to View the Letter - Laurel County Schools

August 31, 2015
Dear North Laurel High School Senior Class of 2016:
Congratulations! Senior year is finally here! We wanted to take this
opportunity to share some dates and general information with you. Please, be aware
that debts will have to be paid before you can participate in the graduation ceremony. Debts do carry over from year to
year. Throughout the year check in the library, lunchroom, with team coaches, etc. to clear all debts.
We will be using to keep you informed about important announcements and deadlines.
Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private. Teachers will never see your
phone number, nor will you see theirs.
To receive messages via text, text
@5b179 to 81010.
Or to receive messages via email, send an email to
September 8th (Tuesday) –
Parent/Teacher Conference 4:30-6:30
COLLEGE FAIR and Information Session
Financial Aid Workshop 6:10
 Parent/Teacher Conference is from 4:30-6:30
 COLLEGE FAIR is from 4:00-6:00- twelve to
fifteen colleges and several branches of the military
will have exhibits set up and representatives
available to answer questions, provide materials, etc.
The Fair will be in the library.
 Financial Aid Workshop, Information session, and
Community Scholarships- starting at 6:10 in the
auditorium, Keith Ritchie, KHEAA representative,
will do a financial aid workshop. Immediately
following, we will discuss senior year expectations,
expenses, scholarships, and the college application
 If you would like to pay cap & gown fee or order
yearbook, we will accept payment on the 8th.
September 8th – December 18th
Graduation Cap & Gown Fee
All seniors must purchase a cap & gown if they
plan on participating in the graduation ceremony.
The total fee for the cap and gown is $55 until Dec.
18. This $55 fee is not included in the KGI bill for
cards, invitations, etc. After Dec. 18, the fee goes up
to $65. This fee is nonrefundable. The $55 price holds
as long as at least a $5 deposit has been made by Dec.
18. Cap and gown payments are made to Mrs.
Napier in Room 102. Caps and gowns will be
distributed a few days before graduation.
“WKU Open House”
September 17th (Thursday)
Center for Rural Development,
Somerset, KY 6:30 pm
Any student interested in
Western KY University is encouraged to attend the event that
will take place at the Center for Rural Development. Students
can gather important information on majors, scholarships and
deadlines, talk to advisers and meet current WKU students.
RSVP by September 7th to receive a gift from WKU at checkin. Register at
“Meet MSU”
October 1st (Thursday) London
Community Center, London,
KY 6:00 pm – 8:00pm
Any student interested in
Morehead State University is encouraged to attend the event
that will take place at the London Community Center.
Students can gather important information on majors,
scholarships and deadlines, talk to advisers and meet current
students. Application fee will be waived and there will be a
drawing for $500 textbook voucher.
October 19th (Monday) Southeastern KY Regional
College Fair at University of the
Cumberlands in Williamsburg, KY.
This fair is held during the school day. All
students are encouraged to attend. Permission slips will
be sent home at a later date. Over 40 colleges and
universities will have representatives available.
Scholarship information can be found at:
Click on Schools/NorthLaurel/Guidance and scholarship
and financial aid information.
Senior information can be found at:
Click on schools/North Laurel/Guidance/12th Grade
Test Information—ACT
Seniors planning to attend
college or technical schools may want to retake the ACT
exam. The cost is $39.50.
Students must make:
18 in English 22 in Math
23 in Science 22 in Reading
on each subtest to avoid taking developmental (no
credit) college courses. Application forms and practice
exams are available in the Guidance Office. Seniors
who receive free or reduced fee lunch may obtain an
ACT Fee Waiver in the Guidance Office prior to the
registration deadline.
September 18th (Friday) - Deadline to register for
ACT Exam on October 24th at South Laurel
November 6th (Friday) - Deadline to register for
ACT Exam on December 12th at North Laurel.
Test Information--SAT
September 3rd (Thursday) – Deadline to register for
SAT Exam on October 3rd at North Laurel.
October 9th (Friday) – Deadline to register for SAT
Exam on November 7th at North Laurel.
February 5th (Friday) – Deadline to register for SAT
exam on March 5th at North Laurel.
Senior Picture Information
Senior pictures will be taken on
Tuesday October 20th &
Wednesday October 21st
 Our school pictures will be taken by Lifetouch.
Each senior will receive a personal card prior to
picture day with an appointment time with the
photographer. Please make arrangements to be
at school and prepared for the appointment.
 Every senior needs to have his/her picture taken
at school, whether he/she plans to buy them or
not. The school photos are the ones used in the
school graduation announcements that are
submitted to the local newspapers.
 If you’re bringing a casual picture from an
outside photographer, the photographer will
need to send Mrs. Gray or Mrs. Sears a photo,
with written copyright release, through email by
Spring Break. If you have questions, contact
 Senior yearbook ads are available for purchase.
See Mrs. Gray or Mrs. Sears for an information
form that includes pricing and details.
 Juniors who plan on completing their credits to
graduate with the Class of 2016 also need to
have their pictures taken as a senior to be
included with the graduating class.
The 2016 yearbook (Sr. year) will be available for
preorder. Ordering instructions will be available on
September 8th. Be sure to preorder to guarantee that
you receive your senior yearbook. If the book is a
sell-out no additional copies will be available.
September 22nd KGI Day (Tuesday) –
8:30 am CARDS & INVITATIONS (Optional)
Best wishes for a successful year,
Seniors may order graduation invitations and
additional items. We have included a sample order form so
you and your child can discuss expenditure limits. We will
not be able to order additional items at the end of the year, so
please order a sufficient supply.
A $70 deposit to KGI will be due on this date. The balance
will be due in the spring --- whether or not your child
completes all graduation requirements on time. KGI will mail
you a postcard with the balance due. If your child orders less
than $70, then the order should be paid in full on September
22nd. Seniors are not required to order any items from KGI.
You may check out KGI’s graduation items at KGI accepts Visa, Master Card, American
Express, and Discover. If you wish to pay with credit card on
September 22nd, please bring the card, or, provide the
following three items: type of card, card number, and
expiration date. Even if seniors are not ordering items from
KGI, they need to put height and weight on KGI form so
cap and gown can be ordered.
Senior Class Sponsors of 2016
For online access to this information please visit
the North Laurel High School website.
1300 E. Hal Rogers Pkwy.
London, Kentucky 40741
Phone: (606) 862-4699
Fax: (606) 862-4701
August 31, 2015
Dear Senior and Parents,
Each senior is required to pay a fee for cap and gown/graduation. The fee of
$55.00 may be paid to Mrs. Napier in Room 102.
This fee IS NOT included in the $70.00 deposit paid to KGI.
A deposit of $5.00 will hold the price at $55.00; otherwise after Christmas Break
the cost will increase to $65.00.
You may also use the form below to mail payments to:
North Laurel High School
ATTN: Bridgette Napier
1300 Hal Rogers Parkway
London, KY 40741
2016 Cap and Gown Payment
Name of Senior:
JAGS Teacher:
Check Number: