meeting Attended STF meeting Junior Senator Scheduled meeting with Sam for heaters installation Continue talk with healthy food options On going discussion with Justin and Brandon for TVs/projectors Set up meeting with Josh Meet up with Brittany with Weekly check-ins and constructed a work plan Attended the tri-Campus meeting Alicia Lookabill Yaman Harut Justin Han Horacio Rodriguez Eunah Ko Junior Senator Met with SafeCampus sub-committee group: Communications for 1 hour Met with SafeCampus sub-committee group: Facilities for 1 hour Attended 3 hours of of Tri-Campus meeting Sophomore Senator Attended Tri-Campus meeting on Saturday Had a weekly check-in with Brittany Continued work on the inspiration board for the ARC furniture options and colour schemes Contacted Emma about this week concerning PACS Researched mascot shops and seamstresses for Holly Reviewed the SAEF applicants for this week’s meeting Updated Ali and the rest of RHA about the change in representative from ASUWB Sophomore Senator Helped out at Tabling with Brandon Spoke students currently part of the LLC program to see there current views on it. Checked for SAEF Applicants Spoke with SENSES Offiver regarding the Sense Social Fair First-Year Senator Attended RHA town hall meeting with Yaman Harut Attended “Cookie-and-a-Condom” event at the community center Met with James Anderson about the ABC Volunteered at the Laci Green event Connected a student at large with James Anderson about the A.R.C building Attended the monthly WSA meeting with President James Anderson & Director Justin Nygard Collaborated with Josh Custer and met with Tony Guerrero about restroom improvements Became a part of the WSA hiring committee for a new executive director Weekly meet with Brittany Monares (Mondays every week) or James Anderson if Brittany Monares is absent Contacted a person of interest (Sunny D.) about my legacy project (frats/sorority) Scheduled a meeting with Andrea to update about legacy project Attended a meeting with Adviser Andrea Tabled with Brandon Johnson for “ASUWB 101” First-Year Senator VI. Attended Club Council Meeting Talked with Brandon about Discovery Class, CUSP. Met with James Committee Reports - 8:15am Alumni Council Art Advisory Committee CACES Chancellor's Cabinet Club Council David Edwards Meeting at Januik Winery Horacio Rodriguez No Updates David Edwards No update James Anderson and Brittany Monares Fire Drill Presentation provided by Darren Branum Cashiers study was reviewed - will be opened at 8:00am now rather than 9:00am Long term budget planning: academic units will be working more closely with admin units to focus on four main topics: Academic programming, student services, co-curricular initiatives, and admin operations Looking to partake in a more sustainable budget model. One issue that is being looked at is the gap in part time faculty Institutional Planning Council - No students or faculty are represented which is concerning. Wolf stated that this is an “advisory” and not a “governing” board FY 16 Budget is currently being looked at. $2.6 Million dollars is available, beyond base budget There might be a modest increase in tuition for students over the coming biennium: the reasons why is that wolf said it is better to raise tuition by $200 to keep a student on their graduation track to gain incremental revenue, rather than not having the classes available to students which would cause them to pay another year of tuition. Diversity Center and other programmatic costs will now be pursued through private fundraising Bellevue College Regents charged BC President to explore transfer partnership with WSU. Could this affect our numbers in terms of transfer student populations? Eunah Ko and Brandon Johnson Club approval Student Engaged for Social Equity club - Approved Budget Request ACM Citizen Four movie Screening - Approved $0 5-0-0 OWASP - Approved $0 5-0-0 Rotaract Club Information Night -Approved $250 Commuter Task Force Diversity Council Downtown Bothell Action Committee Elections Committee General Faculty Organization General Staff Organization Graduate Advisory Committee Graduate Student Council Living Learning Community Task Force Future Dining Services Task Force Provost Advisory Committee Residential Hall Association 4-1-0 CSU February Guest Speaker - Approved $50 5-0-0 JSA Pokemon Monopoly Day - Approved $150 5-0-0 Officer Reports Night Fest updates - Cascadia contribution Sara Grossie Next meeting is 2/12 2-3:00pm