ASUWB Open Public Meeting - University of Washington Bothell

ASUWB Open Public Meeting
DATE: May 12th, 2015
TIME: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
LOCATION: Rose Room, UW1-280
Call Meeting to Order – 8:00am
Meeting called to order 8.04
Attendance/Roll Call – 8:01am
James Anderson
Brittany Monares
Brandon Johnson
Sara Grossie
David Edwards
Justin Nygard
Daniel Schmidt
Josh Custer
Tiarra Fentress
Evan Gilbert
Yaman Harut
Justin Han
Eunah Ko
Vice President
Director of Student Advocacy
Director of Public Relations: Excused
Director of Business Operations
Director of Government Relations
Graduate Senator
Senior Senator
Senior Senator
Junior Senator
Junior Senator
Sophomore Senator
Sophomore Senator
First Year Senator
First Year Senator
Confirm Agenda – 8:03am
Sara: moves to make an amendment to the agenda to add diversity resolution
Daniel: seconded the amendment
Brandon: moves to make a friendly amendment to add the ARC survey to agenda
Sara and Daniel agreed to the amendment
Motion passes 8-0-0
Brandon moves to approve agenda
Daniel seconded it
Motion passes 8-0-0
Approval of May 5th, 2015 Meeting Minutes - 8:05am
Sara: moves to approve the May 5th minutes
Yaman seconded the
Motion passes 8-0-0
Executive Board and Senator Reports – 8:05 am
Met with CSG to discuss CSTF agenda items
Attended CSTF Meeting
Participated in Board of Regents Open Forum on UW Presidential
Attended Diverse Student Union Meeting with Brittany
Met with UW PR consultant to prepare for 25th anniversary gala
Reviewed/provided feedback on UW Student Diversity
Survey/Diversity Action Plan
Participated in Coffee Chat with the Chancellor
Attended Chancellor’s Cabinet Meeting
Hosted Undergraduate Research Symposium Morning Session
Volunteered at Husky 5K, spoke at 25th anniversary celebration
Vice President
Participated in Board of Regents Open Forum on UW Presidential
Attended Diverse Student Union Meeting
Reviewed and provided feedback on the Diversity Action Plan
Attended Chancellor’s Cabinet Meeting
Community Engagement Sub Group Meeting
Reviewed the Traffic Technology Overview created by IT as a
solution to parking congestion
Creating a design/check list of resources to have on the sexual
violence prevention boards around campus
Continuing to have people take the Dawgs Take Action pledge
Attended the Presidential search forum
Met with Leah regarding the student diversity council
Posted ASUWB Roundtable marketing
Participated in coffee chat with chancellor
Met with George and Evan regarding information for a survey for a
potential ARC phase 2
Talked briefly with Kira from CSG on ARC phase 2 survey
Sara Grossie
Director of Public Relations
Josh Custer
Evan Gilbert
Created posters and quarter sheets for Holly's BDay Week
Finalized Holly’s bday week events
met with CSG to discuss Commuter Svcs agenda items
Marketed roundtable, punitive justice event, coffee chat with the
chancellor, and elections
Updated Holly events schedule (Team, please indicate if you are
available for the events still unconfirmed in yellow)
Updated food truck schedule in parking garage
Handled holly at the 5k
Director of Business Operations
ASUWB SAF Representative
Alumni Council Meeting
Transition documents
SAEF communication/presentation
5k tabling/ 5k event
2 community engagement meetings
Chancellors coffee talk
Director of Government Relations
Punitive Justice Event
Elections, Question/Answers
Discussed “I405 Tolling/Transportation” Event with Faculty
Weekly checkup with Kelly: Moving forward, I405 event planning
Weekly checkup with Andrea: WSA planning
Attended UW Presidential Search
Escorted US Representative Delbene to Undergraduate Research
Coffee talk with Chancellor
Graduate Senator
Senior Senator
Tabled for 5K on Tuesday from 1-2pm and Wednesday 12-1pm
Senior Senator
Follow up meeting with Vice Chancellor Jeffords regarding building
student faculty conflict
Worked on Transition Binder
Met with Evan for project briefing
Junior Senator
Met with the interim director of the Writing and Communication
Center and two other tutors about the student/faculty conflict
Handed out materials for sexual assault awareness and encouraged
students to sign the husky pledge.
Junior Senator
attended the planning and budgeting meeting for GFO
Justin Han
Eunah Ko
Sophomore Senator
Attended Diversity Council, details in Committee Reports
Compiled feedback from ASUWB for the Diversity Action Plan,
and forwarded those to Wayne Au
Working on fixing a minor glitch about the SABC mailing list
Continued working on the transition binder
Weighed in on the student office furniture for the first floor of the
ARC - which was later finalized by SFAC
Provided feedback for the UW Presidential Search
Sophomore Senator
Attended the UW Presidential Search in North Creek
First-Year Senator
Attended the UW president search in north creek
Handled Holly
Finished transition binder
First Year Senator
Emailed election’s Committee
Submitted Food Form for Transition Gathering Event
Committee Reports - 8:15am
Alumni Council
David Edwards
David Edwards
5k prep
elections held next meeting
No update
James Anderson and Brittany Monares
Very good enrollment for the coming year
Advancement - campaign still doing well. Fall of 2016 will
officially launch campaign. Halfway through the goal at this
April 24th, Wolf met with leadership to share vision and
Campaign priorities are done for each of the academic units.
these nest underneath the UWB as a whole
5 more years of campaign to come
Legislative budget - pending agreement for transport plan.
