ASUWB Open Public Meeting DATE: January 27th, 2015 TIME: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM LOCATION: Rose Room, UW1-280 I. Call Meeting to Order – 8:00am Called to order 8:00am II. Attendance/Roll Call – 8:01am President Vice President – Late (8:09) Director of Student Advocacy Director of Public Relations Director of Business Operations Director of Government Relations – Late (8:07) Graduate Senator Senior Senator – Late (8:07) Senior Senator Junior Senator Junior Senator Sophomore Senator Sophomore Senator First Year Senator First Year Senator James Anderson Brittany Monares Brandon Johnson Sara Grossie David Edwards Justin Nygard Vacant Daniel Schmidt Josh Custer Naaz Sandhu Alicia Lookabill Yaman Harut Justin Han Horacio Rodriguez Eunah Ko III. Confirm Agenda – 8:03am Horacio moves to table Student Advisory Council and add WSA Update Justin Han seconds Motion passes 10-0-0 IV. Approval of January 20th Meeting Minutes - 8:05am Justin Han moves to table the Jan. 20th Meeting Minutes Nazz seconds Motion passes 10-0-0 V. Executive Board and Senator Reports – 8:05 am James Anderson President Participated in Farmers Marketing meeting with CSG and HERO’s Brittany Monares Brandon Johnson Met with Advisors for weekly check in meeting Continued Work on the “Class of 2015 Emergency Fund” Attended SFAC Meeting Met with Brittany for weekly check in Met with Director of Strategic Initiatives for the UW Bothell School of Business Met with ASUWB team members to discuss Academic and Budget Council Met with UW School of Public Health Student to discuss how to get involved in leadership Met with Joe Shelley and Russ Canon to discuss the continuation of Persistence Plus Met with Cham Kao and CSG to discuss a peer escort service for students Participated in the Pathways to Academic Engagement Event for First Year Students Attended Provost Advisory Committee (PAC’s) meeting with Yaman Harut Organized Student Government Tri Campus Meeting Prepared recommendations for the ABC Vice President Drafted letters and printed pictures for the people to lent us items for the MLK day of service Revised the proposed student conduct code and made edits re: the sexual assault part. Attended the student conduct code revision meeting at UW Seattle with Gina Christian Helped create sandwich board marketing for ASUWB 101 and put them in UW2 Weekly meetings with senators, started to create work plans with them Marketing of lack green visit Scheduled a meeting with Darren Brannum Followed up on the safety focus group meeting in order to get put within a subcommittee focus group Began working on video ideas for the its on us campaign launch Read over and made some edits to a piece of proposed legislation that Justin gave me re: sexual harassment and assault Started to organize ASUWB round tables for student at large to attend that were a mirror of the first one we did. Director of Student Advocacy Created poster board highlighting ASUWB for Pathways/ASUWB 101 Tabled at Pathways event Attended Camps Space Meeting Marketed the Student of the Month Emailed Elections Committee Chair Megan to go over details of ASUWB 101 Composed a list of alternative class times with Horacio based on survey results Digitalized notes for the Academic & Budgetary Council Had check-in meeting with James Had check-in meeting with Andrea Attended committee meetings Held Office Hours Director of Public Relations Marketed Laci Green Marketed ASUWB 101 Marketed Elections Committee Sent student feedback to Chelsea re: Subway Prices, and Vegetarian Options with Food Trucks Marketed Lobby Days Met with Andrea Updated website: Student Discounts Updated website: Agendas and Minutes Director of Business Operations SAEF Application Communication ASUWB Budget Presentation 5 Publicly Posted Office Hours CACES 5k planning meeting Alumni Conference Call SAF Meeting Joe Shelly Meeting about Persistence Plus Director of Government Relations Meeting on ABC (Academic Budgetary Council); Drafted ABC (Academic Budgetary Council Bylaws); Met with students, discussing Huskies on the Hill; Reviewed Jan 19 Lobby Day with students that went; Listened to political media (State of the Union, Committees, etc); Office Hours; Bill Tracking; Meeting with Kelly; Meeting with Andrea; Made meetings for Jan 28 Lobby Day Sara Grossie David Edwards Justin Nygard Graduate Senator – n/a Senior Senator Vacant Daniel Schmidt Held Office Hour Met with Josh Met with Brittany Met with people about the Academic Budgeting Council (ABC) Senior Senator Josh Custer Naaz Sandhu Alicia Lookabill Yaman Harut Held Office Hours due Met with Daniel Met with Brittany Worked with Horacio on UWB Facilities email regarding the men’s bathrooms Created and planned out tentative schedule for projects Junior Senator Met up with weekly check-in with Brittany Scheduled meeting with Brittany and Andrea Held office Hours Having an on going discussion relating having heaters while tabling with Chelsea, still waiting for response. Tabled with Bradley during office hours Training with Sam to have music playing while we table Assisted Brandon and Horacio Rodriguez with hanging up Student of the Month posters Had a weekly quarter meeting with Andrea Junior Senator Safe Campus committee meeting Office Hour Set up meeting with faculty member for discussing health service on campus Reviewed SAEF applicants Sophomore Senator Attended PACS meeting at UW Seattle with James Anderson. Details in Committee Reports Started to draft a timeline for the deadlines on project Holly. Worked with Horacio Rodriguez to find a replacement for us both to sit on RHA. Reviewed the SAEF applicants for today’s meeting. Had a weekly Senate check-in with Brittany Had a quarterly check-in with Andrea Had a check-in with Ali Sasanian from RHA to figure out the best times for ASUWB + RHA, and who could work around that time frame Attended / tabled Pathways to Academic Engagement Fair on Monday Worked on Holly the Husky’s design Held office hours on Tuesday Participated in a meeting with Kimberly Campbell from CSG (along Justin Han Horacio Rodriguez Eunah Ko with James and Brandon) to figure out logistics for the upcoming ARC Forum Continued working on the inspiration board for the furniture options @ the ARC Updated the Food Truck Board on the parking garage Sophomore Senator Meet with Leah Shelton planning for next steps of the Diversity Union Connected Students with Staff members for a Bruma Information Session Attended Safety Focus Group Contacted 21 Acres for UW Bothell Night Market Reviewed SAEF Applications Provided David Edwards feedback regarding the SAEF Applicants Forwarded Assistant Vice Chancellor Elain Haig-Winder to Eunah for her to contact her regarding our Living Learning Committee First Year Senator Collaborated the “mini-urinal cake project” with Josh Custer Collaborated with Justin Han & Brandon Johnson in hanging Legislative Agenda Posters Held office hours Re-scheduled weekly meetings with Brittany Monares Attended quarterly meeting with Andrea Tabling with Brandon Johnson Attended winter training with most of ASUWB team Attended Brandon Johnson’s “Roundtable” Attended Olympia “training day” with Just Nygard & Kelly Snyder Attended lobby day in Olympia and tried asking for a tuition with Justin Nygard, James Anderson, Brandon Johnson, and Daniel Schmit Met with Betsy Brown about “ 11vs.11 soccer tournament” Replaced Alicia Lookabill on the RHA committee as a co-representative to Yaman Harut (main rep) Attended the RHA “Block Party” & communicated with RHA executive board Hung up graduate senator flyers with Brandon Johnson & Naaz Collaborated with James Anderson, Daniel Schmidt, and Justin Nygard Took lead on Pathways tabling for ASUWB representation Collaborated with Brandon Johnson about course offerings survey (feedback from the Roundtable) First Year Senator Weekly meeting with Brittany Held office hour Attended Club Council Meeting VI. Emailed Elain Haig-Winder regarding Living Learning committee SAEF Presentation -8:15am (Action Item, David Edwards) Alex Lefort, Erin (Bri) McCloskey, Lexi Menth All three would like to attend the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Have been working on projects surround crows on campus – particularly vocalizations All will be presenting at the conference and have received scholarships to attend Daniel moves to approve Alexander Lefort for $316.82 for lodging and poster printing Justin seconds Alicia makes an amendment to increase total to $542.82 Motion passes 13-0-0 Daniel moves to approve Erin (Bri) McCloskey for $682.82 for lodging, workshops, field trips, train, and poster printing Yaman seconds Motion passes 13-0-0 Yaman moves to approve Lexi Menth for $913.82 for lodging, workshopes, field trips, train, and poster printing Daniel seconds Motion passes 13-0-0 VII. Committee Reports - 8:25am Alumni Council Art Advisory Committee CACES Chancellor's Cabinet Club Council David Edwards No updates Horacio Rodriguez No updates David Edwards Meets 4th Thurs. of each month now James Anderson and Brittany Monares No updates Eunah Ko and Brandon Johnson Club Approval o Association for computerized machinery Club - Approved o Women in Business Club - Approved o Pre-Med Club - Approved o Debate Society - Approved Budget Request o o Commuter Task Force Diversity Council Downtown Bothell Action Committee Elections Committee General Faculty Organization General Staff Organization Graduate Advisory Committee Graduate Student Council Living Learning Community Task Force Future Dining Services Task Force Provost Advisory Committee BSU Movie Night - $500 Approved Valentine/White day with JSA - $150 Approved Brief discussion about new gaming devices checkout (Xbox, Play Station, etc) Sara Grossie (Justin Nygard Backup) New Surface lot – 145 spaces Rate increase presentation: o No rate increase since 2012 o Need to think about cost of future parking structure and possible rate changes to accommodate that cost Naaz Sandhu, Justin Han No updates Justin Nygard Next Meeting is 2/18 Brittany Monares and Justin Nygard Meetings are every Wed. 11-1:00 Who else can attend this quarter? Brittany Monares No updates Brittany Monares No updates Vacant- Graduate Student Senator Vacant- Graduate Student Senator Eunah Ko and Justin Han, 2 students at large n/a Sara Grossie and Justin Han Need someone else to attend the next meeting (2/4) James Anderson and Yaman Harut The Life Sciences Building Project o Cost projected to be $160M, $120M coming out of the tuition dollars Emma: What about a shuttle of sorts to connect the two ends of the campus? What is the University Transportation Committee’s stance on it? o Aaron: The UTC doesn’t look into expanding into that anytime soon Incorporation of the West Campus Development Framework o Rebuilding the area south of the dorms + the waterfront o Big discussion especially for childcare Residential Hall Association SFAC facilities The 20-year vision for how the South Campus could look like Campus Masterplan developed in ‘03 o Signifies that UW Seattle can’t grow as such anymore o New campus masterplan coming out in ‘15 - could provide a new blueprint as to UW can grow. Funding strategies for some of the larger projects o Important to recognize the ripple effect that one school creates on the other. UW is very interconnected and intertwined What made it to the Governor’s Budget and how accurate of a predictor it is (not that accurate) PACS’ main priority: Protecting tuition dollars and ensure that they are used for the right reasons o UWB side of things: Space. 95% class utilization rate tells all. Alicia Lookabill Katie & Chelsea came to talk about the 0% for housing residents Tips were given on energy saving and Lag results by Ben Future Events for housing Super Bowl event (food, balloons, and decorations) Husky Pantry Valeri Event (sex-ed) “Cookies-anda-condom” RHA Bike Budget James Anderson Amy will be reaching out to facilities to compare bids to a third party vendor Terence met with Ana to discuss this Amy met with Tom Mullins to look over timeline of contractors and subcontractors. This will be a presentation to let us know what is going into the building. Reviewed outdoor furniture selections presented by physical planning SAF Committee David Edwards •Discussed Annual Cycle Student Conduct Code Committee Student Technology Fee Committee Emergency Preparedness Committee SAFE Campus Working Committee Technology Advisory Committee Washington Students Association Campus Garden Committee Board of Regents Review of the ILP loan- Brittany Monares and Naaz Sandhu Met in Seattle last week, making small edits to the code, getting ready