Y3/4 Temples, Tombs & Treasures

Dear Parents,
Over the next few weeks, Years 3 and 4 will be will be learning about ancient civilisations through
the topic of TEMPLES, TOMBS and TREASURES.
During this unit we will be focusing on History, PE, Music, Art and International.
As Historians, we’ll be:
Finding out about the importance of rivers to ancient civilisations
Finding out about the daily life of Egyptians
Learning how to write using Egyptian hieroglyphics
Finding out about the different rulers of Egypt
Finding out about Ancient Egyptian religions and burials
Finding out how pyramids were built
Finding out about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb
Using sources to find out about Ancient Sumer
Comparing life in Ancient Sumer with life in Ancient Egypt
As Musicians, we’ll be:
Learning about the instruments used in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Sumer
Creating our own music to retell a story from an Ancient civilisation
As Artists, we’ll be:
Creating our own tomb wall painting
Making an Ancient Egyptian headdress
As Internationalists, we’ll be:
Planning an Ancient Egyptian party to share with family and friends
We already know the interest you take in your child’s work. If you can, please discuss with your child
the work they have done as the term progresses and let them teach you.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Whitehouse and Mr Connor