Naaz Sandhu, Justin Han No Update Justin Nygard No Update Brittany Monares and Justin Nygard ASUWB 101 Debrief Ethics Training Reviewed ASUWB Bylaws Brittany Monares No Update Brittany Monares No Update Vacant- Graduate Student Senator N/A N/A Eunah Ko and Justin Han, 2 students at large No Updates Vacant- Graduate Student Senator Sara Grossie and Justin Han No Updates James Anderson and Yaman Harut No report this week due to Huskies on the Hill SFAC Yaman Harut and Horacio Rodriguez Katie & Chelsea came to discuss no raise in Housing price Ben came to discuss sustainability (tips on energy saving) Discussed future events RHA would hold Decorate Thursday (decorated community center with seahawk themes) Held the Super Bowl event (food, streamers, balloons, A-frames) Husky pantry James Anderson Verbal report will be provided by Brittany after attending SFAC meeting last Friday SAF Committee David Edwards SAF hearings begin Friday Brittany Monares and Naaz Sandhu Sent in final revisions for the code last week Will hear back from committee shortly to discuss last minute changes Daniel Schmidt and Josh Custer Held two budget hearings regarding first cycle proposals Next meeting: Feb. 20th Alicia Lookabill and Brittany Monares Sub-committee meeting priorities Communication: o Awareness about drills o Cell coverage (looking into repeaters) Facilities/Physical Spaces: o Parking garages, offices, classes, housing among important spaces o Locking mechanisms on doors-- How do these work? Who is in charge of them? o Regulating areas good for fostering crime o Syllabus evacuation information available-- do we want this? o Safety/resource maps Daniel Schmidt and Justin Han No Updates Justin Nygard Next meeting 8am, February 14th, Olympia office Student Conduct Code Committee Student Technology Fee Committee SAFE Campus Working Committee Technology Advisory Committee Washington Students Association Campus Garden Committee Board of Regents City of Bothell Meetings CSG Sara Grossie GPSS Food Truck Focus Group Enrollment Management Committee UW BIG Next meeting 2/11 James Anderson Update will be provided after Thursday Meeting Brittany Monares No Update James Anderson Recapping Parking App Presentation made by private company James Anderson Work is being done with GPSS Liasion to learn more about their childcare initiative on campus Brandon Johnson, Justin C. Han Survey edits currently being made James Anderson No Update James Anderson and Brittany Monares Community Engagement Task Force VII. No Update Brittany Monares/David Edwards David - Working on scheduling a meeting time Old Business 8:35am Olympia Update (8:35am-8:50am) (Information Only, Justin Nygard) TriCampus Update and Academic and Budgetary Council (ABC) Update (Information Only, James Anderson) (9:00am-9:15am) ASUW Diversity Commissions and UWT Diversity Resource Center ASUWT: Diversity Summit: Winter/Spring – Campus wide, free lunch, day-long diversity dialogue Embrace: Quarterly – Staff, Faculty, Students – Closed-door conversations between smaller groups – Has led to closer relationships between students and faculty/staff Mentorship Program 2 Rooms: 1 for office space, 1 for student space next door Access to computers, clubs are welcomed, quiet hangout space, textbook resources, free printing Plan -> Task Force -> Budget Approval -> Board Approval Establish a General Diversity Center – then it can be divided into spaces per group “Night Market” at UW Bothell Not connected with ASUW, 3 RSO groups run it Funded by many groups, not SAF Nurses and Medical Services on Campus ASUWT: Health and Wellness Center – Partnership with Franciscan Create relationship with surrounding healthcare facilities to establish something on campus ASUW: Funding: Half SAF and Half self-sustaining Students get one free doctors visit, unlimited triage visits 58 Peer health educators Childcare Facility on Campus Currently, UWB students can be reimbursed up to $1000 per quarter ASUWT: Also has reimbursement policy Working with United Way and Children’s Museum to create a childcare option for students, staff, and faculty – should be open next January ASUW: Not a priority on campus (Provost) Space has been an issue Currently looking at transitioning some spaces into childcare spaces, but this still would not meet demand Student Parent Resource Center – no state contributions Student Mentorship Program ASUW: Program focuses on how to be a leader, 2-3 students per mentor, mentors 