6th Grade – Ms. Webb– Will Rogers Middle School – jinne.horger@sanjuan.edu 6th Grade English and History Dear Parents/Guardians: I welcome your child to my English/History course at Will Rogers. I am excited to have the opportunity to teach your child and hope to have your support along the way. Below is an overview of the course curriculum, supplies, and grading policy. History Units of Study-History Alive! Curriculum: Investigating the Past Ancient Egypt and the Near East Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome English Units of Study: Launching Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop Personal Narrative Raising the level of Reading Notebooks Persuasive Literary Fiction Nonfiction Textbooks that stay at school: Prentice Hall Literature Book, stays in locker, replacement fee of $90 History Alive! Ancient History textbook stays with table materials on bookshelf in classroom Supplies PROVIDED by the school: Two composition books for Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop Planner 2 Spiral Notebooks to use for History Interactive Notebooks shared colored pencils shared rulers shared scissors and glue bottles paper and materials needed for projects Supplies you MIGHT want to purchase for your student: highlighters (several colors) large binder to hold pencil pouch, class rules, planner and completed assignments stickers, washi tape and other decorations for Writer’s Notebook pencils, colored pencils. and pens roll of tape rulers scissors and glue sticks pencil pouch clear page protectors for class syllabi (class rules) Assignments: The only assigned homework is reading for 30 minutes each school night. Classwork becomes homework if not completed at the end of class. Assignments are to be completed, ready to turn in by due date. Student must participate in class collaboration for full credit. 6th Grade – Ms. Webb– Will Rogers Middle School – jinne.horger@sanjuan.edu Lunch time may be available for extra help or extra time. Students will not be penalized for late/incomplete work, it will be graded and given back to complete. If student does not earn passing score, assignment will be completed during makeup days at the end of the quarter. History Interactive Notebook (HIN): This is a spiral bound notebook students use to record learning. It will be used as a reference during tests and writing assignments. The HIN is left in the classroom unless missing assignments need to be made up. If HIN is lost, student must make up all assignments in HIN that have not been graded yet. Writer’s Notebook (WN): This is a composition book we use to gather, collect, write, edit, share and celebrate our writing. We also use it to do Reader’s Workshop as well. It can be decorated with stickers and supplies brought from home NWEA/MAP Testing: These tests are given on laptops the school provides. The tests are intuitive and let us know your child’ s strengths and weaknesses. MAP testing is done throughout the year. The Smarter Balanced Common Core testing will be in the Spring Pages Per Week (PPW) goal setting Students will be reading for part of their grade in English. We hope they love books and become lifelong readers. As part of Reader’s Workshop, we track pages read for one week in class, for 10 minutes. The consistent rate over that week is then multiplied by 6, then by 3=total pages read in 3 hours. Students will set goals for each quarter in an effort to increase stamina and complexity. The 40 Book Challenge Students will be graded on reading 10 books per quarter. Our hope is that they will choose books in their “just right” range and abandon less books. In the end, they will have read 40 books! I am completing the challenge as well. Accelerated Reader (AR) We use STAR testing, a reading level test, as part of the AR program at our school. It generates a suggested reading range and helps children make better book choices. Students should take the AR test within 48 hours of completing the book. This is how students will complete the 40 Book Challenge. Books NOT in the AR reading program will have to be approved by the teacher first and a writing assignment will be given in place of the AR test. Scholastic Book Orders The Scholastic Book Club allows students to purchase books for personal use. Points are then earned by the classroom and used to buy classroom library books. Order forms will be given out monthly and books can also be ordered online at www.scholastic.com, class code N8N96 Effort Grade Students complete weekly self assessment, grading their effort for the week. These assessments also allow the student to write a weekly note to the teacher. Grading Policy: Students will be earning letter grades. You can view your child’s grades by signing up for the Q Connect Parent Portal. Parents can ask for login information at our school office. Then access at home on computer or in our Parent Resource Center in Room 1. Student grades will also be posted weekly on bulletin board just inside classroom. Student’s grade is based on the points earned/points possible. The student’s grade is largely based on assessment performance: 6th Grade – Ms. Webb– Will Rogers Middle School – jinne.horger@sanjuan.edu Tests/Projects/Essays - 70% Assignments/Reading: - 25% Class Participation - 5% A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59 Wish List of Classroom Donations: If you can donate any of the following to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated!!! Clorox wipes (would like to clean tables once a week Scissors, glue sticks Reading corner pillows (washable, 2’X2’) Large carpet for our Writer’s Workshop corner (10’X15’) Kleenex Construction paper, any size, color Class Procedures: 1. Student will enter room quietly with: pencil, or pen, planner, and completed work.. 2. Student will collect table materials, sit in assigned seat, and begin bellwork before the bell rings. 3. Student will raise hand and wait to be acknowledged before sharing. 4. Student will help put table materials away, stand up and push chair in. 5. Teacher will dismiss by quiet groups at the end of class. Student Expectations: Student will fully participate and share ideas respectfully with teacher and others. Student will ask teacher or peers for help. Student will celebrate differences and strengths in other students. Behavior Policies: · First Occurrence: verbal warning · Second Occurrence: quiet desk in classroom/teacher conference, possible lunch detention · Third Occurrence: lunch detention, refocus, parent signature, call home · Fourth Occurrence: office referral and call home Ways to contact Ms. Webb Email jinne.horger@sanjuan.edu Phone 916-971-7889 _____________cut and return bottom only_________________________________________ Students Name ____________________________________ Period # __________________ Student Signature ____________________________________________________________ 6th Grade – Mrs. Horger– Will Rogers Middle School – jinne.horger@sanjuan.edu Parent Signature _____________________________________________________________ Best contact number _________________________________________________________ Anything else I should know about your student: