Algebra II w/ Trigonometry

Algebra II w/ Trigonometry
Fall 2012
Instructor: Mrs. S. Montgomery
Room: 2505
Phone: 342-2670
Course Description
Algebra II With Trigonometry is a course designed to extend students’ knowledge of Algebra I with additional
algebraic and trigonometric content. Mastery of the content standards for this course is necessary for student
success in higher-level mathematics. The use of appropriate technology is encouraged for numerical and
graphical investigations that enhance analytical comprehension. Algebra II With Trigonometry is required for all
students pursuing the Alabama High School Diploma with Advanced Academic Endorsement. Algebra 2 is
strongly recommended for students planning to enter a 4-year college after high school. The course expands
and continues the study of algebraic concepts. Emphasis is placed on functions, quadratics, exponents,
logarithms, complex numbers, sequences and series, trigonometry and polynomials. Students explore
radicals, graphing and coordinate geometry, matrices, and functional notation. Scientific and graphing
calculators are used when appropriate and available
Course Prerequisites
Completion of Geometry or its equivalent
Textbooks and Materials
Algebra II (Glencoe, 2004) is the text for this course. Students can find their textbooks online at
Username: ALG205
Password: tHu9eChA
Selection of supplemental materials maybe used. The following is a list of materials needed for this class:
 three ring binder(if available)
 scientific and graphing calculators (TI-84 preferably)
 pencils-Work completed in pen will not be graded!!!
 graph paper
 1 package of copy paper for use by teacher to run off supplemental material and a $5 donation.
Attendance and Conduct
All Tuscaloosa County Board policies, individual school policies, and classroom rules will be followed. You are
expected to attend everyday. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to come get all missed
assignments. You are only allowed to make-up work if the absence is EXCUSED.
Grading Policy
The final grade for each nine-week grading period will be based on various methods of assessment. These
methods may include, but are not limited to, tests, homework assignments, journals/logs, projects, portfolios,
essays, organized notebooks, quizzes (announced and unannounced), and class participation. Credit for late
assignments will not be given unless the student has an excused absence. Each student will have a minimum
of at least one grade per week. A mandatory comprehensive assessment will be administered at the end of the
first nine-week term and a comprehensive final examination at the end of the second nine-week term will count
twenty percent (20%) of the course final grade. The sum of the two nine weeks’ averages will be multiplied by
two and added to the course final exam grade. This total will be divided by five to get the course final grade.
Mandatory comprehensive final examinations are administered to all students except those students meeting
the exemption criteria. The final course grade for students who meet exemption criteria will be determined
from the average of the two nine weeks’ grades.
Point Values for Assignments
Homework/Projects/Notebook/Class Participation/Other
Nine Weeks Tests (2nd nine weeks test is optional)
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I feel that it is necessary to stress the importance of each student completing his/her homework. By
completing assigned homework assignments, it helps to strengthen and review concepts covered in
class. Homework will not be taken up on a daily basis; however, it will be reviewed in the next class
Essential Functions
To be successful in this class, students must be able to perform the following (at the 9th grade level or higher)
 Read and comprehend the text and supplemental material
 Communicate in writing and orally using standard grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph
 Participate in class discussions and activities
 Take accurate and useful class notes including example problems
 Work effectively and productively in groups and teams
 Keep a notebook of all grades, notes, class work, homework, and graded papers
 Use and apply arithmetic skills presented in grades K-8 and/or previous math courses
Classroom Rules:
 If you enter the room after the tardy bell rings then you are tardy. You should go to the restroom
and water fountain before the bell rings.
 You will come to class on time and prepared to participate everyday. You should always be
prepared to use any material listed above. On test days or individual assignments, you ARE
NOT allowed to share calculators.
 Be prepared for a quiz or some type of grade every day of the week.
 You can only earn credit for missed assignments if the absence is EXCUSED. You are
expected to ask for the missed work. If BONUS/EXTRA-CREDIT WORK is given out on a day
you miss, you WILL NOT be allowed to make it up. If you are planning to be out ahead of time
(field trips, etc.) you must get your assignments in advance when possible.
 You are expected to complete ALL MATH assignments on time and MAY NOT return to your
locker for an assignment. You will complete all math assignments before working on
assignments from other classes. During lecture and assignment time, work from other classes
will be taken up and it is up to Mrs. Montgomery if the material is returned.
 You will be expected to write using a PENCIL ONLY. Work done in pen WILL NOT be graded.
 You are expected to turn in assignments on time. ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT A NAME WILL
 There will be NO FOOD – GUM – CANDY – DRINKS allowed in the classroom.
I have read the above syllabus and class rules. I am also aware that students grades will only be given out at
the end of the 9-weeks on their report card.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
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