to start sharing it with others to get their feedback possibility of Gina or Katie coming to ASUWB to revise it. Daniel Schmidt and Josh Custer Josh Custer joined the committee Membership Meet will new STF members STF First Cycle Proposals Closed STF Met on 1/16/15 from 9-11am Talked about proposals Alicia Lookabill No updates Alicia Lookabill and Brittany Monares n/a Daniel Schmidt and Justin Han Talked with Joe Shelley about the committee and emailed him to see when the first meeting is happening. Justin Nygard See agenda item – JulieAnne Behar here today to update ASUWB Team Sara Grossie Next Meeting is this Friday, 1/30 James Anderson ILP reduction in annual percentage rate from 5.5% to 4.75% Borrowers have surplus for savings Economic Impact for State is $12.5 billion with 79,331 jobs Student Satisfactory Report by Ed Taylor 1. Surveying students to question whether or not they are satisfied with their experience at UW 2. Do we have a metric to measure this at UW Bothell? Legislative Update: Governor’s “book 2 budget” w/o new taxes provides UW $270 City of Bothell Meetings CSG GPSS Faculty/Staff Awards Committee Food Truck Focus Group UW BIG Facilities Use Working Group million in support UW responsible for 70% of operating costs for coming biennium with this proposal Brittany Monares No updates James Anderson James will now be meeting monthly with CSG President to discuss the work being done on each campus Student Security Escort Group is being discussed with CSG representatives James Anderson Alicia Lookabill and Sara Grossie No updates Brandon Johnson, Justin C. Han No updates James Anderson and Brittany Monares 3 proposals were received a. Supporting Learning in Large Gateway Classes b. Diversity Speaker: Jeff Chang ($3,000 from UW BIG and the other $2,000 will be done through external partnerships. c. BOLD Women’s Leadership Camp V.2 ($5,000) for either IslandWood Partial Deposit or IslandWood Challenge Course d. Engineering Refresher Course: Is this a responsibility of UW BIG or the University since it was very targeted. James Anderson VIII. Old Business 9:00am Residential Housing Rates 2015-2016 (Information Only, Chelsea Handran) (9:00am-9:20am) Recap: Chelsea and Katie came to ASUWB meeting in December to brief us on the process of setting housing rates The decision was made by administration that the housing rates will not increase for the next academic year (first time rates have not been increased) Student Advisory Council Update (Action Item, James Anderson) WSA Update (Information Only, JulieAnne Behar) Legislative Advocacy: WSA Priorities 1. Affordability -Increasing higher ed funding: maintaining tuition freeze -Defining College Affordability: “Affordability as Workability” model created by UW Seattle as response to legislators believing students can work their way through college. This model uses dollar amount of student working 20 hours per week. Sen. Bailey agreed to sponsor this. 2. Voter Access -Motor Voter Preregistration -Moving the current registration deadlines 3. Graduate and Professional Student Education, Childcare Funding, WA National Guard Conditional Scholarship Days of Action: Affordability - 2/25, 4/8 Ending Campus Sexual Violence – 3/4 Board Meetings: 1/31 – Evergreen 2/14 – Olympia 3/7 – Olympia IX. New Business 9:45am ASUWB Budget Update (Information only, David Edwards) Remaining balance for each category is represented in the Excel from Marie SAEF is not updated because a lot of applicants have been approved and have not traveled yet David will update the Excel to the Google Drive Hold for SAEF Applications (Action Item, David Edwards) X. Caucus Time XI. Announcements – 9:55 Academic Budget Council – Would anyone else like to help? Contact James and/or Daniel if interested. There’s a project wall in the office updated by Brittany – ask for help there if you need it. Please submit your committee reports on time – Note “no new updates” if there is nothing new to report. Please submit marketing requests at least a week, ideally two weeks, ahead of time. Sat. February 7th: First Tri-Campus meeting. Directors are required to attend. XII. Adjournment – 10:00am Daniel Moves to adjourn Justin N. seconds Motion passes 12-1-0