Looks like UWB might get more transit
Budget Update
o FY 16 process:
 Faculty hiring plan
 other commitments
 VC’s establish top priorities
 etc…
Club Council
Reasons for the increase in the revenue is attributable
to growth in FTE’s
o State will support faculty raises
o Must reduce budget by 375,000 to balance the budget
o VC’s will need to work with identifying areas to cut
o Will then be presented to the EC, posted for campus
wide-comments (early next week), and then the
chancellor approves.
o Reserves are available to offset increase in students’
wages for moving them up to $11 per hour.
James/Brittany will follow up with Sagan and Ana
o RFP Update - RFI Issues, several vendors came back.
o being held up by negotiations with CPO,
planning/budgeting, and Treasury
o This will be coupled with the housing. can’t have one
without the other
o potential coming to campus by 17 or 18
Student Code Update
o FAB, Student conduct board
o UWB will have 1 rep on the conduct board
o Chancellor Designee, clearer definitions
o More timely hearings
Drill happening the week of the 18th, will this affect events
we may have?
Eunah Ko and Brittany Monares
Budget Request
BSU Community Awareness -Tabled 3-0-1
CSA CHIME Academic & Professional Forum - Denied
(CSA delayed this event to Fall quarter)
CSA Clash of Cultures -Approved 3-0-1 $450
ETA Promotional items - Approved 3-0-1 $250
Husky Herald Banner - Approved 3-0-1 $80
Husky Herald Printing for Two special edition issues Approved 3-0-1 $900
JSA Clash of Cultures - Denied 0-3-1
JSA Clash of Cultures (2) - Approved 3-0-1 $1570
JSA Language Cafe with JSA - Approved 3-0-1 $550
MSA Bowling De-stress Event - Approved 3-0-1 $500
Rotaract Conference Funding - Approved 3-0-1 $2500
UWAVE Grassroots Media Workshop - Tabled 3-0-1 Need
more information
VSA Clash of Cultured - Approved 3-0-1 $285
VSA Rock Climbing with VSA - Denied 0-3-1
Last day to submit Budget Request May 11th
Commuter Task
Diversity Council
Downtown Bothell
Action Committee
General Faculty
General Staff
Graduate Advisory
Graduate Student
Living Learning
Community Task
Future Dining
Services Task
Provost Advisory
Residential Hall
Sara Grossie
Motion for tony to explore lighting options on 180th. Report
back during June. Possible options will include bollard lights
and 12’ lights
Rate increase question: 0% increase for 2015-2016
Justin Han & Yaman Harut
Diversity Director Report
Tri-campus conference about how to move the diversity
conversation forward
Drafting the Diversity Action Plan - working on
wordsmithing (grammar and minor details) as well as
overarching concepts
Discussion around the Diversity Week, the recap of the 2015
edition, and also where the funding is ideal to come from
Justin Nygard
No update
Justin Nygard
Voting ended last Thursday
Violation hearing this Wednesday
Hard Result release this Thursday
Brittany Monares
CCPB meeting today at 10AM (UW2-327)
Brittany Monares
Next meeting is tomorrow
Vacant- Graduate Student Senator
Vacant- Graduate Student Senator
Eunah Ko and Justin Han, 2 students at large
No Update
Sara Grossie and Justin Han
No Updates
James Anderson and Yaman Harut
No update
Eunah Ko/Horacio Rodriguez
Husky Pantry is a free resource as a reminder
Working on printer statement (Rachel Rodney)
Kickball tournament May 15th 3pm to whenever faculty
versus students
June 5th dance in the HVCC there will be a DJ and food
Positions will be open May 6th for president and VP (hired by
Husky rides will be on temporary hold due to repairs that cost
up to hundreds
James Anderson
 Final votes on student office furniture
 Option 2B is decided
 1st Floor Public Space
o everything flexible
o some indoor/outdoor
o in gaming room remove liability chairs and replace with
 2nd Floor Public Space
o vendor is determining how much space will be needed to
store all furniture shown on diagram
o provide feedback to Kaitlin
UWB students asking to designate some of the small alcove space to
be used as private reflection space for students
 students are concerned there is not enough space available
already on campus
o feel trying to put too much into this space
o this is a student building, this option would respect the
concerns of some students
o UWB students will not always feel comfortable using
Cascadia's room
o concerned based on already being told not meeting
student needs that this needs to be available
o idea of building to be a convergence of both students,
this would accommodate what students on both
campuses are looking for
 Operationally, what can we do?
o alcove space may be a challenge based on adjacency to
programming space
o unless assigned for a specific time as
 requesting of either an alcove or a meeting room
o repurposing of the meeting room may be best option to
meet needs
 specific times designated for purpose
o based on needs of students, it may not be able to be a
flexible space
 cleaning needs
 furniture movement
 would like to go back to other student groups and ask their
 would like to keep the space flexible, give it a shot for a time
and see what students see
 topic will be revisited next week so students can talk with their
SAF Committee
Student Conduct
Code Committee
Technology Fee
SAFE Campus
Campus Garden
Brittany Monares
Friday, May 15
UW1-280 (Rose Room)
Daniel Schmidt and Justin Han
No Updates
Justin Nygard / Horacio Rodriguez
Legislative Agenda was created, not finalized.