5-6 hrs/wk Husky Leadership Certificate: Student Life & Student Activities – students get paired with a mentor for two quarters Husky Leadership Initiative – Partnership with Starbucks ASUWT: First-Year Student All-nighters – Games, dancing, etc. Student leaders attend Student Government Elections ASUW: 5-6000/40,000 voters last year Elections committee events throughout the year Elections are a 3-week process, very time intensive, may be intimidating to students Elections kickoff fair – starts first day of voting – to get students excited about elections – need sponsorship for giveaways to draw in students Incentives during election days – food and swag Candidates can rent tablets/laptops or bring their own Residence Halls at night Information sessions throughout the year ASUWT: Record voter turnout when ASUWT membership became opt out Have voter booths but haven’t used them in any recent years Tablets for online voting Reminder emails Other initiatives on the ballot, e.g. Tobacco-free campus Senate: ASUW: Anyone who wants to join the Senate can Usually have about 100 active Senators Senate leadership is selected via senate vote ASUWT: Senate based on departments ASUWB: Senate based on year Student Safety ASUWB: Students don’t feel like it’s worth Security’s time to walk them to their vehicles Students don’t have trust with officers “Community Service Officers”: Students who would assist with campus security ASUWT: If students feel unsafe on campus, it should be the administration’s responsibility, not the responsibility of student government to start a new program ASUW: Husky Night Walk Safe Campus Forums Student Union Best Practices ASUW: Husky Union Building (HUB) Started by ASUW funds/fundraisers Meeting rooms, event space Students maintain the spaces Space for Commuter students Nearby food options ASUWT: Y Center, 1 month old Collaboration with the YMCA Issues with responsibilities and goals Currently navigating the issues that maybe should have been vetted out before the building opened Student funds were given before everything was clearly agreed upon ASUWB: Open forum about the new ARC (Activities and Recreation Center) 5-7 years of conversation up until now MOUs established Funded by SAF - $147 fee over the next 30 years Cascadia paying a set minimum based on enrollment Space Utilization: ASUWB: process of reserving a space is too difficult and slow – needs to be revised ASUW: RSO resource center – RSOs can rent (for free) tables, supplies, etc. Husky Pride Fund ASUWT: Fund was open to all 3 campuses, then closed to only Seattle even though UWT and UWB were paying into the fund. Now open to all 3 campuses again Reduces barriers for students to be fully academically engaged Money is raised from bookstore, Husky Pride shirts, etc. Decision making body should have representation from all 3 campuses UWB & UWT: Need to look into how our campuses are contributing to the fund College Councils and Student Government Involvement ASUWB: ABC would be one college council but with 2-3 representatives from each school serving Would regularly report to ASUWB to keep the conversation open 70-80% of our budget goes into Academic Affairs College Councils: Provost Advisory Committee for Students (PACS) Started Student College Councils because Deans were submitting a lot of proposals and PACS didn’t have student input – Communication Pathway Most established council is in College of Arts & Sciences, but most schools have one ASUW Member Registration Should the option be housed under Insurance/Optional Charges? (Implies membership incurs a charge) Student Technology Fee Committee UWS, T, and B raise fees independently of one another UWB STF only had proposals for about 10% of available STF budget ASUWB STF Contacts: Daniel Schmidt, Senior Senator – Josh Custer, Senior Senator – ASUWB Program Proposals (Brittany Monares, Information Only) Program Proposals will be housed in a binder which is to stay on the round table in the ASUWB office and serve as a legacy binder as well as a way to manage accountability VIII. New Business 8:35am Hold for SAEF Review (Action Item, David Edwards) N/A (No applications) Food Truck Survey (Information Only, Brandon Johnson) Revised survey from last year to be more relevant to what is realistic for this year and for when the food trucks move to the ARC location IX. Caucus Time X. Announcements – 9:55 XI. Adjournment – 10:00am Brandon moves to adjourn Naaz seconds Motion passes 10-0-0