Created VP of Diversity
Horacio Rodriguez elected as VP of Outreach
UW Bothell awarded most persistent student lobbying.
Next WSA meeting is June 27th @ UWB, 10am
Legislators of the year awards
Welcomed Elissa Goss as new Executive Director
Approved of WSA budget
Board of Regents
City of Bothell
Food Truck Focus
bring feedback from groups regarding where would the
space be, what might it look like
o remember: meeting rooms will become hallways when
Phase 2 is complete
o Budget Update
David Edwards
Bylaw updates
Brittany Monares
No update
Daniel Schmidt and Josh Custer
No Update
Sara Grossie
Working on bylaws before the committee experiences
James Anderson
Meeting this Thursday
Brittany Monares
No Update
James Anderson
ARC Phase 2 survey
James Anderson
No Update
Brandon Johnson, Justin C. Han
No Updates
James Anderson
No update
Engagement Task
Health and Safety
Student Diversity
Legislative Update
James Anderson and Brittany Monares
No update
Brittany Monares/David Edwards
Conference called postponed
Sub group meetings/ updates
Brittany Monares
Next meeting is today from 10AM-11AM in UW1-103
Brandon Johnson
A student chair for the council has been found with the
stipulation that there would be at least one co-chair
Next meeting TBD held in the IDEA Project most likely
Waiting for space confirmation
Session has ended; Special Session starts Wednesday April
SB 5954 – Reducing Tuition [House Higher Education
SB 5518 and 5719 – Addressing campus sexual violence
prevention (task force and procedures) [5518 Passed; 5719
Awaiting Gov. Signature]
HB 1052 – Requiring institutions of higher education to make
an early registration process available to spouses and
domestic partners of active members of the military. [Passed]
SB 1138- Creating a task force on mental health and suicide
prevention in higher education. [Passed]
Old Business 8:35am
Fitness Center Access (Information Only, Cindy Shirley) (8:35-8:50am)
Dr. M: I’m doing mathematics undergraduate summer research funded by National Science
Foundation that will bring nine undergrad students, two from UWB and the others from around
the US colleges and will be living on campus housing.
So I would like to ask you to grant the nine students access to fitness center for the two months
they would be staying here
Justin Nygard: how long would they be on campus?
Dr. M.: For 8 weeks
Sara: I would rather change the policy so this type of problems doesn't come up again than
bending the rules just for one time event
Justin Nygard: moves to move the meetng to executive session
Daniel: seconded the motion
Motion passes: 10-1-0
SABC Nominations (Action Item, James Anderson) (8:50-9:00am)
James: We are waiting to hear back from them
New Business 8:35am
Diversity Resolution
Sara: I updated the diversity resolution
Daniel: we should call it diversity resources to be more inclusive
Sara: I will send out email on when the feedback a would be due
ARC Survey
Brandon: How to frame the survey to keep it more open, feedback for survey
Sara: we're planning to encoupurate this to our round table discussion
Kelley: makes the numbers in ranges than specific money amount, you have to have a money
guidance for big projects like this
Brandon: I would like any comment on how to involve cascadia
Andrea: you need a complimentary survey for cascadia as
Campus Food Update (Information Only, Chelsea Knodel) (9:00-9:20am)
Dining Hall Updates
Chelsea: There is a final draft for dinning services RFB, we are making the 15% or more work
force on the dinning committee to be students. Once we determine the size of the dinning hall,
we would know the cost, and then after that who would be funding the dinning project, so it
will move forward.
Food truck Updates
Chelsea: over the last quarter we brought 20 food truck, for next quarter we are thinking of
bringing 2 food truck at once for next school year
Josh: what's the procedure on bring the food truck in, in terms of price?
Chelsea: So far we were just trying to get the word out to the food truck community by bring
them in but now that we have, we could do more negotiating in terms of price range
WSA Membership Memorandum of Understanding (Action Item, Justin
Nygard) (9:20-9:40)
Justin Nygard: I would like to get consents from everyone about the voting members from
Hold for ASUWB Project Proposal Review (Information Only, James
Anderson) (TBD)
Caucus Time (TBD)
Open Student Testimony (TBD)
Announcements – 9:55
ULC is this Saturday
ASUWB Mini golf for spring fest
Adjournment – 10:00am
Yaman: moves to adjourn the meeting
Justin Han: seconded the motion
Motion passes 11-0-0